>Change "Israel" to -Democratic Republic of Judaism-

Have you ever wondered why they chose "Israel"? Maybe because through pre-planned ignorance and convolution, they anticipated making the 3 billion Christians on the planet uphold it. What do you think "Israel" meant in 1900?

"Israel" is a term which, in the Christian faith, denotes the nation of believers who recognize Jesus Christ as the Son of God/God manifest in the flesh. While the Nation of "Israel" may choose to call themselves whatever they wish, the United States of America should adopt a more politically correct term, so as not to offend the Christian majority. The fact is that most citizens of "Israel" are not of the Christian faith, and some even subscribe to "Jewish" Talmudic teachings which is historically blasphemous to Christians.
In order to facillitate progress and mutual understanding in this ever-changing world, we must not neglect each and every faith-group facing the brunt of politically incorrect dialect. Please do your part today and support the millions of Christians in America facing offensive persecution.

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No, make it Democratic People's Republic of Judaism.

I'd rather have them associatrd closer to Congo than Korea.

Is there a reason for this?


Judah is historically a more accurate name for them.


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>Israel is genociding white people
>He only wants to change Israel's name because it upsets his deity

the absolute state of christcucks

>same kike in every thread saying the same thing
Did you have a plan at all, faggot?

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this is why the name israel was chosen, since the original proposition did not include the territories of the kingdom of judea . also you cant change the name to 'republic of judaism' since that implies a theocracy ,and if anything we need less religicucks influencing our politics and not more (although the next generation of the religious minority is rapidly getting redpilled and abandoning it).

also kahanists wanna found a new state for jews , called the state of judea which is actually what i think you're talking about
their proposed flag is two white stripes and the menorah-smbol of jews .

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also 'israel' predates christianity and the existence of christianity is irrelevant to it .
if i make a new cult which says 'frence' is the nation of people which worship me and give me shekels as offering regularly , i dont really think french people will change the name of their country because of it .

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>t. Increasingly nervous kike
Who Controls Wikimedia?

Zack Exley(Ashkenazi Jew)– Chief Revenue Officer

Geoff Brigham(Northern European homosexual)– General Counsel

Garfield Byrd(Sephardic Jew)– Chief of Finance and Administration

Board of Trustees:

Ting Chen(East Asian homosexual)– Member

Samuel Klein(Ashkenazi Jew)– Member

Alice Wiegand(Ashkenazi Jew)– Member

Patricio Lorente(Sephardic Jew)– Member

Of the seventeen(17) Wikimedia senior staff and trustees, five(5) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 29%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the Wikimedia senior staff and trustees by a factor of 14.5 times(1,450 percent).

Literally kill yourself.

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im kinda surprised its only 5 , would have expected more
why are you assblasted ?, what of the things i said offends you ?

Is there any proof that the jewish beliefs actually originated in israel? Or is it just another fib? Weren't they in egypt or something?

Your presence here is unwelcome and unwanted. You know this.

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Current jewish beliefs are based on a massive encyclopedia that is the culmination of the diaspora's past 2000 years. It is truly a fatherland-less religion. Mideival depictions of knights fighting snails gives evidence of this: snails carry their home wherever they go. This theme directly ties to what the Reich said about them: an international clique.

>post dumb shit
>anyone actually pointing out how dumb it is is unwanted
now i know OP is always a faggot and all but you are pushing it

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You idiots have no poker face. A massive influx of kikes means we are a growing threat. You really let the IQ meme go to your head, kike.

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>ever doing anything to upset their masters

maybe in another life

Just gotta meme it into a talking point

Unless you are an atheist you know who are the ones that will stand against the nation of israel in the last days right? Do you know wich team you choose?You should atleast have this knowledge,you should know what you choose.

So was Moses the jewish prophet? Or were jews already established by then

The original Jews basically broke off from Israel, established the kingdom of Judah, and called for Israel to be invaded by the Assyrians.

Those Jews were traitors to the Israelites. In addition to that, modern-day Jews have zero connection to any of those original Jews from back then.

So basically Jews are a double LARP.

This is genius

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