Sunni Iran

if it existed, the Middle East would be united and Israel would be gone

Attached: IRI50I4095.png (960x551, 93K)

Idk what that means but that flag is hella lot more aesthetic than the current Iran one which looks vaginal

Mega cringe thread

>t. sunni shitskin living in Paris suburb

Shias are 100% ourguys, at least they recognize Jesus as a prophet.

Attached: 1600936789.jpg (595x440, 22K)

when they don't have an enemy, sandniggers fight among themselves.

why are amerimutt posts so low-quality?

most of them seems to be under the age of 16

Attached: 1506285416053.gif (581x720, 243K)

checked, however Iran will never be s*Nni

Fuck off muhammad, wahabbists are scum of the earth

Fucking stupid. Sunnis are jews. It's the Shiites that hate them far more.

most aesthetic flag is Saudi

Attached: 1000px-Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia.svg.png (1000x667, 22K)

Damn that is pretty aesthetic

Wish I had one of those swords

If Sunnis/Shias stopped being dumbfuck fake Muslims who follow fake books they would be united and Israel would be gone.

Attached: Quran Islam.png (1075x1075, 194K)

Israel can literally take over the middle east anytime it wants

It literally can't.

Attached: Military Strength ME 2018.png (482x482, 43K)

Nah, Iran needs another Darius or Nader Shah to discipline the Middle East

Attached: 1200px-Nader_Shah_Flag.svg.png (1200x655, 78K)

The US would never allow it's closest ally in the region to fall.

They sell Israel the weapons, they give them the money. WAY too much investment in Israel to let them fall.

What the hell is Sunni Saudi Arabia doing then?


What about Jordan?

Is it true that sunnis are a kind of protestantist sect of islam?

Is it because iranians somehow are white?

If Americans understood the facts about US support for Israel, they would be outraged...

Attached: AmerMilSuppIsrProp1.gif (497x270, 47K)

.. tens of millions would DEMAND an INCREASE in support

Attached: AveAmerIsr0.gif (497x270, 46K)

I want my $18 back

Saudis suck jew cock though.

I'd rather a Shia Saudi Arabia exist.

t. Christian

But it gets even better: how much of the annual USA GDP is provided to Israel?

USA spends 3.6% of GDP on military defense (2009-2016, see graphic)

So Israel receives 0.54% * 3.6% = 0.00019 = 0.019% of USA GDP

So each year, USA provides Israel with one fiftieth of 1% of USA GDP

lyingshitheadswhodeservestobethrownintoagulag: "They're bleeding us dry"

Attached: NATO spending.jpg (1272x1129, 70K)

why would we want that? check their skin tone

Attached: 1508428554032.jpg (496x352, 40K)

Sunnis do as well

Iran's true religion is Zoroastrianism.

Attached: 1530868715232.jpg (760x1033, 178K)

What does it say

There would still be strife, there always has been, the Sunni/Shia split is just the latest reason. Persians and Arabs have generally competed for centuries.
There is no god but God. Muhammed is the messenger of God.

All muzzles do. That's because Muhammad the pedophile made Islam with theology from Judaism, Christianity and paganism and mixed them together.


If it existed, isis would not have been killed off by iran and it would also ally with israel like uae and saudis and jordan are today.