Was it worth it Jow Forums? Why did Americans let our country become what it is today?

Somewhere in America right now one of the last WW2 veterans is lying in hospice care taking his final breaths. He looks around his hospice room at his family gathered before him - most of them barely look up from their phones. His grandson - who sells Japanese cars for a living - leaves the room to check his emails. His eldest great-grandson has green hair, identifies as a 'demi-queer pansexual' and wears a Che Guevara t-shirt color-matched to his nose ring. His eldest great-granddaughter has a neck tattoo, never finished high school, and is pregnant with her second mixed-race child out of wedlock. All of his great-grandchildren here with him are legal adults that still live with their parents and vote leftist. The veteran doesn't know it, but his descendants are online daily proclaiming what a good thing it is for 'progress' that he and his generation are almost gone. They believe everything would be better if there were just less people like him; straight, white, masculine patriotic men. They're glad he's dying. His strength and character were a constant reminder of what inferior people they are.

As the veteran lays there seeing what's become of his country and his family, he looks back on his life. He thinks of the younger brother he lost fighting Communism with the 1st Marine Division in Korea and the young son he lost to Communism in Vietnam. He thinks of the 43 years he spent working at the plant and paying his taxes, money that now goes to illegals instead of citizens. He thinks about how his family home outside Detroit was once a model neighborhood where people left doors unlocked, but now resembles a third-world hellscape where gunfire is heard nightly. He thinks about the decades of nightmares he quietly endured nightly, picturing the face of that 15-year-old Kraut he bayoneted on Elsenborn Ridge and the pieces of what were once his friends lying in the reddened snow - and as he closes his eyes he wonders...

"Was it all worth it?"

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck white people

So is this Nigger going back to Africa?

>"Was it all worth it?"

Hang on I'm checking my emails

I’m depressed now

What the fuck are you altright faggots crying about? You do literally the same thing, burn the flag, spit on it, call our veterans "servants of Israel," you hate this fucking country and you want it to burn. What makes you different from that jungle monkey?

No one on Jow Forums is alt-right. Try TRS

We're far-right.

/pol is a hodgepodge of ideologies. One thing appears to be ubiquitous though, the demand for accountability.

I would also say the general consensus for US anons is to adhere to constitutionalism. Which if constitutionalism is alt right, then the left must be the party of anti constitutionalism, a foreign ideology ane enemy to American citizens.

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What the fuck is 12? 12 steps?

no gibs in africa user, i really wish us citizenship could be revoked.

Right-wing Patriot Death Squads when?

Need to know when I'm getting a scalp collection, which will be absolutely fabulous by the way...

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'12' is nigger code for the police. It's a reference to the old TV show "Adam-12".

Thanks! Ebonics major.
Never would have guessed

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Send the info to Alex Jones

99% chance her nigger dad converted to the Nation of Islam in prison

she's a nigger

Because you're all subhumans and deserve nothing but death haha


fukk em' krakkkas

You lost two world wars to subhumans then? What does that make you?

A victim of kikery.

The british and russians aren't subhumans :')


Nobody says that word but dirty homosexuals user. Fuck off with that faggot shit

t. merkel fartsucker

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Fuck off mongrel. Slavs are inferior

T. Slav(e) shit subhuman

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But the then German majority country is?

>It checks out

Because Americans actually fell for Tom Jefferson's silly rhetoric about muh equality

but he was talking only about white people?

So I assume you will stop taking your free government gibs?

The scalp collection would be made from dirty homosexuals so yes, it would be, "fabulous"...

Kind of like how lampshades are still Jews, but owning one doesn't mean you're a Jew.

>implying pol is one idelogy

This place has tons of vets you fucking nigger loving commie faggot. A lot of vets get disillusioned with the government and red pilled by war and end up here. Yeah there's some autistic spergs that think brain washed 18 year olds unknowingly fighting for ZOG makes them worthy of hate, but they're literally weak fucking edgy faggots on welfare.

The goal should be to educate the young so they realize who they are actually fighting for and refuse to do it, not shitting on them when they sign up under false pretenses.

>picturing the face of that 15-year-old Kraut he bayoneted on Elsenborn Ridge and the pieces of what were once his friends lying in the reddened snow

Goddamn that hit hard. If the GIs and brits in ww2 could see what our country is today, no doubt they’d side with the krauts. The greatest generation is dead, and the American hegemony is slowly and surely decaying.

Well because most of us have been too busy working, and being responsible in life is how it happened. The Progressive Uniparty has since destroyed us through paying for the peoples degeneracy, and promoting divisions in order to gain total power over the people.
>So is this Nigger going back to Africa?
I saw some womans tweet claiming the US is now too dangerous for blacks because of Trump, and that she is going to move to Africa. It made me laugh when I saw it, because it shows how clueless she is as to what real danger.
This guy in this video is basically telling them go ahead, and what the reality would be.

>fuck all the cave beasts

Ug go back to cave. Ug know when not wanted.

