How is 15 dollar minimum wage NOT a right wing demand?

Think about it. Why does right-wingness exist if not for the workers? Why not spit in capitalist bosses’ faces and ask them to cut their profits for the benefits of the workers?

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Fuck off commie.

>Why does right-wingness exist if not for the workers?
Protecting the workers has always been a leftie thing. Conservaturds only care about rich people, the bible and their guns.

I am a right winger, I hate welfare. I want welfare to be abolished.

>Protecting the workers has always been a leftie thing.

The left has never really cared about workers. The left cares about making people “the same”, regardless of whether they work or not or are legal in the country or not. The right is which truly cares about working people.

>The left has never really cared about workers.
Of course not, they only say that to get the votes.
>The right is which truly cares about working people.
Not sure if sirius, at least lefties pretend.

Minimum wage was created to keep the niggers and spics from having jobs. If you're a business and you have to pay good money to somebody, you sure as fuck aren't hiring the lazy nigger.

>Why does right-wingness exist if not for the workers?
Because some workers and some positions do not create a value that deserves $15/hour. Period. There are some people who seem to think that if they hang out at their high school job for 10+ years, they may eventually be given great wages. Obviously they should have spent more time in high school. Minimum wage does not mean minimum survivable income. It means that this is the minimum you can pay anyone. Cost of living is IRRELEVANT.

Lots of minimum wage jobs are not needed within society. No one NEEDS fast food. No one NEEDS to have someone wash their car.

Get skills, and sell them to the next highest bidder. This is what you get from minimum wage jobs. Skills to offer your next employer.

Attached: $15hourMacdonalds.jpg (640x472, 58K)

You don't understand bastard politics, silly National Socialism Aryan. You see, we are fucking retarded.

And there's your answer.

The true right is a workers’ movement. I am not talking about the fake right wing aka “conservatives” which aim to “conserve” the world order of a controlling 0.1 percent elite, a 9.9 percent well off and 90 percent can eat shit for all they care.

learn basic economics

discussion on minimum wage:

the whole book, Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell

The right want low unemployment => less socialist welfare handout

Low unemployment requires workers to share the salary with more workers => lower salary at the bottom

No system is perfect.

correct link:

>Because some workers and some positions do not create a value that deserves $15/hour

So we then have the taxpayer to pick up the fucking tap? Better to advance robotics to do those freaking jobs, no?

Workers won't get shit if the minimum wage rises.

The minimum wage is basically improved welfare, it's what you give to the poor so they stop stealing and doing crack, a good portion of the economy is based on ripping those guys off.
Let's imagine we raise wages from what, 9$ ? to 15. most companies probably could cut into margins or shareholder's dividents to make it happen without prices increasing too much.

what happens next ? all kinds of fuckery.

>Poor people don't own property, rent increases everywhere since they don't have a choice
>meanwhile their credit score improves, banks start giving mortgages again. so people bet on a growing real estate market based entirely on debt, 2009 II incoming
>purchasing power doubles, they start buying above their weight class. Since they're poorfags, they pay the only way they know how : 3-5 years plans on everything. All their excess cash goes into interest on those things, they don't use it to do what the left say they will, like sending kids to college, start businesses or whatever.

So far most of the extra 6$ is already in the bank's pocket and not theirs. Who gives a shit, right ?
But hey, remember the way we got the extra 6$ ? not all of it is from cutting margins, price will still rise a bit.

so now YOU have less purchasing power, even with your white-collar job paying 25$ or so an hour.
What, you thought the increase would carry over ? You'll get an extra 2 for inflation at most, the boss can't afford to double the janitor's salary AND yours.
YOU get priced out of your neighborhood because real estate prices are through the roof.
5 years later, your retirement fund collapses because the wage slave housing bubble finally bursts.

but Yaaayyy, socialism.

You want to turn something right wing, start with the unions. people don't realise how much shit you can get done when a few thousand dudes spares 5$ every semester or so and is willing to spend saturday afternoons building shit.

