Violence is the ultimate redpill

> How do we enforce religion again? Violence. Conquer the enemies
> How do we fix the illegal immigration? Violence. Expel them.
> How do we take the control of the West again? Violence. Purge the Jews

There's nothing to preserve anymore. Everything is falling apart.
Larping and Arguing doesn't fix anything. We're dealing with anarchists.
They only know the language of strength.

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Violence is the stupid man's first thought and the wiseman's last resort. You glow, OP.

You sound like Stalin. Are you a commie?

This x100
Violence the only answer they understand lets show the world the unified strenght of all europeans across tyecworld

you first, kid

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Opinion discarded

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choose one
ally with communists against anarchists
ally with anarchists against communists

Not and argument

>the wiseman's last resort

Did you see

>There's nothing to preserve anymore. Everything is falling apart.

Either your reading comprehension is balls, or you're playing this glow in the dark like an fiddle.

True , all is so putrid at this point that there is only two options explosion or inplosion

> Violence is the stupid man's first thought and the wiseman's last resort. You glow, OP.

So surrender your guns then :^)

Nope. I'm just not a hypocrite or naive.
Christianity, for example, conquered the west through strength.
Why do think it would be different now?

Purge both.

You cant succeed on your own. you must defeat one first then turn on your ally.

Redpill on violence
Homo sapiens is a social animal:
We live in groups, with (ideally) our peers
Those groups need rules to exist, to avoid destruction or collapse.
Those rules need to be enforced or they would be worthless.
The fear of violence and punishment forces people to obey those rules.
The more diverse a group is, the less it's members are loyal to the rules, thus you need more violence.
When a group is homogenous, it's members will develop a common identity, and loyalty to their common blood and less violence is required
Look at Japan, look at 1980's Sweden, almost no violence
Look at Brasil, Pakistan, Yugoslavia

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>the wiseman's last resort
what stage of cultural subversion do you think we're at?

Damn, I thought talking on the Internet would solve our issues.

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the state has a monopoly on violence and you gain control of that politically, not through violent revolution.

A Brazilian nigger asking people to enforce anything. How about this; you enforce a nigger cock down your throat, you fucking spunk-monkey. I fucking hate your kind more than anything I can think of.
You will never be human!

>Look at Japan, look at 1980's Sweden, almost no violence
>Look at Brasil, Pakistan, Yugoslavia

Look at
>any african country
>any eastern european country
>some asian countries

I'm just trying to help, a-user.

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Yes but these cucks are too wimpy to understand that. How do you faggots think we conquered the world the first time?

You are in no position to help. Your nation is a literal shit-hole. Fix your own country, purify your gene pool, then maybe your "advice" might be worth listening to.

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> the state has a monopoly on violence and you gain control of that politically, not through violent revolution.

It's rigged from start, user. Democracy doesn't exist.

> Fix your own country, purify your gene pool,
Working on that.

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yeah it does. it exists in a difficult and complex and corrupted form obviously but you can take little wins here and there and those add up quicker than you think.

Violence and politics
The first objection that is made when political violence is proposed is the moral one.
To this I would say that morals are a luxury and that in this occasion, it is very probable that your sons may curse you for your inactions if you chose to prefer morals to a future for them.

The second objection is more ideological, based on the belief that no man should hurt his peers.
To this I would simply respond that men aren't equals, especially intellectually.
Some people don't want to change their minds, some can't, some aren't even opened to dialogue
Some are just fucking mentally conditionned lemmings (luckily those ones don't have much balls)
Would you lose time arguing with something that lacks the intellectual abilities to understand you ?
If a mosquito bothers you do you start talking to him ?
Of course not, this would be useless, you destroy the mosquito (the only problem with that analogy is that mosquito are fucking retarded, they will see their buddy getting smashed and will still try to suck your blood, luckily enough people have evolved enough to understand that if their buddy is getting smashed they should stop)

Violence should only be considered as a mean, to achieve a goal.
There is a violence that enslaves, one that frees.

Some of you, the simple minded ones would believe that this is some kind of FBI honeypot, I am not advocating for violence, just reflecting on it.

>Enjoy your prison edgy kid

There is a place and a moment for everything, and, in most western countries the state are still powerful enough to enforce laws.
But it's a "naked king" thing: they don't have the means to stand up against even 1/20 of the population, their strength comes from the fact that everyones plays the game.
Or pretends

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It's a mix of violence and wisdom, violence without wisdom makes you a fool who fights for empty causes, wisdom without violence makes you a coward

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enjoy prison, nigger

This. Knowing when and where to apply the violence is key.

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Sounds like you need some violence.

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Look at this fool.
Enjoying the benefits of order and security granted by the state's violence while at the same time repudiating it

>huehuehuhehuehuhue i am on the intellectual level of a nigger

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You can't call yourself redpilled if you still abide by slave morality and muh feefees. Winners don't care about this bullshit. Christianity with its cucked Jewish Ten Commandments is what doomed the West.

At least there's no muslims in my neighborhood.


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>Enjoying the benefits of order and security granted by the state's violence while at the same time repudiating it
You're speaking over the heads of most people here.

Freedom and prosperity can only be secured through violence.

Otherwise you turn into England.

Don't be like England.