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Imagine being a shitskinned, loping nog with a double-car garage for a nose and more resemblance to Koko the gorilla than a regular person, having the audacity to call anyone else "beast."

Poor Ug...


We've got to make sure it was worth it!

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Conservatives are largely to blame for what America has become, they simply allowed it to happen without a fight. They never bothered fighting for culture, only politics, which was an enormous mistake. The boomers have lead this country in Ruin, and they have the nerve to say Millennials are failures...

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And yet after everyone is done reading this vivid projection, they will open up some more tabs on chingchang.org to shitpost some more and do nothing of worth, they will continue to spend their entire lives in mediocrity, with a slight lingering, uneasy feeling knowing that they might have made an impact if they had just tried. Pic related.

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>our land but not our country.
Not even mad, just apathetically consider things that think like this to be less than insect life.

In all honesty, what have Conservatives actually 'conserved' in the last 50 years?

Traditional marriage? No.
Constitutional limitations on Governmental power? No.
Avoiding unnecessary wars? No.
Low taxes? Once in a while, maybe.
Balanced budget? No.
Military standards? No.
Preventing the government takeover of healthcare? No.

Conservatives are complacent losers. The right needs violence. We win with the 2nd.

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This is the sadest thing I read for some time, whats even worse is that this is probaby reality somewhere in America.

Free speech and gun rights. If only you knew how bad things really are.

Free speech? You mean the speech the NSA is monitoring right now in accordance with secret Government FISA courts?

Gun rights? Why can't I buy a select-fire rifle made after 1986?

Conservatives are fucking losers.

He wasn't a role model then. He couldn't inspire them. He just rested on his laurels and couldn't give them any reason not to become leftist globalists.
The grandson sells Toyotas, because by all statistics they fail less and the americans simply can't build dependable cars.
The pansexual is a person lost in the modern world and just can't find any meaning besides fkucing everything as a replacement to belonging.
He fought the good fight. But he forgot to instill something in the past generations. He failed.











The tree of liberty needs watering.

fucking gringos letting these beasts take over you

Pretty sure in this story it would be his Boomer children that allowed this failure while the Greatest Gen veteran was working well into his retirement years at a factory job providing value to society... not knowing that everything he passed to the Boomers was being rejected by them wholesale.

Thus the Boomer begot the Millenial.


I didn't say it was perfect. We are constantly under attack.
>Select fire
You can still get some good guns, just not this specific shit.
>Conservatives are fucking losers.
Yep, but without them we would be super fucked. We need a much stronger right wing party.

Stronger. Right. Wing. Party.

> We need violence
> Pic Related

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It's a sad day when crocodile hunters are quoting the founding fathers more than actual muricans

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He will get his in the afterlife, brother. A warrior's death is one of glory. I believe that warriors go to a different version of heaven that's even better: something like Valhalla.

This is an acceptable human being in 2018 America.

Explain this to a veteran of Omaha Beach, Bastogne, or Tarawa...

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>nigs k/d ratio
Your pop DOES need to be curtailed

I'm not sure how you'd manage that these days.

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>Pic Related

Why is she mad at the number 12?

I hope that cuck suffers the entire time before going to hell for eternity

Where my country gone

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Oh leafer faggot... America is still better than your third world maple syrup factory and its homosexual leader will ever be.

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People just get complacent and forget what the freedoms they have mean. Then you get what we have today.

>fuck 12
What is this?



I was told at work that I "shouldn't" display the American flag because it represents 'nationalism' Damn, is this where we are now?

Sounds to me like he should have raised his children better.
My grandpa is 93 and a ww2 and Korea vet.
His family is something to be proud of .
Not a little bitch family like you described

>I wish he'd just die already these hospital visits are really eating into my Fortnite time sigh how am I ever going to rank up if I'm wasting my weekends visiting Grandpa? He's smelly he craps in his pants that's disgusting

I'm a libertarian reactionary paleo conservatarian independent get it right

>slavs aren't subhumans
>*proceeds to call user a slav subhuman
Pick one you dumb kraut

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>her nigger dad
What did he mean by this?

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>We couldn't win the war on the Eastern front so we declared war on America just for the lulz none of your contributions count because we were already going to lose that war with the Russians so hahaha jokes on you
Nice argument Hans

>Must watch


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Nice, thanks for the explanation.

>burn the flag
>spit on it
>call our veterans servants of Israel
They are, facts are painful but necessary, I am sorry you disagree.

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yeah but at least nobody will call me racist.

..what? they are still calling me racist?
maybe if I put a gun to my head and pull the trigger so they can feed on my corpse they will know i'm not racist.

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fuck 12?

'Teen' - Any criminal nigger between the ages of 12 and 34.

Amazing how violent and criminal they are before they're even old enough to purchase an R-rated movie ticket by themselves, isn't it?

Diversity + Proximity = ???

Glorious violence... hopefully.

Terrence is based af.

>this OP was brought to you by Adderall™.

Also, the solution; weaponize our dying/mentally disabled vets to start The Purge©.

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