Aydin Paladin

Is she /ourgirl/?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is that what she looks like irl?

Her animu avatar is more qt

She is cute

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No, bt she tries to be. She also does that annoying girl thing where she talks. You guys know what I mean.

gibe dat dat ass pic

You retards know that's a dude right?

Attached: bekass.jpg (962x1080, 102K)

Whatever it is, it has a lot of weird fetishes

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she is deleting her twitter

Attached: screenshot-twitter.com-2018.07.27-21-22-24.png (590x136, 16K)

she's an e-thot and has mild autism
she probably threatens suicide 1x per month

she is deleting her twitter and threatening suicide right now because someone called her "fat"

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Is this because of the holohoax thing? Are the sheep still bitching about that?

Her sing songy voice prevents me from listening to her shit even if I agree with it. I think she used to be a leftist, so it explains the ridiculous levels of snark.

No, much worse. Someone called her fat

Attached: screenshot-twitter.com-2018.07.27-21-16-34.png (593x749, 101K)

She should really delete her Twitter since she's not capable of interacting with humans.

Why would you think that?

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that doesn't look serious

It's one of those things that you can understand at some level she's mentally ill, but you're still shocked when you see it. It's kind of sad, but she isn't responsible enough for public life.

You don't know /ourgirl/ then

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wtf she got fat
Why are these e-thots not getting pregnant and married? No one is going to pay to hear the political opinion of an obese spinster.

almost no woman is. they get completely addicted to the attention and go nuts. it's a huge part of why women are fucking awful now

im sure there are plenty of normal looking men that post here given how popular this place is now, and even some attractive. Can you imagine being at the normal level of attractiveness but one day you just decide to start making videos and being a public persona? Men can't do this but women can and not only do they gobble up the attention they can monetize it easily.

this chick doesn't really look too normal or hot though

Her normal behavior streamable.com/ib3ko

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If that's all then she'll be back. I couldn't care less about her social media, but I do like her research videos on jewtube.

Is she wearing a diaper or something?

At least she loves us

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She has weird fetishes. Like insect eggs.

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@gadsden flag faggot you are just as bad as the people who are actually obsessed with these e-celebs.
Just ignore them and they go away, they feed on this attention.

Anyone who associates openly with us at this stage is a shill, spook or desperate for attention.

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The internet just ruins some people, especially women... christ

>witcher fan art

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Who cares if some fat ugly jewess kills herself?


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Good sense of humor, makes excellent content and has a cute voice. She's pretty much perfect. One of my top subs along with frame game and jf, although I've been backlogged for a few months.

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>another orbiter thread about another literally who

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Pretty good milkers

lol she is fat

Aydin has a cute voice and she makes social "science" tolerable

>Why are these e-thots not getting pregnant
Aydin is barren, womb growing inside out or smth

That's all this jewish bitch is good for. That's all they're all good for. I still have no fucking idea who the cunt is, I just wanna nut in her.

I mean, she DOES name them


Ha ha ha, poor Aydin.

She's an autistic jewess, so no. On the upside, she's infertile.

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she looks like the crackheads who live in the section 8 public housing around here, but slightly less fat

Smart (130 IQ guesstimation) and decent looking (aside from those teeth), but she's absolutely fucking batshit crazy.

She said she has a IQ152

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At 55min and 25s

I'd believe it. Whatever drugs she has to take to remain functional probably drop her a bit to a level that still far higher functioning than the average person.

There is a gofundme to coerce Venti into taking IQ test because she is the real /ourgirl (accept no imitations)

go to gofundme and search for end-racism-against-brittany-venti


Lithium is one of them.

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wait she is actually Jewish

Why does a Jewess make a name for herself as an e celeb who denies the Holocaust

Oh fuck off, I checked out her channel because I was looking for some actual insightful social/political commentary and I got a camwhore talking about her "cutchie" for a bunch of thirsty permavirgin orbiters

She tries to erase her jewish ancestry to be friend with Jow Forums

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7/10, would plow her barren fields.

yes but for what purpose

who is jewing who at this point are jews so greedy they even want to play forerunner role in holocaust denial?

Hurry, she's hitting the wall

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unironically supporting an admited coalburning mudshark roastie tradthot

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>when you accuse people of hiding shit but you hide youre flag

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You shut your fucking mouth she's not a camwhore!

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Yes she is, all these women are.

>t. faggot

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i'm an hypocrite

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She absolutely 6000000% is

>I checked out her channel because I was looking for some actual insightful social/political commentary

>her channel

>actual insightful social/political commentary

Did you really expect to find that?

she's not like the others

Attached: bventionGavinMcinness.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Not really, but I wasn't expecting the content to be this low-IQ

The kiwifaggots are BRAGGING about chasing away Based Aydin. We should take down their site.


Hi Rebekah Ford.

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she reminds me of my girl lauren

Attached: lauren.png (1041x1301, 872K)

leave aydin alone

the kiwifarms crowd are unironic internet terrorists

Null is a pathetic basement dwelling faggot who hides behind his mom when trannies come over, let him have his little moment in the sunshine. Spending all day posting how much better you are than random autists and mentally ill people on the internet is such a depressing existence

Based knowledge merchant!!

She cant stand this anymore

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They are just a bunch of foxdicks. Their existence is pathethic enough as it is.

You know he's taking over as Chris's legal guardian once Barb croaks, right?

more like bi-winning amirite

Oh SHIT this is a /cow/boy thread! Hoorah! Best chan squad is here.

meant for

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Threre's proof in the kiwifags thread but I don't want to give Null the ad revenue by visiting the site.

This shit is pathetic.

she is my waifu nau

She's a jewish coalburning whore

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This slut also had a lingerie patreon

brittany has co hosted with JF before. Don't mistake her comedy for low IQ

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Looks like she has had an allergic reaction to a bee sting on her face, disgusting whore.

I find it forgivable. She says she is infertile anyways

>Someone doxxxxxxed m-


Why she never shows the wheelchair? She said she was in a wheelchair because of Kraut.

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>muh wheelchair
It's just an excuse for getting fat.