Alex jones is banned from kikebook.
Why is no one talking about this?
Alex jones is banned from kikebook.
Why is no one talking about this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because fuck off with your eceleb threads
> but trump supporters are the fascists
This will save their business.
Because they successfully ran psyops on us here callin him a kike
kikebook's dying as we speak
Facebook is dying, who cares.
because he deserves it lol
nobody here complained when Kathy Griffith got criticized for making that picture of a severed Trump head...
Is facebook interfering with elections again?
But did she get banned from social media?
Because Jones is controlled opposition that doesn't name the Jew.
>stocks drop because of muh alex jones
If this was the case they wouldve gave him a permanent ban. In fact this will hurt them as jones has litterally millions of die hard fans.
facebook is dead.
if you watch jones fucking neckyourself
It's funny how just shortly after Jones releases his own app, his videos get a bit more provocative and he's suddenly getting shit on by faceberg and jewtube.
>we're under attack!
>if you want to keep listening to us you'll have to get our proprietary infowars app™
I'm not accusing him of anything, but can you see how the timing on these events is somewhat suspicious?
No but they have a team looking into it.
Stopped taking him serious when he folded during pizzagate
Fucking Trump shilling pussy
Who gives a shit about that psychotic boomer faggot
Google is gonna try to ban his app, too. Duh.
They want to snuff Alex out before he gets more popular and the right wing platforms are up and running.
Facebook is being retarded. Ajeet Pai and Trump could dig the dagger further in and make the stock crash for good.
And people will just forget he exists?
How is that supposed to work?
Only a hand full of grade A retards like him, the rest enjoy his meme potential.
bro I think that was a sarcastic post.
>Why is no one talking about this?
Fuck off alex, we are not buying your penis pills and your water filters.
Because we don't like Zionist controlled opposition.
I don't use facebook on purpose
Have you read the story about Trump supporters suing the city of San Jose for failing to protect them from an angry mob which attacked them at a rally?
Whats inaccurate or not true about my statement? Am i misinformed about how many people world wide watch him? Does he not have a big presence on youtube and else where?