You've all been brainwashed by retarded boomers and capitalists

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None of those have real socialism though

Kinda makes sense actually. I guess I do describe myself as a socialist afterall

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This. They're not even socialist countries.
Anyone who speaks of Scandinavia when they hear socialism is revealing how utterly shallow their knowledge of politics is.


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When we speak of socialism... this is what we mean. And everyone gets it. Go talk to Norwegians or Swedes about socialism... they mean this too.

>it’s not real socialism unless it’s cartoonishly evil.

Well it's worked for Sweden and Denmark

>millenials don't know the meaning of words


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the problem is americans never travel to those places , they just think its free, when half your salary at your starbucks job gets taken for that health care you're going to feel really stupid esp when you're 24 and don't need medicine that often, so you're working 50% of the time to help some fat ass get heart surgery.

'Affordable' ...this..that..

I think the generational difference is one stole from their grand kids and all future generations, to have what was 'owed' them as 'affordable.'

And the other generation is wanting the same, but got fucked on the birth order.

Let the middle class burn in the first world. Fuck them, they did this to themselves. While they were busy hating the rich for being more successful and driven, and despising the poor for their failings and actual victimhood on some things, they voted for every politician that told them what they wanted to hear about what they were owed, and deserved.

I can't wait for A.I. genocide robots, because the only people they'll succeed in genociding are these flipped over turtle helpless nanny state dependent useless fucks of the middle class.

Well you're fucking retards, because they're capitalist countries. And the elements of their economies that are socialistic are a major drag on their productivity and always end up being scrapped in favor of free market alternatives eventually. None of the health systems in any of those countries work well. They're all blood sucking the country dry and will not be around for many more decades, much like our own gibs programs. It always collapses because you always run out of other people's money. And in the mean time you've been given a dogshit monopoly-provided product or service.

And before you say that our healthcare system sucks and is capitalist, the government is responsible for TWO FUCKING THIRDS of all medical spending. There is a literal doctor monopoly and it is one of the most regulated sectors of the economy. It's precisely because of statist faggots like you that healthcare is so expensive here. And it's still better than the bullshit in Scandinavia.

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No it hasn't.

> Socialism

Is this a joke? Switzerland is the most capitalistic and gun friendly country in Europe
Straight from the snownigger's mouth

>most capitalist in Europe
This is what we Americans by socialism. This is whate required/campaigned for... not the end of capitalism... but common sense socialist reforms in select government services.

They hold themselves to a very high standard and constantly criticize themselves. It’s a cultural trait.

At least they have healthcare! Millions of Americans are dying like dogs in the streets.

They don't even have a minimum wage. Nor does Sweden. Nor does Denmark. Nor does Norway.

>Switzerland is the most capitalistic and gun friendly country in Europe
Even the swiss are communist by American standards.

Nobody wants the end of free market enterprise.

People want BIG CAPITALISM reined in, and socialism reforms on the level of Denmark or Germany (free healthcare, free childcare, paid maternal/paternal leave, free university, extensive pensions). Give this ... you can go be Elon Musk all you want or go work in Wall Street.

>retarded boomers
Definitely. /ptg/ anyone?

"common sense" is fag talk for "I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about but this makes my fee fees better"
Your "common sense" horse shit will just hasten the already quick bankruptcy of this country and kill a lot of people while it does.

nice bait, faggot

You know that Switzerland is not part of Scandinavia, right? They're in mitteleurope, not in northern Europe. They're the ones who are famous for their banks, and didn't join the eu and where military service is compulsory and where a lot, and I mean a lot, of people own guns

No, you've been brainwashed by idealizing something that you don't even take the time to truly look at and understand how it works and where it fails, and you purposely ignore the failings and assume that you would do it better. Canada is set to take in 300k refugees. Hurrr more money going out than in. Unsustainable.
Switzerland just isn't as pozzed yet. Funny that (((Rubin))) didn't mention Sweden. He probably doesn't want people to look at Sweden for an example. I wonder (((why)))?

.. and ignorance of history

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>"We don't hear reason or consequence, we just plug our ears, ignore the facts and do whatever we want anyway!"
Yep, sounds like the left.

It’s common sense for people who actually give a shit about their country and its people.

However the USA is a ruthless rat race of get rich quick schemes where everyone is scrambling over each other to steal as much as they can as quickly as they can.

Is that your attempt at a retort or do you have no counter argument?

>reposting this thread
>posting a tweet of a nobody
>posting a stylized pictute... of a tweet from a nobody

Yes u fuck. I do know. What’s your point? I love guns and think we need military draft/compulsory national service for the faggot society of eat each other alive boundless capitalism.

