I think they'll kill him, or one of the others

We are witnessing the beginnings of a scandal that poses an existential threat to hollywood and by extension a major threat to leftist legitimacy and the whole pedo apparatus. If you were them. What would be your next move? What do they always do?

My prediction. Dan or one of the other potential pedos commits "suicide" "due to harassment." Illiciting sympathy among normies, painting anyone who is trying to dig up dirt on these fuckers as unreasonable harassing monsters with no merit to allegations. Alternatively, they get some mentally unstable asset with a multiple choice background, to murder one of those guys. This evokes a stronger defensive response among normies, and allows for an even stronger narrative against so called "alt right nazis"

Attached: 17-dan-harmon-chat-room-silo.w1200.h630.jpg (1200x630, 247K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Cool blog, boomer. He’ll still have his job a week from now.

Sometimes 2 cans a day my man.

As long as they die, I don't care.

Either way we need to hit their advertisers hard!

check out his old myspace postings, guy is a legit pedophile

No one outside of Jow Forums cares about this. The only coverage this is getting in "mainstream medida" (and I use that term lightly) is angled at the "alt right" agents trying to run a smear campaign against Trump critics. [as] issued their statement, they won't do anything about this. Nothing will come of this.

"Does anyone think rape is funny? I hope not."

Per Dan Harmons Tumbelina Blog...

Dan Harmon said it himself. Rape is not Edgy Humor or a Joke so stop defending this "edgelord".



Attached: Dan Harmon Poops.png (878x842, 927K)

its not about the job you fucking retard

OP is right one of this fags will be suicided and the death will be used as a way to stop the investigation into them

>please stop this harrassment, Dan already killed himself

With NXIVM getting big and now this there is no stopping the purge

>posts that dont aged well

post sauce & screenies

My point is to be on the lookout for them sacrificing this guy in a way that protects them. Think about what Charlottesville gave them in terms of PR clout. One car crashing into some pedestrians and suddenly the media could ignore the prior year of lefties rioting and attacking normal people in the streets, and any push back as coming from nazis.

Dan is currently making them look real bad. They cannot defend him, the "it's just a joke" leaves them vulnerable. They can wait for it to blow over, risking further pedowood revelations, or kill him off before the revelations get worse, and we are forced onto the defensive, with any attempt to dig into a celebrity being framed as us trying to get people killed, rather than outing predators. 1 guy is nothing vs the whole corrupt framework

F you fat bastard, this was level 2 get

Attached: Untitled.png (344x24, 3K)

>Fucks kids
>(((kills himself)))
To any normal person this wouldn't be a problem at all. Even if it was a false flag to make LE INTERNET NAZIS out to be the bad guys.

Attached: 1504373769609.png (864x879, 145K)

nothing will happen but the next move would be leak some GOP pedo, One thing you have to realise unless you fuck up in a major way, they (the media) and entertainment clique will try to cover for you.
However if your fixer finds out your fucking 2 year olds the fixer is likely either going to kill you(over dose) or ask for millions of dollars for clean up money.

>be trump supporter in alabama
>vote for a literal pedophile

He looks like an actual rapist.
I always thought that with the weird pedophilic jokes in Rick and Morty that either him or Roiland were lowkey pedos

>votes for an admitted rapist
>votes for a pedophile in alabama

>sucks black cock
KYS baby raper

lol typical trump supporter, just projection constantly.

Who would want to kill such a sweet looking fellow? If anything he should start his own daycare business to rub it into the faces of the nasty conservatives who don't trust him around children!

Attached: Pedo cartoon fellow.jpg (350x457, 79K)

what this pedo thing has made me realize is that all it takes is a few people to flip society. Corporations are pussies they literally just listening to the loudest voice in the room. if the majority disagree but remains silent they change to the whim of the minority. If we had a RELIABLE 100k 200K right wing internet/telephone army we could turn the whole nation all the way around.

Screen capped

what would be cool is it we could get his picture to trend with the word pedophile


>a scandal that poses an existential threat to hollywood
No. The whole Harmon thing is only a scandal in the wild imaginings of the teenagers and retards that frequent this board. To everyone else it was obviously a joke.

>if I say it it makes it true
keep tellin yourself that, retard

Reported to canadian FBI for threats of violence. Enjoy your jail time, buddy.