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because right wingers are doublethinking jewish cucks

I studied economics, I don’t need a youtube clip discussing it. I know what the disadvantages and benefits of a minimum wage are and I made a politics decision. You apparently have too, which is why you care shit about the people or about the true right wing cause,

Minimum wage shouldn't exist

You want $15 an hour? Enjoy technological unemployment.

Attached: $15 minimum wage.webm (640x360, 2.73M)

>ignoring evidence
>no true scotsman and ad hominem
looks like you lost

>I hate welfare
>I demand the government for people to give other people their money

Choose one you retard

The idea that if minimum wage goes up 50 percent, the cost of living goes up by 50 percent too is absolutely completely retarded and nonsensical.

Also, mortgage rates have no correlation whatsoever with minimum wage levels.

How about we keep the same wages and allow deflation to happen. Central banks are in the business of inflating asset prices, food, energy, housing, everything. Abolish the FED and allow true value back into the markets. On the other hand, if we just keep raising wages you never actually solve the fundamental problem of fiat currencies which is that their true value eventually reaches 0.

Just because niggers are trying to game the system by doing the most absolutely brainless work (like fast food jobs meant for literal kids and retards), that doesnt mean they should be rewarded for it.

You really think negroes would even be hired? A 15 dollar minimum wage primarily helps white people.

What evidence? Are you saying there are no benefits of minimum wages and only disadvantages? The you are ignoring reality.

>willingly cutting out a significant portion of the workforce
let the negroes dig ditches, haul equipment, refuel drones, etc, for $9/hour in the free economi

>What evidence?
i already posted an 11 minute video and the source of the excerpt

> Are you saying there are no benefits of minimum wages and only disadvantages?
strawman. that's 3 blatantly obvious logical fallacies you have tried to pull against me in two posts

We want to gas the kikes who run all these globalist corps

I demand that employers don’t employ people at a wage level below a threshhold. Whether they hire anyone is their business. Nobody forces anyone to run a business.

That’s the difference to welfare. And with today’s advancement in robotics, a high minimum wage level actually helps to get rid of low class jobs faster than the current rate.

We need to eliminate all jobs that produce less than 15 dollars, or better 25 dollars an hour in services or goods. Those jobs should be done by machines... or not be done at all.

i'm not a fan of the government telling me what "we" need to do

>strawman. that's 3 blatantly obvious logical fallacies you have tried to pull against me in two posts

Third post in a row from you without a single argument. Last time, say whether you believe minimum wages have advantages and if you say they have them for some people, why you rather ignore these advantages because of the disadvantages... then you would actually defend your political choice against a minimum wage.

this fuck minimum wage and the kike banksters

respond to my source before you try to rabbit-hole me down into a meaningless discussion based on a loaded question. it's all the same with you leftists. you ignore evidence presented against you and try to re-frame the discussion so that the source is irrelevant. not going to work this time you fucking cucked nigger. i'm out of this thread.

The government already put together a complex system of rules. A minimum wage just adds a rule, while it reduces the need for other rules (e.g. “tax rebates” for people who don’t even pay taxes due to their low wages...).

>The idea that if minimum wage goes up 50 percent, the cost of living goes up by 50 percent too is absolutely completely retarded and nonsensical.

i didn't say 50%, it'll rise by maybe 5 or 10. But stop betting on people not abusing this to raise housing prices, that's even more retarded than I am here.

>Also, mortgage rates have no correlation whatsoever with minimum wage levels.

Of course they don't. shit, the bank might even lower them since the risk on a guy earning 15 an hour is way lower than if he earns 9.
what changes is the bank's tendency to accept loans and the amount of these loans. Since housing prices are on the rise, people will borrow more because that's just how much the house costs.

Before the 15 they'd just have been told to fuck off by the bankers, but now you have guys who are in debt for 20 odd years on overpriced housing. A lot of jobs WILL be lost to robots in 20 years, the part of workers who couldn't learn a trade or something on the side in those 20 years will default on those loans.