Yeah especially the open borders part you dumb fucking faggot

I think he means Sweden. Sounds like a tard

Give Denmark style socialist reforms and you can abolish the minimum wage (an essentially capitalist ‘compromise’ idea in the first place )

Socialism is when the state or some form of collective own all the means of production.

These countries are Social Democracies - a mixed market Capitalist economy.

What is this man talking about?

You want me to actually counter "millions of americans are dying on the streets"?

>empower a giant coercive monopoly to provide a good or service expect the cost and quality to improve
>common sense
>I care about my people, not just my own ego and moral superiority
fuck off, retard

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Swiss have free healthcare, extensive pension and social support system, free childcare, paid maternal/paternal care, and free universities.

I bet that's what the original USSR thought too.

the minimum wage is entirely antithetical to capitalism and was instituted by the same socialist union douchebags as every other market intervention that ultimately hurts the poor

i dont know whats worse.

They are not socialist by any means you fucktard. Their healthcare is private. Switzerland is not a good example for socialist country because is no socialist at all


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U nigger brainlet scum...
You can do it any way you want. You capitalist scum are the ones who love monopolies!!!! Look at Comcast, P&G&E, or our entire economy. Oligopolic monopoly is peak capitalism.

I want society to be committed to its people.

You want society to be a cash cow for a minority of sociopaths to milk.

Millions of Americans are dying on the streets to be honest. From clogged arteries, and the beetus.

Seriously, you could give these fucking people nanomedicines from the future, and they'ed just find a way to eat and consume themselves to death still. The amount of health care made available to them is inconsequential, it actually seems to make them believe there is less consequence to their shitty lifestyle decisions.

Canada... affordable housing? Wtf!
And waiting in line for surgery is fucking great... Canada is a shambles

Like I said dipshit...
It was a capitalists’ idea of reform. Not a genuine socialist practice.

What's your point

>LETS FUND 21$ trillion war on terror!

>And before you say that our healthcare system sucks and is capitalist, the government is responsible for TWO FUCKING THIRDS of all medical spending. There is a literal doctor monopoly and it is one of the most regulated sectors of the economy. It's precisely because of statist faggots like you that healthcare is so expensive here. And it's still better than the bullshit in Scandinavia.

>But muh love socialized guns and army medshuhhhh

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>denmark and sweden are routinely ranked among the happiest countries with very high standards of living
How, exactly, has it not worked?

Is this one of those countermemes like the hilldawg ones? It has to be. No one is this retarded.

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The Swiss are capitalist but also socialist. This is the goal. The brainlets here think OP means Sweden because they don’t know anything about Switzerland other than “banks and chocolate”.

How many threads do you need? You can quit posting this, like you're going to magically change someone's mind. You're not.

>lets take over 20% of the economy (obamacare)

>Lets use lobbyists and republicans to derail and then sabotage the healthcare reform act!

>socialized guns
This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

This is why I'm against 3rd world immigration. We can't have a functional welfare state with a low IQ 3rd world population. A few years back, there was talk about an "alt-left" social nationalist sort of thing coming out of the PNW, but it seems to have totally disappeared--I suspect its members just became white nationalists. Leftism is poisoned by blank-slateism and univeralist conceits. I want Socialism in One Country! You fucking Trotskyite pieces of shit always have to fuck everything up for everyone.

>talking shit about hilldawg memes

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If you hate monopolies so much why do you want to give control of healthcare to one, then? You can't dodge the question by pointing to other monopolies as if they're bad and yours is good.

Also, Comcast? They are given literal monopoly privileges by the government, you stupid fuck. All monopolies are a product of regulatory capture and state collusion. Natural monopolies do not exist. Monopolies are a product of statism not capitalism. The original definition of a monopoly was a company given exclusive trading rights by the sovereign. But I know these words mean fucking nothing to you because you have the economic and historical knowledge of my right testicle.

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I never said that, you strawmanning faggot.
Pointing to some other fucked up shit is not an argument in defense of your own fucked up shit.

>citing the happiness index as if it is a scientific statistic

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It's not real socialism unless they've seized the means of production, or at least attempted to seize most of it before collapsing.

>lets promise the people they can keep their doctor and will recieve a average of 2500 dollars in medicare savings.
>lets do it with no republican support in either house (majority)
>lets kick republicans out of committees
all you buddy

You do not want to be like Canada.

Switzerland has like 4 people isolated on top of a mountain. Economies and governments don't magically scale in the real world.

Kek. U faggot scum... if we get Swiss style “socialism” then I am happy. This style is called “communist” by American Right btw. You’re right... it really is innocuous and not “socialism” but tell that to republican untermensch.

But we don’t have 1% of this! And if you tried, Conservitards worried that an American people free from worry and suffering would oppose Israel/Jews... shut it down.

You don't need socialism for affordable housing, you need less fucking people.

