Is this a recommendable pursuit for those with sizable incomes with no outlet to spend on?
How was your first experience with an escort/prostitute?
how can humans even compete with camels?
It was a terrible decision while I was in vegas. I'm glad I used a rubber. Got a massage too but the girls will never EVER look as good as their pictures unless you pay top dollar like 1000+ an hour for an escort from a high roller agency.
But it was fun and she was Asian and it worked out fine.
>master bate
>cheaping out on a hooker
1000an hour at least.
>paying for Asians
>It was a terrible decision
>it was fun and she was Asian and it worked out fine.
Have you suffered any major brain trauma in your life?
Not only did he pay to fuck an Asian, he paid a thousand bucks kek
>He doesn't ensure his pet camel gets the finest ass on instagram
I guess that means you don't really love your pets and, as such, your pet doesn't truly love you. Meanwhile, Cammy has already defeated several SEAL strike teams sent to detain me.
Always go high dollar. You get what you pay for. They have much higher standards.
Got blown by a crack whore once. She wanted 30, only had $16 so i didn't finish.
>tfw saw a prostitute once and when we were chatting between rounds she brought up she would never see a black guy and then assured me she wasnt racist tho.
i just smirked, prolly shouldve ensured that beforehand though...
I always liked the semi-pros on craigslist. Now I go to massage parlours sometimes.
The closer to a girlfriend the better the time I've had.
i come back here after being away 6 months and its like this board was completely turned into poisonous ZOG sludge
>paying thousands of dollars for sex
l m a o
mods purge this thread please
Some of us have money to burn.
I lost my virginity in a Reno whorehouse in 1974 at age 16. Didn’t have to wear a rubber in those days. They washed your cock and their gash with warm water before and after. I think it was like $20 or $40 for intercourse
that doesn't make it any less bottom of the barrel retarded
I injured myself and went to a massage parlor after leaving work. Got a good but weak-handed massage then she wanted to touch my peepee. Far from the dispassionate handjob I would have expected, she put her heart into it, let me suck and her titties and grope here, and would say what I asked her to in her broken English.
Even after dressed she was all huggy and doting. Crazy bitch tried to kiss me, but she was too short and I wasn’t having none of that.
Overall not bad.
>Didn’t have to wear a rubber in those days.
The reason we have to now.
>paying some thot more than most people make in a year to jerk off a camel
fuckin lmao
I have paid 160 max for a hooker and the lowest one was $30 in Indonesia lol. You can get some hot chicks in LA for pretty cheap but one time I almost had to best the shit out of one because she didn't want to get fully naked and take off her top, I was like where the fuck do you think you are bitch?
doesn't even question the shit and piss
>Paying 160 in burgerland
how many teeth was that 40 year old boomer she(boy) missing?
blacks try to negotiate a lower price after its done. among other things.
>They washed your cock and their gash with warm water before and after
Thats what i call safety lads.
That's degeneracy, you are american so you don't even need to hide behind a memeflag.
idk, maybe i'd change my mind if one were right in front of me, but I think i could probably jerk off a camel for 81 grand.
off by 5
> and after
Thats service.
pretty good . so good that since i was 19 i have been constantly going to escorts . im 24 now . i pay no more than 200 per hour. usually is between 100 and 150 and you get decent cunts . never had a GF so i don t know if it s more expensive desu
I mean, it's certainly not as good of an emotional investment. A gf can be a competent business partner that can help you build a prosperous company that does any number of useful projects for humanity.
I've spent over $1000 on myfreecams though since I was 16 and I'm 24 now so I don't think I've followed my own advice well. Time to continue nofap I guess
me on the right
Doing degenerate shit like this?God i fucking hate you atheist heretics.
i havent touched a girl much less had sex for at least 5 years now. it sucks.
How can i find a hairy gorgeous escort who doesn’t shave everything?
Thinkin about giving it a go. Never have, seems awkward. But I am tired of female bull shit so it’s the only option other than building a hidden box I can stow a real doll in so I can still have friends over.
I want to fuck a prostitute (23 year old kissless virgin), but the local women on Adult Work are ugly, and none of them have big asses.
Yes it is fine and fun
Fucked a ladyboy in a Bangkok alley once. Was drunk as fuck. Much better than the Haitian prostitutes.
LMAo. Are you really ugly or something? I can get high class escorts for a third of that lmao.
Imagine paying for pussy
>First experience with an escort.
Fucking Ashley Graham! Jesus Christ, what a fucking bullshit escort mission that was. And then you had to do it 3 or 4 more times throughout the game. Total retard kept getting grabbed or hit. And that voice! "Help me Leon"! Ended up turning the sound down whenever she was with me.