Athiest libtard ama/redpil me

I voted for Hillary and thought she was great, still do, without the use of memes, and only using freely available information and no conspiracy theories, tell me how she is bad.

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Atheist libtards like her.

Fuck of shill faggot go try and fist yourself kIke

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Litterally already did that today, but i'm not Jewish.

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I genuinely can't read that 0 resolution picture, post words.

that's not 0, it's 8520704

Wikileaks has already been shown to doctor or modify content based on partisan lines.

i cannot read it on my phone. Use words.

>thought she was great, still do

we'll there's decent odds that you're the only person on the planet that thinks that.

- there were people who thought anything is better than her opponent
- there were people who just voted Democrat no matter what
- there were people who liked the idea of a woman president (not Hillary, just A woman)

But a person that thought Hillary is great? Whoa.

the lawyer is still involved and laura silsby is the person who the Clintons protected even though she was SMUGGLING CHILDREN from Haiti.
The icing on the cake which you won't talk about is how she ended up as the VP of marketing for Alert Sense, the notification arm of the Amber Alert system. Funny enough the Podesta Group also worked on the Amber Alert system to promote the child tracking database that the National Center for Missing And Exploited Children uses, incidentally Brian Podesta works there and has the highest security clearance but it's a NGO.
I dare you to post a reply

She's genuinely not as hated as she was portrayed by the multi billion dollar advertising campaign against her. U fell for the shills.

She has a lifelong history of lying to the public. She’s used her political position to take millions bribes. She lost six billion dollars as head of the state department.
What do you want sources on? What don’t you believe? Why do you care? Her political career is over.

or some of us went through a Balkan war and remember her not dodging bullets in Sarajevo, but she was there to collect the orphans

So if ur trying to convince me that Amber alert is basically used for sex trafficking I'm gonna need to see convictions. Lines drawn between points won't work.

She laughed about getting a pedophile free by using a technicality

I dare you to look up what happened to Nancy Schaefer

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I double-dog dare you to disprove what is said in this img

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and i don't give a fuck if you are on a phone, you sad piece of worthless shit

The state department had contracts worth 6 billion dollars, the paperwork was missing, then found incomplete. She didn't lose the money we know where it is.

What was the technicality.

During the debates she said, with her own voice, that she would impose a no-fly zone in Syria. The only way to enforce it would have been to literally declare war on Russia. If you ask me that was all the reason you'd need not to vote for her, everything else is gravy.

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Dude, if you haven't kept up with her during the 2016 election cycle, and all the dirt that came out in the depositions of her staff under oath, why the fuck should we try to inform you? Read a fucking newspaper.

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So again. You have 45 facts. And u out them together annnndddd no that's not a theory or a construct. I get that you have genuine concern but this picture isn't a structured argument it's simply a bunch of facts thrown together conspiracy theory style with no logical conclusion that follows. Can you find an essay style explanation of these facts with a conclusion and I will read the whole thing I promise.

We've been at war with Russia since 1945 and don't pretend like we haven't been.

I did keep up with everything that developed. It was nothing burger after nothing burger. Same thing with this Russia affair, if trump did anything it's not gonna be much he's too dumb.

That’s the equivalent of making up receipts you didn’t have during an audit. It took two years to find that paperwork.
You’ve managed to ignore everything I asked while excusing her criminal behavior. Every time the government looses billions the paperwork is generated (fabricated) to cover their ass. The people would begin shooting politicians in the streets if someone didn’t cover for their theft.
You can’t explain away how she’s lied under oath multiple times. If she’s willing to lie about sniper fire, she’s willing to lie about money. She has zero moral fiber.

Tell me how she's great. What made you like her.

She liked under oath? Prosecute her that's a federal offence. When u prosecute her I'll believe it.

>without the use of memes
Holy shit, get out.

I like how unabshfully Republican she was, more right than Obama but only on fiscal issues, would have expanded the ACA and generally was a charismatic person. I felt she was very prepared from her experience and would have handled the job well. I think the thing about her that liked most is the only thing that really would have changed under her would be the deficit going down, maybe a little military defundung. If u can't appreciate that then. I'm sorry but ur not in the dog pound.

>We've been at war with Russia since 1945 and don't pretend like we haven't been.
U wot m8? We're talking about an actual shooting, bombing, people dying war here. Last I checked we haven't had one of those with Russia, ever.

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You have no understanding how much actual contact between Russia and the United states. Also fuck Russia they're murdering civilians why aren't we going to war with them. They attack the Ukraine and we just do nothing like a bunch of faggots?

she lost and she's never going to be president, so fuck off

Yeah...well I'm jumping on the socialist bandwagon it appears that the only thing that will piss republicucks off as much as demorats are about trump is AOC.

If I could, I would.
She lied about travelgate
She lied about watergate
She stole white House furniture
She lied about her charity, that only gave 7% to actual charities
She has a lifelong career of being caught in lies. She shows no remorseful behavior and continues to lie. It’s no problem though, her own party wants nothing to do with her. She’s done. We might as well be discussing ancient Roman politics because just like her, it’s history.

great, run head first into your own demise

Yeah, what do u think of drumpf?

>You have no understanding how much actual contact between Russia and the United states.
If you're so sure you know more about it than I do, tell me where I can find an AAR of the last contact between Russian and American military forces in which either side suffered casualties.
>Also fuck Russia they're murdering civilians why aren't we going to war with them. They attack the Ukraine and we just do nothing like a bunch of faggots?
We don't have a defensive pact with Ukraine so we're not obligated to defend them. We did fuck up their economy with sanctions, though. You could say that the Russian military has killed some civilians, but not many more than the U.S. military has in the last decade or so. Going to war with Russia over that wouldn't have very good optics- and even though we would most certainly win, they have enough firepower to ensure that we would certainly lose a lot more than we gain.


The US has no right of virtue to even start a war based on that principle alone. Honestly, let the Euros figure that shit out, I'm tired of being their arbiter while they shit all over me.

Only a little better. He’s doing good things, but should just keep his fucking stupid mouth shut.
Jobs are up, GDP is record breaking. The best barometer of a growing economy is construction. It’s been a constant positive, so far. His tax policy is backwards.
But I didn’t make this thread about my opinions of our president. You made this thread about killary.

So you're a dumb faggot, got it.

Jobs are not up, unemployment is down but the total number of people not working is the same. Which is worse.


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