Serious question for white nationalists: What makes somebody white?

Serious question for white nationalists: What makes somebody white?

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>What makes somebody white?



Essentially, white skin. This means many Hispanics, Arabs and Jews can be classified as so-called "white".

Why don't you Amerimutt use the more exclusive term "European" instead like we do here?

Nice try kike-o-matic. We are hip to your jewey critical theory game.

So, hymie you tell us, if we are not a unique race, how can you be unique? You take an identity by not being us, so you prove that we are separate from you. We know we are white and so does everyone else. We all know what white is. There are even laws to discriminate against us, somethod isn't going to work on /pol. try again. Your old, tired

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white skin is the first thing that goes into the equation, but then theres also their facial structure which i usually judge people on. i have no idea how to explain it but usually the difference between a jew and a white is that jews are always ugly. telling the difference between a white european and a light skinned hispanic or arab is really easy.

So I take it your not a white nationalist?


Being entirely of western or eastern European descent. Next.

Came for this fpbp


European ancestry

Jew literally isn't a race. Jews are Semitic, as are several other ethnic supergroups.

Can Jow Forumstards even argue coherently. Either answer the question or admit you can't and fuck off

>telling the difference between a white european and a light skinned hispanic or arab is really easy.

Just out of curiosity, do you think pic related is white?

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White was a creed when first introduced by the Founding fathers that meant Anglo race + Protestant faith. Specifically those from England, Amsterdam, Denmark, northern protestant Germany, southern protestant Sweden. Excluding catholic irish and germans because catholic societies lacked the proper qualities that were effottlessly instilled in protestant ones. French were excluded for race and catholicism. Others like slav russo excluded for race and religion.

It was a legal term included in founding documents like the constitution and federalist papers and immigration and naturalization acts. Those who seek to be included today, while "white" arent "White". Pink nipples and blonde hair arent what make you white, its a creed

Are sicilians white? What about Armenians? Georgians? Your concept of whiteness seems entirely structured around geography?

Is that picture shooped? It looks like her hair color is fake and her eyes were made larger.

No, these countries are caucasian true, but racially mixed with turk and arab blood, though theynhave many white features. They are Christians, but orthodxy not protestant. This isnt a slur to them as they are Caucasian Christian like me...but im not a slav orthodox christian and im not offended they dont recignize me as such.

Believe it or not that's actually a teenage girl, and it's not shopped.

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Not been a nigger

>from Proto-Indo-European *ḱweydos, a byform of *ḱweytos (“bright; shine”)

Get it?

Those of European stock. You'll find some racial mixing has gone on in southern and eastern Europe, but all European countries have been home to white people.

>/thread your own post

So, having light skin? Is that it?

Forward planning
Understanding causality
>The same things that make someone human instead of an animal
>they are most commonly found in populations with low melanin production
If you're missing any of these you are not human, and therefore not white.

Again, is whiteness entirely structured around geography? Where exactly do people stop being "european"?

So is light skin your only criteria?

I listed 4 criteria other than skin colour. So no, skin colour is not the only criteria.

It's based on genetics rather then geography. You can divide white people into three racial groups. Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean. Mediterraneans got pretty much absorbed into the other two groups so they don't exist in large numbers these days. The geographical location of a people can change all time so it's about genes rather then land.

But you mentioned they are commonly found in populations with low melanin production.

>Skin colour is not the only criteria.

Is someone with dark skin who has all four of these traits considered white?

we don't really use "european"

we use local or non local

Then what genes make somebody white? I assume you mean specifically physical characteristics, or am I wrong?

1. Look white.
2. Act white.
3.have the white mans interests in heart.

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No, but they are at least human.

So if I have this right, having all four of these traits makes you human, and having all four of them + light skin makes you white?

>is whiteness entirely structured around geography?
no, it is genetic, it's just the way things were that geography also is closely related to genetics, because travel was difficult

Well, low-melanin skin, eyes, hair, nipples etc.

>Then what genes make somebody white?

Haplogroups. This picture maps out various haplogroups across the world and we can see genetic similarity and differences among them. Race expresses itself in physical characteristics and (more controversially) in mental characteristics.

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White mommy and white daddy. This isn't rocket science.

Again, what genes make you white? Is it physical characteristics?

So are asians considered white then? What about pic related? Believe it or not she's actually hispanic.

Jews are a race, and you can genetically identify a jew. The nose too, the genes and the big hook nose.

Attached: bucktoothjewkid.jpg (650x503, 74K)

Why don't you take your tins of buttery cookies and shove them up your arse?

and King Diamond sucks, sorry danefag

The jew pretends to play dumb, Tomorrow he will forget the argument and go right back to the same false hypothesis. Mein Kampf even says the same thing. Jews have pulled this shit for 2000 years.

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None of the Jews in that pic have hooked noses.

So exactly which haplogroups are white?

>Again, what genes make you white?
many many genes and different gene expression, see >Is it physical characteristics?
physical and mental, since the physics of the brain and nervous system is responsible for mental function

Forgot pic cus I'm a dumbass

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You forgot to ask me how I knew you were a jew.