I responded to your youtube videos and acknowleged that the effects described there to some extent exist. Doesn’t change the fact that a minimum wage benefits workers and a decision against a higher minimum wage is one helping everyone else in the population (the rich and the non-working poor).

i just wanted two plain cheese burgers.
just the cheese, the burger, and the bun.
they couldn't fucking do that right at their current pay, and you think they deserve a raise?
>fuck you for wanting your burger the way that you want! that's what you get for paying us shit!
great. good to know. this is exactly why i will never vote to increase your pay.
i just want to get my burgers done the way that i want them done in exchange for money. if you can't do such a simple task for your current pay, then you DO NOT deserve a pay raise.
there is nothing you can say to convince me otherwise.

>i didn't say 50%, it'll rise by maybe 5 or 10.

As per evidence from actual changes in minimum wage, it is about 1-2 percent for a significant minimum wage increase that affects 5-15 percent of the working population.

>Before the 15 they'd just have been told to fuck off by the bankers, but now you have guys who are in debt for 20 odd years on overpriced housing.

Rent goes up all the time here in Germany. Same in French cities. Wages for workers have been pretty much been flat. The idea rent goes up or people “waste” money on property instead in case of “forced” wage increases isn’t very coherent.

What people who want to raise min wage are doing are focusing on the symptoms. Not the cause, the standard of living has gone down because the value of the dollar has decreased. More dollars chasing the same amount of goods means price increases on those goods. So long as we have entities that can create and control money, you are never going to fix the problem. Bernie understands this, he signed onto Ron Paul's audit the fed bill but later sold out like a bitch. So Bernie is lying to you all and giving you a solution to the wrong problem.

i demand that workers take personal responsibility for the wages that they agree to work for.
no one holds a gun to your head and forces you to work for so little; the fact is that ANYONE can do that work, so the competition is high and the labor pool is full of people willing to work for less than you.
your problem is that if everyone who decided that what they were getting wasn't enough stopped working, their spots would get filled by people willing to work for less that know better.

they do not deserve a pay raise. if they did, the market would pay them more.

Because a bunch of us make enough to get by comfortably, but if minimim wage is increased, prices for necesities will increase. Our wages wont rise fast enough to keep up and we will end up closer to the poverty line.

>i just wanted two plain cheese burgers. just the cheese, the burger, and the bun. they couldn't fucking do that right at their current pay, and you think they deserve a raise?

Your problem would be solved with a high minimum wage simply because burger chains would more rapidly advance fully automated restaurants with just a techniciab overseeing the machines.

You get your perfect burger just as specified each time and you don’t even have to speak Spanish.

It's a global world now.

You have to reduce the welfare, or you will flood your country with unproductive shitskins from the 3rd world.

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>but if minimim wage is increased, prices for necesities will increase

Cost of living increases would be barely noticeable. The wage component in products made in America is so low, you could increase all workers wages (not just minimum wage) by 50 percent and barely change inflation.

>You have to reduce the welfare, or you will flood your country with unproductive shitskins from the 3rd world.

Exactly, in order to keep illegals out, you must pay very little welfare (and none to foreigners), have high minimum wages and tough criminal laws for workers not checking wity the gov database before hiring people (20yrs harsh prison would do the trick).

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>pushes for $15/hr. minimum wage
>gets it
>"ha, take that corporate overlords!"
>bosses just pay up and take the loss
>"oh no, those waitresses and mcdonalds cooks got us this time"
>businesses don't increase prices on literally everything to compensate losses
>crappy mcdonalds worker is now getting paid as much as some skilled laborers
>"yay we won!"

>actually being dumb enough to believe that is how it will play out

>businesses don't increase prices on literally everything to compensate losses
>crappy mcdonalds worker is now getting paid as much as some skilled laborers

As said countless times, many restaurants would look into robotics and automation which advances us as a society.

The idea that wage components are important enough for an end product in America that a minimum wage raise would notceably affect inflation is simply retarded though.

Yep. That is the trick Poland is using against Germany/EU right now to stay white.

