So, how has immigration affected your life personally eurofags?

So, how has immigration affected your life personally eurofags?

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all the good teachers in my school were replaced with nogs who couldn't teach for shit

it has turned my life into a shitshow
Thanks for asking

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Americans trying to push this Euromutt meme is the saddest, most pathetic thing ever. It's basically "I know you are, but what am I?", but they just can't hide the fact that they're triggered whenever they're reminded of the 56%.

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Well Casapound got some more relevancy after the whole immigration shit. that aside nothing really changed here where i live in the mediterranian

Isn't the amerimutt meme basically the same thing but for euros? It's funny you euros are so oblivious to your future lmao

>I know you are but what am I?

Point proven.

So what are you? Black? Hispanic? Asian? You're almost certainly not white.

I need some clarification on the 56% meme, does it dictate that Americans are only 56% white or that they have only at most 56% genetic ancestry to a European country?

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a lot of swedish men wear butt plugs apparently, its an effort to stretch their bungholes because they anticipate rape at some point and don't want it to hurt too much.

Should have removed the sword and put either a hand gun or a piece of chicken or water melon

>whiter than you mohammed

Attached: This is what America looks like in current year...and it is stunning!.webm (400x400, 2.51M)

op pic related is already a classic

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>mom cheated on my dad with an african nigger
>girlfriend is pregnant from her Syrian refugee boyfriend
>get beaten up ever day in highschool for being white
>dad got arrested for trying to make my mom stop cheating
It's fucking hell here guys

I went to France for a student exchange program last Spring (Marseilles). I was really surprised by how diverse the city was. The variety of different foods was amazing, and there were impromptu performances of music and even prayer in the streets. It was exciting to see young mixed race couples walking in the streets without fear or ridicule, mostly young "native" girls with exotic, darkly handsome
Immigrant guys. It was wonderful, and so much more vibrant than what I expected. I don't know about the rest of Europe, but in France at least, Multiculturalism is damn near the utopia I always dreamed of.

Yep, das Juden

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Isn't europe getting closer to le25%? Seriously there are almost 0 white births per couple. Jahooties are the only ones breeding? All it will take is just a single generation.

Here in the US a good portion of the "le 56%" are probably anywhere between 12.5%-50% white in a capacity so it kind of makes the meme you throw onto us both ironic and somewhat missleading.

The shit you Amerimutts believe and say.

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i know him. he is in the same university.

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Immi- what ?

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Oh wait a second, 56% means the country is 56% white lmao nvm guys

Where's ya loiscense for that there hatefilled meme! CALL A BOBBY!

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basically all the children in my town in Germany are either pure Muslim/African or they are half with a white mother and black or arab father. There are a few white children that are bullied and beaten regularly for being white.

I sometimes have to speak *Nglish to people

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wow that sounds so progressive

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besides being a bit annoyed whenever i see them, not in any way or form have they affected my while that i am aware of.

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in my town Flensburg (90.000 people)...
2 dead girls, 8 rapes, increased rental, security men in the supermarket,

refugees ... since 2015

lol nigger

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*Had to hit a Moroccan child in self-defense
*Called a nigger asshole because he stole from a friend, he got so offended he wanted to kill me
*Another stupid fight where I told an Arab to shut up when he was harassing me, he attacked me of course
*Harrassed by gangs of 3-4 mud people when you are walking with girls
*Any public space like libraries or social spaces occupied by shitskins
*Yelling and smelly in the bus
*Arabs are disgusting to work with, lying backstabbers,
Just some

Sounds fake
Have you punished your slut mom?

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Tons of muslim girls in computer engeneer those days.

replace the sword with a basketball spinning on the tip of the nog's finger

Much less social cohesion. People don’t stop when spoken to in the street anymore. Police recommend that you don’t stop for people in need along the roads. Medical care systems stressed out with crazy waiting times. Near chaos in public institutions like schools and libraries. Rape in broad daylight. Taxes are about to go through the roof. Look, some are definitely great people but it’s CLEARLY not working out as a whole.

at least they're going to grow up hating those cunts

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My city (The Hague) is full of them and I have never had anything on your list happen to me except them occupying public spaces. What are you feeding yours?

A chubby nigger tried to stop me just today while walking to town, why? I have a shaved head, full beard and sunglasses on, not the kind a nigger should ask for help.
Just said I'm busy which was true and continued walking.

> Rape in broad daylight

Can't they wait till it's dark at least? I mean, If you're gonna rape Sven, have the decency to wait untill sundown?Why don't they adapt to local customs? Nothing more but a pack of niggers I tell ya.

Et tu Brute? Et tu?

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Well there is need for nuance maybe, the Morrocan street kids face no consequences here because of the juvenile detention centers being full they are just let go even if they pulled a knife on someone so they are just going full apeshit knowing nothing will happen. Plus I was alone and probably looked more drunk than I was.

