Tom Hanks is a pedophile

>Tom hanks brings his 6 year old daughter to 'Miss Ultimate Sexy Baby Nevada Pageant'.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-27-21-13-28.png (1280x720, 622K)

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Capitalism in a nutshell.


Tip: Watch it without sound. A picture says a thousand words.

>miss ultimate sexy baby pageant
America explain yourself.

Attached: 1525302849857.jpg (480x451, 16K)

(((A True Classic)))

Attached: IMG_20180727_210704.png (720x362, 52K)

>the less info, the better.
The absolute state of alt right tards.

a Chet Haze-type doesn't come from a nice, loving home

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You’re retarded; if you want you can just watch it twice.


Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-27-21-22-50.png (1280x720, 874K)

It's satire, you big dummy.

it's already creepy when women do that with their daughters, even creepier with men

>LGBT flag
>defending pedos

checks out

Based big dog working the smarks.

Can't dress up your daughter and cover her in makeup to parade around in front of degenerates and call it 'satire'.

grandiose if factual

>Tom " Life is like a carefully selected carton of BonBons: if you insert your manhood into the right one, they scream just loud enough' Hanks

"Sexy" and "Baby" are two words that should never, ever, E V E R, go together.

how to respond Jow Forums?
pic related was Oprah/tom/another

Attached: howtorespond1.png (808x1106, 494K)


kek, i bet these guys that had Tom Hank crash their wedding in central park won't be to happy about that when all this shit unravels.

Attached: 1515308228812.jpg (400x541, 23K)

His real name is Hank Toms

>how to respond Jow Forums?
With a fucking bullet.

I had to stop it midway.

What if Transvestigation theories are all true and Tom is a woman and his kid is a boy groomed with hormones