The future is female

The future is female.

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Your mothers a whore

>(((John Stoltenberg)))
Every fucking time.

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What is the point of just making the same threads and using the same retarded arguments? Seriously you are just retarded faggot number 45030490 who won't leave.

Because idiots like you, reply. People post this garbage because you’re a little kid who is constantly drawing on the wall. You know you shouldn’t reply to this bait thread, but you do it anyway.
You are the reason these threads exist. If nobody replied to them, VICE would go elsewhere. You want these threads to stop? Just hide them. Don’t respond at all. You can’t. You won’t. So this parade of garbage will continue. You only have yourself to blame.

Kill the Juden.

I'll tell you exactly what "female future" will look like: hordes of barbarians from stronger cultures will invade the emasculated countries, take over, kill or enslave the men and boys, rape the women and girls, and introduce a hard patriarchy that hasn't seen the light of day since long before BC. Which, I presume, is the driving instinct, driving desire of the females that call themselves "feminists".

*long before Christ

I bet if I punched John Stoltenberg enough times he'd write and think whatever I wanted him to.


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yes that jew can give up his manhood. I dont care

>and introduce a hard patriarchy that hasn't seen the light of day since long before French Revolution

in other words, Europe

ur mom is toxic

How long will they put up with all the “white people suck!”/“men suck!” Rhetoric until Vice and the Democrat party find themselves one big brown bunch of females?

who the fuck is john stolenberg

A female world would mean less violence and no more progress whatsoever.



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everyday i thank god that there are 2d girls

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Toothpaste, have you seen the California McDonalds fight vid? Women can be violent amongst themselves as well. They can also be quite degenerate as well.

My COCK is female. Go fuck yourself!!

Good luck marrying up

lost it hard at are you an alt right member i respect all beliefs btw

some dick sucking niggerfaggot.


Golly gee who would have thought it

The future isn't female the present is and just look at what a fucking shit the present is.

The future is male

Why does the mainstream media seem so hell bent on leading our young men astray? It's no wonder why so many of them are confused. They need strong male role models. There are still plenty of them if you know where to look. Even if there were a great decline in strong male role models, you can simply look at history and find many great men to draw inspiration from.

Does he man offend you

The funny part is, being old school masculine is still desired by most women.

Can someone regass the infestation?

Ok find this dude amirite?

>label self as a male feminist
>revealed as a sex predator within six months
Probably little kids in this guys case, he was married to Andrea Dworkin.

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no the future is gray hivemind blobs without any unique personalities

Fairly Oddparents predicted it

Agreed. Most real women want a man. Technology and today’s society has allowed women to basically do what they want, whereas before men were the hunter gatherers and got shit done. Women submit themselves to be bred by these kind of men to ensure survival but with all the media brainwashing, men are considered the most evil thing on the planet. Absolutely retarded

yeah why is it always germans?

They weren't satisfied with just the foreskin, now they want the whole damned thing.

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I'm convinced that these articles are just written by butthurt male feminists angry that liberal women won't fuck them and prefer to sleep with men who exhibit "toxic masculinity." Women want toxic masculinity, it's what gives them tingles. Women don't want some faggoty ass journalist who whimpers at the sight of a gun or worships women hoping to get laid.

What the fuck happened to Vice

i've seen germans with more hebrew names than that