Is 4’s Jow Forums community more politically intelligent than 8’s or the other way around?

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Jow Forums is for normal nerds.

comunnism xD lol

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Spend few months on infinity and then decide.

Both are full of idiots.
4 has mods that don’t care, so spam threads exist that idiots reply to.
8 has grumpy people that think it’s some secret club that is pretty much /x/. Every thing is some retarded conspiracy.
Neither is smart by any definition you use.

Yup pretty much this

When I want a coke
I want a coca cola
not a pepsi

got told to fuck off moshie?

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>thinks anything fringe politics is intelligent

Lol, pseudo-intellectualism isn't intelligence. If your views unironically align with "Jow Forums's" then you're retarded.

4 has some smart ironic posters, most are retarded in some way. 8 is pol without everything that makes 4 entertaining, just retarded conspiracy theorists. You would actually have a decent board if you combined everything actually positive from the two.

they are both retarded in their own way.

for everything they get right, they get 4/8 things wrong. not in that order, but you get the idea.

most people are idiots when it comes to life. in end effect, you can only rely on god and how much he likes you so you get saved. everything else is really irrelevant.

It's exactly the same.

T_d is the Chad big brother of a drooling retard Jow Forums

Both suck dick in different ways. Lurk to find out more.

This board is the same threads day after day after day after day and you retards reply to them. Most of this board is bots, and shills, and losers. You are all dumb.

Neither is more intelligent. 4 is Reddit shitposting, 8 is delusional paranoia where every poster thinks every other poster is a kike trying to subvert the forum and their brain thought patterns.

I am OG Jow Forums (circa moot 2008) 4 's management is definitely comped by IC agents.

infinity is still somewhat free of imperail entanglements for the moment. Not to mention the fact that most of us with 120+ IQ's have split to greener pastures. Now you're left with those that make the world go round...

8 became fucking boring, plus im too lazy to use a VPN thanks based roskomnadzor

pretty much this, but 8 does have higher quality threads, but so few of them it's not really worth going to. Jow Forums has such quantity that there is more good stuff here overall.

I got banned from here for a month once, so I spent the time on the other Jow Forums it was so fucking dull. everything moves at a glacial pace

8/pol/ is completely compromised, they also can't take the fucking bants, you can get banned for a fucking mutt meme, and many interesting generals have been taken down from the board (like /sg/, which has it's seperate board now). The rest however is actually pretty nice, especially technically wise, /fascist/ is pretty ebin too.
Who /bane/ here?

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We got rid of Q. They did not.

8 really hates nonewhites, like really seriously.
but gets more work done
also moves very slowly and is not suitable for degenerate ADHD anons like most posters here

8's oldfags are literally pedos that fled this place many years ago. Fuck them.

Pretty much this, unlike cuckchan we don't larp.

i'm a nonwhite though but I still post on 8
also it's true that 8 accuses more people of being shills but that board is infested with fucking shills
atleast on 4 you can just have a laugh and shitpost without some jew trying to derail your thread

8 was literally founded by a bunch of Anons who couldn't handle moots faggotry during GanerGate and Jow Forums harbor. They came here shilling that shit when Jow Forums was at its lowest point and they picked off the weak.

We need another Jow Forums harbor.

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80% percent of threads in 4/pol/ are shills, that or underage faggots posting shitty low quality threads.

also the ammount of unopposed shilling of russia and putin is annoying the fuck out of me, every time i point out their delusions i get called a kike

true, I treat 4 as /a/ used to treat /v/, i simply shitpost here to meet my shitposting needs and post seriously on 8

Tried 8 once, every other post was hos much they hate Jow Forums and how much better 8 is. Pretty tragic desu

What pastures are those?

Has 8 ever actually pulled off anything big that Jow Forums didn't start or do most of the work?

I read something about them prank calling a transgender suicide hotline. I wish Jow Forums was still that edgy.

infinity chan has a higher barrier to entry due to the slower stream of content. The average pol user on infinity chan definitely has more patience, and less shilling. It is relatively small niche online community that seems more educated.

There is also alot less shilling and mindless shitposting in general. It is also a better platform if you value freedom of speech, as the mods here have a history of banning threads about real happenings.

But i'm here because my attention span has been destroyed by the internet and i'm hooked on instant gratification and (yous)

but it is definitely worth it to lurk there if you actually interested in real politics. (not to shit on 4 pol but this place has higher levels of subversion and misinformation.)

The only thing I like better from cripplechan is multiple image uploading and webbums w/ sound

4 is old /b/(Hilarious)

8 is /x/.

There are the one and the same.
Not everyone here goes there but everyone there comes here.

/baph/ best board

Infinity refers to this JIDF/ShareBlue/CFR board of propaganda as “cuckchan” for a reason.

All the threads on 8/pol/ kick the shit out of 99.9% of anything that comes across this pathetic trash board.

All the mods here are parasites.

>8 really hates nonewhites, like really seriously.
That's Hiddenlol bruh

You obviously don’t lurk enough on infinity.

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3 month ban on /8/pol for posting this. I never looked back. Who's the kike now?

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Can I get a quick rundown on "Jow Forums harbor"?


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This. Tried out 8 for a bit but they seem to have a permanent case of stick up their ass. And some days I just want to shit post in humor threads or nigger hate threads.

nevermind, /fascist/ got shoah'd and i don't even know when that happened, week ago everything was fine.

only been on 8 a couple of times

my impression of them is that the average poster knows more about politics than 4 users, but they also have a lot more zealots, conspiracy theorists and pede sorts.

8 is a no fun zone. Still okay for getting some news.

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The truly intelligent frequent both

Infinity chan has no sense of humor, but it isn't riddled with cancer like Jow Forums.

The global infinity admins actually purged the faggot who was running the board. It's now liberated. people can shit on trump now and there's book and /SIG/ threads now.

Jow Forums is good for bantz but 8ch is a lot more info intensive

4/v/ < 8/v/
4/b/ < 8/b/
4/pol/ > 8/pol/

>if it's ironic it's great and panders to my normalfag enjoyment of circus politics
>if it's conspiracy theories it's automatically retarded and you shouldn't pay attention, goy
I really can't stand people like you.

an user trolled ben garrison posing as moot

When in doubt, Encyclopedia Dramatica. Avoid making questions that are easily searchable.

I think 4pol and 8pol are just good at different things. Generally speaking, 8 is just better at politics even with it's heavy dash of /x/ (or many because of).

4's mods will delete threads if you drop major red-pills. 8 was better for quite some time, since 4 when to shit even further from the election. I think that everyone at 8 developed a shitty, know-it-all attitude, and there's a lot of schizos that will spam any discussion to death. The crazy Turkish dictator BO was also recently replaced by a libertarian who thinks "free speech" is going to stop spammers and shills. This all led me back here. 4 is cozier. Although, I hate how every thread is just some sarcastic anti-Trump or anti-Jow Forums bait.

In aggregate I'd say 8 has more intelligent people. But 4 makes up for it in quantity. I meet a lot more interesting people here.

Infinity gets shit done when it has too. When that happens the intelligence factor is thru the roof. Unimaginable levels of autism. But that time is all but gone.

The hierarchy, at least in 8's mind, is that 8 is the brains. It uses 4 as foot soldiers. Then 4 spreads stuff to t_d and twitter. I think they just take credit for a lot of shit. It's a bit sad because if they were all put to use then they would be extremely smart and resourceful.

>But that time is all but gone.
What do you mean