>Dan is currently making them look real bad. They cannot defend him, the "it's just a joke" leaves them vulnerable.

Ironically, Harmon may be the klutz that becomes the savior. He's too valuable to the network to fire for the baby vid, but if they fire for the racist blog the network winds up looking worse than Harmon because they admit they didn't care about the baby vid and that it is more forgivable than racism in their eyes. They're in a corner and the only way out of the corner is to either make themselves look terrible in a PR way or make themselves look terrible in a PR way, but retain the fans and the money along with looking like hypocrites when the left fires anyone who says racist stuff. It's more advantageous to us if he stays on the job in this instance.

Another alternative, which frankly is about as bad, and would totally be in their playbook...Alinsky rule 10. Push a negative into a positive.

Dan or one of the others could come forward with a sob story about how they struggle with pedo feelings and disgusting tweets were cries for help, and they are totally non-offending, "honest." Using the opportunity to drag the overtones window towards more pedo acceptance, and turn these monsters into sympathetic figures to the useful idiots

I do t think you’re too far off, OP. A convenient “harassment suicide” would create a new narrative.


>To everyone else it was obviously a joke.
Can you explain this to me in a way that is funny?


Check out Dan Harmon podcast "Harmontown" episode titled "Morality" released September 30rh 2013
He argues in defense of pedophiles for over an hour. Admits sexual attraction to 14yr olds and equates pedophilia to someone having the common cold and how we should treat them in the same manner.

Idk which episode, but at one point he mentioned role-playing with his 1st wife and heavily implies that she played the role of a minor. It's not evidence, but it looks really, really bad.

This reminds me of a PSA my class was shown in school with the intent to educate us on sexual assault/harassment. The acting was almost identical to this and the end result was the entire class laughing. I think we all laughed at Benny and the Roids too.

God I hope he outs himself as a pedo.

I hear a lot of people saying it was only a joke, but I haven't heard a single person say it was funny.

save all these videos

err podcasts i meant

Dan "Harmin' the Youth" Harmon

Not all jokes are funny. That's not, nor has ever been, a requirement for being allowed to tell a joke or say anything for that matter.

See why fags and pedos are the same cultural poison and all need to be gassed together now?
Them: We're here, we're queer, we -
Us: We're DONE

No one cares because the media isn't covering it. Normies look to the MSM for direction as to what they should care about and how they should feel about it

And then he grabs a 5 year old from the crowd and lights the kid on fire. I mean hell if you're gonna lie, lie big. And then kill yourself you fucking pedo dipshit.

If he loses his job or the Cartoon Network and its advertisers gets inundated by complaints from normies like 'MommaBear64', I'll bet the MSM will have no choice but to start covering more of this story.
Never forget that we're only using their own words against them - it's not even necessary to invent fake stuff. These memes make themselves

goes straight to the top, we'll never take them down but worth a shot

Attached: 422ee20c90143a9ee8ff90fa818feded5775e31b8cd0486b080783c87bcd8ecc.jpg (1608x2352, 748K)

No one cares because spergs ran an interesting idea into the ground out of the gate. Normies might accept a few regular lies here and there without thinking about it too much, but a bunch of huge obvious lies one after the other sets off too many red flags. After that no one cares, if msm covered every incident of people lying on the internet they'd never have time to talk about anything else, just another case of sad losers larping a conspiracy theory

The point is that they are not jokes.

This. I'm SingleMommy24

Kek. Nice to meet you SingleMommy24

Can I get a quick rundown? I missed the start of this shitstorm and am too lazy to figure it out for myself

Attached: dan-harmon-sexual-harassment-apology-01-480x320.jpg (480x320, 45K)

It would be tragic if Dan were to turn up suicided anywhere.

I heard he was contemplating suicide before this all began.

Fuck that would probably work too. Stop giving them ideas man! Tbh im scared about of the idea of forcing normies to choose between pedophiles who make their entertainment vs 'evil nazis'. I don't think we will like the choice they make. Granted accelerationism might also be the only way forward.

Attached: 2718b99768fccf13dd5b74e1891faf55483fef858ff184d2f63a30bcdd3b6ac1.jpg (657x527, 33K)

Accelerationism is the only way forward at this point.

What's his name again fellas?

Dan 'The kids find me charmin' but I'm about to '' Harmon