Obviosly not harrassed every time you walk with girls but maybe a 5% chance if you are with 1 girl but extremely common if you walk with 2 girls, then they get really jelous, even worse if the girls look non-swedish.

Africans cannot walk enjoy a walk without talking in their phones in their stupid ooga booga language, what could possibly be that important?

I have lived in 3 towns since finishing high school, all altercations happened in Gothenburg where I spent 5 years, nothing except the loitering and destruction of public spaces in the other two.

I'll take a 100,000 mulato or hispanic whites long before 100 whole niggers or spics.

>Entire school life (UK) dominated by discussions of race
>Local gov. uncovered literal coordinated conspiracy to instill Muslim values into children
>Muslims bring their cousin inbreeding drama wherever they go
>Town renowned for race riots between Jamaicans and Indians
>Blacks start gang warfare, then complain about things being shit via rap
>Many streets resemble Pakistan or India. Litter, rotting food everywhere
>Walk through town everyday, see the charming redbrick Victorian buildings converted into endless kebab shops and Indian phone stores
>Sister stalked by Asian perverts
>Niece transforming into wigger chav, berated by black and Muslim friends for being a nice person

> Altercations

Oh deary me. I don't want to sound like a right twat Sven, but maybe you might want to get up to speed.

Tons of beggars, people with third world attitudes, lots more poverty, neighborhoods that feel foreign, local municipality struggling to make ends meet as they have to pay those poor folks free shit.

And your country is full of all of them.

Don't try an act so superior.

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Is it too late for a European holiday to be enjoyable lads?

I want to before it’s too late.

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literally a lollipop lady

>Population wide demographics = genetic composition of individuals

The absolute state of British education.

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based and redpilled

You know how they got the Le 56% meme for America? They factored in South America.


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Surely you can admit there are more mutts in Europe now than in any time in history. Soon you'll be just as bad off as we are.

Not a bit yet.

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Germany has jokes.

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Dude you get arrested for even Questioning the Jew, in Germany. You're country is ground zero for Jew thought control for the last 70 years, and you point a finger at America?
Come on.

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It hasn't. I am a mountain nigger, no other niggers around here.

>they start gasping for air then faint, then have to be carried elsewhere

Feels good to be the sage of the mountain.

When I was younger and waited tables I often worked with illegals from both Mexico and a lot of extended stay Europeans. The Mexicans were simply incompetent. The Europeans were taking server positions that actually paid pretty decent.

Honestly Trump needs to go after the immigrants that are here on an overstayed visas. They take the higher paying jobs.

Now that I don't work in Food service I almost never see immigrants of any kind.

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You're obviously correct.
We're all under the thumb of the same Jew World Order plan, and we're sitting here laughing and pointing fingers at each other, instead of back at the Jew orchestrating all of this.

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I'm also be glad for no humans in my life. You always sucked too much cock for my taste.

Lol. Don't LARP based. The US is like sjw Germany on steroids.
As I said, not a bit yet.

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a half white population where 66% of the non whites are partial white is still better than your situation.

can't wait to see the cresent moon replace the union jack in a few decades.

You seem disassociated from reality. Get that cognitive dissonance looked at.

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I meet my husband.

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You know that he lost his run for chancellorship?
And pic related.

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>Absolutely french

Depends where you go. Most tourist friendly areas are completely swamped with Muslim creeps.

just got linked here.

70 years since WW II, you still can't talk about the Jews or you get thrown in prison, and you're still paying reparations to them.

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Now post that without memeflag, mutt

why are amerimutts so obsessed with BBC?

>filename isnt slow down I want to tell you about my german heritage.webm
humourless krauts at it again

It's an israeli flag, been shitposting all day thanks to the based mods

>American talking about paying anything to the jews
That's rich.
This pic is from 2012, so your payments for Shlomo and his friends even have increased since then.

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Divide and conquer you two retards

He's acknowledging that most children are mutts and that white kids are being bullied for being white. How does that make him a mutt?

In our country we call that place Ishoj.

I moved away from my country.

fuck I lol'd

My sides are in orbit.

It brought back fascism so I'm ok with it

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we know. hence the meme
BDR Germany never payed reparations to anyone. They just compensated lost property to so called victims of nazism. You are not the one to speak on Germany with decreasing 30% White population

Germany has no sovereignty, they are a NATO puppet of the USA

Heres my loicense officer, as you can see everything is accurate.

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I wish I could argue against that.
It seems like the american deep state has rooted into every western country by now. That's why most right wing euros were pro Trump, before we went full zion.

Tell me more Schlomo.

What happens if you deny the (((official))) version of Muh Holocaust Kraut?
The Jew controls your speech, and your thoughts.

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Nothing happens if I deny the official version. Only when I deny the holocaust as a whole. ( which is the fault of your beloved denazification programs)

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So if you say 5,999,999 Jews died during the Holocaust, you'll be ok?

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