Whose (if either’s) news show is preferable/more reliable?

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From what I've seen of him I think Tucker is the best guy on any main stream news channel in the Usa. I don't watch Hannity enough but I think he's okay.

fuck off (((FOX))) marketing shill

>siding with neocon zionists on a zionist news network

fucking cuckservatives I swear.

hannity is fucking garbage. if you can watch more than ten minutes of him without being disgusted at his boomerism the same way you would be disgusted by john olivers cuckoldry, ur a retard. hes such a trump cock holster and all his points are just "the left this the left that, trumpy wumpy is the second coming of christ in the american government, obama mom jeans wearing fascist!" atleast tucker exposes smug retards and actually covers issues without pretending hes nuanced in the subject. tucker is actually entertaining unlike boomer trump cheerleader hannity



I live-stream Tucker on my laptop until Hannity comes on - then I close that tab...

I started watching Hannity casually about a year ago. Thought he was a pretty decent guy but then he started shilling some obvious bluepill shit that I honestly can't remember. Think it was that falseflag gas attack in Syria and he went full WE GOTTA PUNISH ASSAD. After that I lost the little built up respect I had.

Tucker does at least appear to be a thinker. He thinks and asks decent and to the point questions. He can even agree or acknowledge the other persons points sometimes. That's a rare thing on tv at least.

If you were old enough to recall Hannity in the years after 9/11, you'd realize he's a worthless pile of propaganda nigger shits. He was Mueller's biggest fan when they were covering up DOD anthrax attacks and pushing the Patriot Act. Now he's crying about FISA abuse? Eat shit Hannity, you fuck. Tucker hasn't been a traitor yet, so he's cool for now.

Neither one of those are news programs. Literally.

Tucker, he took a shit on the Syria nonsense.

Tucker is the only thing worth watching on (((cable news))) I stream his show but immediately shut it off when Hannity comes on because if I listen to zionist neocon boomer talking points for too long I get nauseous

Tucker. Hannity is too much of a boomer and probably has an IQ of 110.
Tuck's at least 125, probably 130-140

hannity is fucking garbage boomer tier propaganda

Hannity is a neocon.

hannity is an embarrassing neo con kike shill

I like Hannity a lot but Tucker has a much better show

My boss listens to his radio show at work every day. It's been the same show now, everyday, for two years. If that fucker starts crying about bleach bit one more time I'm going to take a nail gun to the god damn job site radio and no one will be able to stop me.
>muh bleach bit
>muh hillary servers

Tucker is a much better show and I like that he uses logic and reason to shut down the Antifa and other fringe left-wing guests on his show. In contrast, Hannity often resorts to just shouting down his guests.

I can't stand either one of these lying pukes anymore!


That's how a magapede acts.

Both perfect

Hannity is your average boomertrash. Tucker is probably the only somewhat interesting mainstream political commentator on TV.

News Alert!
Cathy is coming up next on the show.

Tucker by a mile
Hannity is almost unwatchable like the rest of Fox

You watch CNN anyway faggot

tucker by far. hannity is unwatchable and a moron

Hannity is a Zionist Israel First Neocon through and through.
Tucker is based though.

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Bad goy vs neocon


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Tucker by far. Trump and Hannity are close friends; he'll Bagdad Bob for Trump when the time comes. He's a cheerleader these days.

Tucker defends the ideals that got Trump elected, the progress made under the administration, doesn't defend Trump but demands proof of those that claim to have the goods on him. Probably got O'Reilly's old fact checking team, probably didn't start out on some Morning Zoo drive time radio gig (or was the G Beck?).

Is it just me or has Sean Hannity become Jay Lenno?

they're both pieces of shit and anyone who thinks either one of them is good is a piece of shit too.

>probably didn't start out on some Morning Zoo drive time radio gig
True. He started out on CNN.

Tucker is WAY better

Hannity is boomer incarcerated

I looked up 'boomer' in the dictionary.
There was a picture of Sean Hannity with the definition.

Tucker by a mile.

Hannity stays on one topic for literally months on end. I prefer Tucker. Hannity's radio show is also a total joker, half of it being shilling for shitty coffee and lifelock.

Tucker is the only show worth watching on TV.

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Hannity is a fucking faggot

Wall banger is the Rasputin of the Trump admin. It is really one of the only serious questions I have about the Trump admin.

hannity's 'aw shucks i'm just a workin' guy who loves america' shtick is intolerable. there's no depth to anything he says. i'm 99% certain he's insincere and just raking in money from brainlets who need to be told how to understand the news cycle that day. avoid. carlson is at least entertaining.

>True. He started out on CNN.
and PBS

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Tucker for sure. I'll watch Hannity occasionally, though.

IMO, which no one gives a flying fuck abot.
Tucker bases his opinions on a principled point of view that has been rationally thought out (right or wrong), it's obvious he has a good understanding on what he as an individual believes and articulates it logically
Hannity lives and dies by 'truthiness', he'll twist and distort any position or outcome to his best advantage, then cognitive dissonances it until hannity believes it

it's amazing that people on Jow Forums actually mainstream media. ultra bluepill

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Hannity is the definition of a neocon shill. Literal propaganda agent of the Trump administration.

can't cuck the tuck