No welfare = muslims rapefugees voluntarily move to Germany, even though EU orders Poland to absorb rapefugees.

And the border is completely open, due to EU/German policy, so the rapefugees are free to move out of Poland.

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>you need to pay the shitty burger flippers more to do the job that they agreed to do for shitty pay
no. no the problem wouldn't be solved by paying them more. not even your proposed solution involves paying the shitty burger flippers more, you are advocating replacing them with higher paid burger-bot technicians.

Don't worry livable wages WILL HAPPEN, but only because of automation of a capitalistic society. Most of Jow Forums are in complete and utter denial when it comes to the fact that automation creates more demand, and also more employment.

And it works perfectly. Illegals naturally flock to places where they can get high welfare payments, or can do crime without much punishment or in rare cases to get jobs that pay money.

Removing the welfare and the job incentive is a massive win. The crime rate would go up, but hopefully at that point the police wouldn’t be pussies any more, but well paid true men.

15 dollar minimum wage means nothing in socal but is way more than liveable wage in a poorer state. Legislating at the federal level is for retards.

>you are advocating replacing them with higher paid burger-bot technicians.

I am advocating to replace 20 burger flippers and cashiers etc. with machines... and 1 technicians checking up on those machines once in a while.

Just put the minimum wage at 40 percent of the median income then.

>livable wages WILL HAPPEN
>when we automate everything and get rid of the low paying jobs
>magically, this somehow makes the people, who couldn't figure out how not to put the wrong shit on a burger, qualified to perform more technically demanding work

Right wingers are for the elites and Wall Street. The left is for workers.

Attached: tax cuts for billionaires.png (700x700, 633K)

none of that involves paying Tyrone, who couldn't figure out how to NOT put pickles on my fucking burger, more.
Tyrone doesn't have the knowledge, skills, or aptitude to maintain, repair, or operate an industrial robot.
the net result is Tyrone gets paid less by virtue of him being jobless.

Raising the barrier for citizens to start their own business never makes sense

Literally what is happening at McDonalds, they need more chefs now, something which doesn't require more technical skill. You're in denial.

What happens when someone with a rich person moves to a poor area and affects median income? How would businesses be able to suddenly afford forced increases in wages?

As opposed to billions in Taxes that are controlled and managed by Leftist billionaires?

Both systems favour the rich. You're just too retarded to notice it.

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>15$ minimum wage

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this is a different argument.
the first claim you made was
>...livable wages WILL HAPPEN, but only because of automation of a capitalistic society.
which is dumb. this raises the barrier of entry to work; before, Tyrone only needed to show up on time and flip burgers. Now, Tyrone would need technical skills, including troubleshooting, to get a job at all.

your new argument is
>they need more chefs now, something which doesn't require more technical skill.
which is hilarious, because the chef job is the easiest to automate away.
basically, they need more chefs right now, but as soon as they can replace them with technology they will be jobless. How many professional mule-packers have there been since the car was invented? none. because they were rendered obsolete.
a more technology-dependent society does not bode well for the uneducated, unskilled, and lazy labor pool of today.

why dont you take a free helicopter ride to north korea?

you are an idiot

You're clearly retarded but I'll try to take this serious question seriously.

They worked to create those jobs you don't appreciate, so they can live comfortably. While it's true your comfort will help increase production, you can't get too comfortable. Why? Because it's not your business, drone. If you want to live in comfort, you need to work for it. Being jealous is counter productive - lots of wasted time and energy.

If you create a business, why don't you follow your own business model? Give yourself minimum wage like your workers, pour everything else into the company. Then, once you're successful, give them the 15 hr they demand, while you stay at 10 hr. See how retarded you're being?

You're literally just mad because you don't have control over how someone else runs their business. Stop being jealous and fucking do something with your life.

And I don't mean paid protesting. That's even worse than flipping burgers - don't be retarded.

Guns protect the workers, young incel.

Reminder: 9/10 of the top 1% are Jews.