Well then come fucking move here then and experience waiting for two months to see your doctor and getting turned away from emergency for anything less serious than an avulsed limb

Do what they do with public utilities in many places and license at least two providers. The more the better though. Healthcare would be much easier than utilities too since there isn't the issue of laying wire and pipes in public land.

You need less government.
Zoning regulations and rent controls are what's causing our housing crisis.

>le muh idealistic academic theory of monopolies

Capitalism loves monopolies and seeks them out. A firm always wants to be a monopoly u nigger. Peter Thiel even says “strive to be a monopoly!” And all these mega corps use their profit systems to bribe/buy politicians and protect their monopolies.

How about fuck your licenses? Licenses are what restrict supply! That's what increases costs and reduces quality! You need as many competitors on the market as possible. That's what produces the best and cheapest outcomes.

I'm pretty sure that's not kosher, user. You can't mix meat and dairy.

It has the population of New Jersey or Virginia... 8,400,000 people. So why don’t NJ or Virginia have Swiss style protections?

And what about Germany? It has 80 million people.


Translation: I'm a big dumb fuck with no actual substantive arguments whatsoever.

>the capitalists bribe the politicians I want to hand total control over to

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>60% income tax
>25% sales tax

Yeah it works for (((some people)))

>affordable housing

tiny shitbox houses in those countries cost more than giant mcmansions here. And we give niggers and other parasties basically free houses here already

It's almost like he has no idea what hes talking about

Pure retardation lol.


No, I love them. Some of my faves from the previous election cycle, along with Yeb! and Cruz memes.

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Funny, when I hear about the Third Reich, I think about all the good it did and not the Holocaust

You don't think how multiracial we are would interfere with us successfully copying Nordic style socialism? Those countries everyone always names are very homogeneous compared to us.

You fucks really do show why Republicans are so smart to have defunded education...

Socialism predates Marxism. Stop conflating Bolsheviks with Socialists.

Obama was tricked/manipulated/fucked by the Republicans and certain ((((lobbyists))). He couldn’t pass the version he wanted but at least he made the Insurance companies take on people with pre existing conditions (who were told to go fuck off and die before). And also the stay on your boomers’ plan until 25... and mandating coverage plans for all income levels... these were revolutionary and Trump
Isn’t getting rid of them.

People VOTE to keep zoning in place that prevents high density, high rise buildings.

The issue with healthcare is balancing quality, cost, and access. At the center of the whole debate is the argument that access is too limited so the quality is irrelevant if you can't even get the care in the first place. Countries like Japan manage by subsidizing the industry to keep costs down, but otherwise allowing the market to function pretty much normally. I don't think the US would have as many problems if we didn't have an increasingly 3rd world low IQ population. As I said earlier, that's why I'm against immigration--it's making it impossible for us the have the very systems that leftists want. There's a reason there aren't vibrant social democracies in Africa.

Haha kys haha
>be BTFO’d
>still talk

I was too dumb not to save them when I had the chance

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No. It wouldn’t. It doesn’t have to. But I know from experience that some whites are so racist that if a program helps blacks they want to kill the program.. despite it also helping many whites.

These racists needs to be ended frankly. Or overpowered.

Most people don’t give a fuck.

>we don't think about the reality, we think about free shit

wow powerful

please steal all my belongings now

Then go to Facebook for your safespace. They can even ban people for calling for end to a program regardless of reason like the fact that such programs drove up costs and made it more difficult for some people to get a residence because dealers did not want to take the extra risk.

>People VOTE to keep zoning in place that prevents high density, high rise buildings.
Your point is? Government intervention by unilateral decree and government intervention by vote is still government intervention, and it has the same disastrous effects. This is why libertarians hate democracy.

>The issue with healthcare is balancing quality, cost, and access.
All of which would improve dramatically under a totally free market system.

So what do you call this system? You want even less regulation? We ended up with a corrupt economy, corrupt monopolies, corrupt politicians, ZERO protections for people, no socialized healthcare/pensions/childcare/parental leave/university education.

How about we try something else? Investing in PEOPLE yields smarter and better workers who aren’t mentally ill anxious schizos worried about going homeless and becoming retarded Christian Zionists to keep the painful reality away.

>>it’s not real socialism unless it’s cartoonishly evil.
The only communism-ish variant that can work is China.

>but at least he made the Insurance companies take on people with pre existing conditions

you deserve to die if you think this is actually a good idea, we need fewer brainless dregs dragging society down

Kikebook needs to be banned.
Secondly, Americans are Americans black or white or any other color.

The programs all worked and people got too smart and educated... so the Republicans gutted it all in the 80s and made it impossible to start new programs that are even better designed.

>Investing in PEOPLE yields smarter and better workers
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Why is Jow Forums always right about the fucking kikes?

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Socialism is good.
Free gibs for all.

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