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Where the fuck were these teachers when i was a kid.
Anyways i bet shes married with kids. I hate the west. Nuke it.
I bet they were all black like all these cases.
You're probably not black or (((asian))) enough.
Keep those chompers away from me pecker m8.
Her husband said in court that she was "just helping" a troubled student
>pedophilia is okay when women do it
You don't want the real answer to this.
What lucky little fuckers. I would have loved to get head from a hot teacher in high school.
>Her husband said in court that she was "just helping" a troubled student
with his cock
The school is entirely white. And for that reason one of the best schools in Maine.
The guy was 17, that's a grown ass man. Maybe he shouldn't have been ducking her because she was a teacher but cunts shouldn't be in schools anyway.
Honestly, I wish they'd just come out and admit all this shit.
When it comes to sex crimes, women are different to men, and attractive people are different to unattractive people.
I'm a spergy fucking autist (but pretty ok looking). So all this crap about
>muh everyone's equal
really confused me when I was growing up.
The kid lied. Read the article
double fucking standard
why are females so privileged
not the point. male teacher and female 17 year old would have yielded a prison sentence and pedophilia branding
How about w male teacher and male 17 year old? I think that happened at my Catholic high school. Student was before my time but the teacher (who was clergy) stepped down and left the school. He was a nice guy. Just foolishly got involved woth a student.
>The Amazon CloudFront distribution is configured to block access from your country.
I wish Jow Forums would as well
cucks need to get the rope too
Lucky boys!
>getting cucked by a 17yo
>th- there's no censorship in the EU
>it's the obscure lobster-trade rag that's banning me because it hates socialism
>woman gets off free for breaking the law
It's ok, they generally vote for bigger government and then islamists to come and rape their daughters.
Karma has a twisted kind of logic.
Was she a liberal bitch? Literally all I care about.
nice trips
>not guilty of sexual assault
she can assault my dick anytime tho
>17 year old
Either way she'll never be a teacher again after this.
I which mommies would have teached us in male only school.
If I had a busty hot teacher I would fuck her.
Fucking lucky bastards.
You are right.
I get away with sexual harrassment at work all the time. But if it was a normal dude, doing what I do, he would be in trouble'