>What happens when someone with a rich person moves to a poor area and affects median income?

What happens if you learn the difference between median and average?

If minimum wage goes up, small businesses shut down more often, cost of living and food will rise

yfw the minimum wage was conceived as an anti-immigrant program

>I know how to avoid socialism, fully automated luxury gay communism!
N I g g e r. The reason the economy goes down is because people aren't spending. Why do you think that is? In a socialist society, or full automated system, no one works, so what money do they have to spend? A mandatory allowance? Adults should grow up and become responsible adults, not lean entirely on a system. Such laziness and entitlement is pure folly.

>the bible and their guns.
Working class stereotypes. You really can't hide your disdain for the people you claim to fight for

>we're not looking to replace you, we're just going to replace you

Do you even know the basic definitions of the words you're using? GTFO faggot

left is workers unite, right is every man for himself.

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what does that even mean?
either pay your taxes or you don't get a capitalism any more, dumbass capitalists.

That's because entrenched wealth seeks to make a growing majority of the population work more and more for less and less money.

>left is workers unite
That is cute. Enjoy undermining your own workers with 3rd world cheap labor. Like Bernie you leftist will blaming the results of your open borders agenda on the right.

For example in Denmark all the 5 Regions had top politicians who all had their own best friends at different Architecture companies.
So when each Region needed a Super Hospital, they each paid 5 different architect companies billions to design 5 differnet hospitals.
Instead of sticking to 1 design and being a little bit more effective with the money.

Socialists and communists are experts at waiting money to their friends like this.
I believe you call it Earmarking and Pork over there in your country.

I think you are also familiar with all the Democrat infrastructure projects that always run above their budget? That type of corruption is rampant as well.

>Why not spit in capitalist bosses’ faces and ask them to cut their profits for the benefits of the workers
Because 15$ an hour isnt coming out of ceo profits, when walmart raised minimum wage by 2$ last year their ceo got a raise and they laid off 350,000 people in home office and recieving

No shit?

that's call corruption, it's not exclusive to any idealogy.

workers unite cant be undermined when they aren't subservient to an asset class you dumb mong.

>that's call corruption
You see, when it's my money in my pocket, I minimise that corruption.
As soon as I give you my money, I risk you mismanaging my money.

Get it yet?

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>politically incorrect forum
>german user posts politically correct bs
>Turns out socialists can't read, too malnourished

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If the minimum wage was so high, where's the incentive to better yourself?

Besides, if the minimum wage were much higher, basic products and rent would see increases and it would balance out. It would essentially be fast tracking inflation.

im sure the billionaires feel exactly that way about the taxcuts they got you to vote for.

>Protecting the workers has always been a leftie thing
ofc it has faggot.
Why don't you go bash the "white trash nazis" some more and tell them how immigration does Not affect their communities you inbred rapefugee result

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Fair is fair.

To minimise government corruption you ultimately need to minimize the flow of money into government.

for your info britbong poundpencer, $15 isn't high. i dont think it even makes up for the historic wage loss to inflation.

You should also want a minimum wage abolished.
There is a reason why more stores are installing self-checkout registers

>So we then have the taxpayer to pick up the fucking tap?
Fuck no. The way the economy is right now, there is no excuse to find yourself some sort of "training center". There are more jobs then "people" to work them, and if your ONLY skill set is flipping burgers, you should have no issue applying for re-training in any number of great entry level positions that will pay better then McD or other minimum skill/pay jobs.

There are plenty of places out there that are not associated with the state that will train you. If you are unemployed unintentionally, your job and goal should be to procure more employment. No gibs until you exhaust all avenues of potential employment.

>minimize the flow of money into government.
wtf are you even saying???
the government prints the money.

What do you care what billionaires feel, shouldn't you be out bashing the working class over the head with bikelocks?

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It's a minimum, though. And the modern age has been built with that historic wage loss built in to it, forcing employers to pay higher now will just result in the costs of services and goods going up to accommodate it.

ansoc =/= antifa memers