Is that why you are super nepotistic with the Arabs?

Asians do not have low melanin eye or hair colours, so no. Obviously.

R1a1, R1b, and I. You'll find common ones across races, however certain races have more then others and this where we get the races of man.

>americans being autistic about race
Colour me suprised. Lack of culture and national identity leads to that.

Jewboy, stop trying to deconstruct white people.
Fuck you kike, we owe you nothing except a bullet in the forehead. We can be collective if we want to be and next time we make enough ovens to finish off the 20 million jew parasites that Hitler didn't get.

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That's considered black by stormfags.

Hooked nose is not always a jew nose, it's also called Roman nose for a reason.

Thats a Jew

White people do not have to define whiteness to non-whites. Non-whites discriminate against us. Governments write laws to give non-whites advantages because they have less agency, so everyone knows what whites are. If someone asks you to define whiteness, the correct answer is "go fuck yourself".

Go fuck yourself jew. Don't you have some foreskins to eat, or a old person that needs to get screwed out of their home?

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My bad. But why is melanin production the only factor? If say an African has albinism and, as a result, has a melanin deficiency, does this make them white?

The nose hooks when the horns grow.

Does your sister have big kazahr milkers like Abigail Shapiro?

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Fuck you jew. You are not white.

Not as big as your mothers, amerijew.

Wholly of native European ancestry.

>If say an African has albinism and, as a result, has a melanin deficiency, does this make them white?

You're reaching levels of deconstruction I've never seen before.

She's actually mexican.

I'm not denying there's biological differences between races, I'm just curious why user is defining whiteness as people with low melanin production.

I remember finding a blog a while back that was called something like "the seductive jewess". It was pretty funny because it insisted that pretty much every large breasted playboy model was a Jew and it expanded on this basic concept by explaining that Jewish women had evolved into a subversive "bioweapon". The writer of the articles appeared to be some sort of articulate, educated real-deal national socialist with this really weird fetish for big breasted Jewish women. It was one of the weirdest things I've ever discovered online.

>the point

Pictures like the one you posted really make me wonder if that goofball was actually being serious and warning us about an existential threat lol.

It's fine. Blacks typically have melanin but genetic mutations happen and if one comes out as albino then they still have black haplogroups within them. One mutation doesn't mean now they lost everything that genetically makes them black.

pink nipple blonde hair nationalism

Shit, I meant populations not races

So, Minoans, Myceneans, classical Greece AND ancient Egypt was not white because they were primarily J2a(99% for Greeks), G2a and E-v13(E1b1b1a2).


if dick is smaller than 6in

The same thing that makes red and green easily definable even if there are mixed colors.
The lack of precise boundary in pic related does not leads to the conclusion that "red does not exists"
In the same manner, "whites" do exists.

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Enough people have to believe it and then it's true

for example, Jesus is now white though he is scientifically proven to be Middle Eastern

race groups and geographical groups tend to match.

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Pink nipples
next question

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Ancient Greeks were actually blaque afriquans .

>south italian
>all those jewish combination
The fuck? I never knew I was genetically jewish.

>when you see the word "Race", replace it with "Culture"

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You know that Peach color crayon in the Crayola 24ct? Hold it up to your skin and if it blends in, then congrats.

Of course they were...
The niggest of them all

The haplogroup map I used was mapped for 1500 AD. Since those civilizations had fell by then there populations lost most of their white stock. But yes they are of the Mediterranean race so they are white.


So Turks are white then?

Ataturk looked white.


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whites dont have brown eyes or black hair.

>do our dicks occasionally subvert our ideals?

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What about the Europeans who do?


Don’t forget being capable of visible blushing. Pink buttholes too.

Do they even have a concept of “blushing” in Africa or the Middle East? Are they even aware of its existence?

This is bait, but there's lots of people who unironically believe this.
Can an albino nigger be called white? That question alone will redpill even the most brainwashed of people

Your post makes 0 sense. The numerous genetic studies conducted, tests ANCIENT and PREHISTORIC bones, not medieval.

And those tests proved that the modern Greeks have MORE steppe(or white) admix than the ancients. The ancients were MORE med than the modern.

Ancient Y haplogroups were mainly J2a, G2a and in the case of Egypt E-v13.

So, according to your statement(only R1b, R1a and I are white) all those civilizations werent "white".

Get your narrative straight. It crumbles like the nigger afrocentric one.

Deep breaths, Tyrone. Deep breaths.

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probably Phoenicians and not necessarily jews. You can tell becuase some Serphadic Jews are on the same x-axis and the others, including the ashkenazis are further right.

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>geographical groups

What exactly does this mean?

But I thought Phoenicians limited themselves to Sicily. Not that I'm complaining.

What makes niggers American?

She's definitely not white. Also, her hair looks dyed

the fact that American has no nationalized race?

if a nativist far right political party would take power tomorrow do you really think they would struggle to figure out who's white? of course not, that question is just a stupid bait. Anyway immigration would work more by country rather than race (european immigration only).

OP is struggling with his DNA. How can we help?

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semen sampling?