How should the modern redpilled woman dress in public? You guys are always complaining about girls being too sluty nowadays so Im wondering what you guys have in mind.
How should the modern redpilled woman dress in public...
>How should the modern redpilled woman dress in public
Not like that. She is playing the whore and looks immodest.
Tay tay clothes are okay with me . Not too sluty and still look good
Built for BBC
This is how modern women should wear clothes
I find it ironic how some Arab nations have laws that actively prevent the type of degeneracy seen in the west yet mock their "unfair" treatment of women. Its like, are Jow Forumsacks really just feminists in disguise?
Rape them
Women can dress whatever way they want. We aren't Muslims.
They just don't get to pretend they aren't putting on a sexual display when they are wearing next to nothing in public. This is the standard that men are held to and it should also apply to women in the interests of fairness.
Dresses are nice
Women shouldn't be seen in public.
Completely naked.
We need full transparency.
>does not apply to fatties
>Women shouldn't be seen in public.
are y'all niggas gay or something?
>This is the standard that men are held to
she's actually covered up compared to most US women in the summer
trash, and women expect to just be respected. by betas no doubt but a real man doesn't respect a trashy whore
hooker tier
i have a huge hardon on 50's and 60's chicks
What's wrong with what I said?
If some faggot was walking around in a mankini in a gay pride parade, would you seriously argue he isn't putting on a sexual display?
This is fine. Neither too frumpy nor sluttt
yes but it's rare to see real dresses rather than miniskirts anymore
Dress roughly around ankle height, a little higher is okay. No cleavage. Pants are okay as long as they do not go further than knee height. High heels are retarded and should not be worn.
Not her. She's dressed exactly like a Seventies hooker. I'm an oldfag. I was there.