Start Disliking this Ocasio-Cortez video Jow Forums!!
The biggest mistake that could be made is not taking these people seriously. Its the same mistake the left has been making nonstop.
TRUE there are people that end up buying this crap and another cycle of failed socialism next
I also grew up in nyc and without the financial sector this whole country would be in the shit
This is what MSNBC is like now?
I really think NY should elect her. It's been a commie shithole since forever. Better they finally own it.
redpill time!
Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin?
Fuck you OP, there could have never been a greater blessing than this bitch. So not only are the liberal elites are busy fighting everything Trump, now they have to worry about the fuckers to the left of them.
disliking is not censoring
Not your personal army, faggot
Any chance of this 56% becoming the democratic candidate in 2020?
Stop giving her attention. People see this insignificant person making you react and that makes it seem like she's important.
I missed the part where OP said to censor it?
Did he ask anyone to flag the video?
It's better if they think she is important. She's already got a number of real 2020 contenders to claim they want to abolish ICE.
i am asking to help redpill
>destroy your pair bonding goy
????? Answer me burgerfriends
too young
Gay. This has good meme potential. Trump needs a funny person to destroy.
Gotta be 35
Legally too young. 35 age minimum
>got BTFO in replies
>didn't post more than once
What the fuck did this guy mean by this?
Your afraid of a little brown woman. How pathetic.
Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.
The title alone gave me the opposite of a boner. I'm a female now.
Well the more woke people are the more they want to innately want to side with us
you already pay significant taxes, your healthcare and education are super inflated kikery that leech BOTH from the budget and from the 'customers'
Ive read that college education price has grown higher that anything else in the economy (and you get retarded SJW indoctrination out if it)
wtf are you going to do about it?
Don't interrupt you enemy when he is making a mistake.
The absolute best thing Jow Forums can do is stealthily support Ocasio-Cortez and post a bunch of yaaaaaas qween shit to support her.
Let her wake them up.
As long as she can be pushed into making virulently anti-white statements then it's a plus. More whites will leave the party and the Midwest could be secured for good
this. they may be retarded but there's a market for their bullshit so they shouldn't be underestimated.
Wtf, I love white women now.
Based and Redpilled
she won't be able to run until the 2028 election.
Some dems are already accusing her of being a Russian agent used to divide the left. I'm not kidding, just look at some twitter comments and it's growing
This bitch looks like she grew up in the nice suburbs of a big city and has never seen a day of hardship or hard work in her life.
I know nothing about her other than this video. How right am I? I bet I'm right on point. I've seen hundreds of girls exactly like her, that... dress and move like her. She's the quintessential suburban girl.
Reminder: Nick at Nite now has better ratings than MSNBC. People are more interested in reruns of Yogi the Bear and Full House than the garbage MSNBC pedals.
h aha the liberals cant debate at all hahahahah we are overtaking them in the comments
You're an idiot
We want to promote her because she's weak and contradicts the Dem message sometimes
she is middle class and lied about her social status. her dad was an architect.
This. We need the democrats to implode. More far left nut jobs, and the party will collapse within five years. Plus it gets (((them))) nervous.
Dont do Democrats jobs for them. Dont help Democrats, and ignor all Democrat plea's to "end Ocasio cortez."
Ocasio-Cortez is a special gift from god for republicans.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
>loud and proud 'socialist'
>Abolish ICE, grant amnsesty to all illegals and decriminalize all future border law infractions. (quoted directly from NPR interview 6/27/2018)
>Remove white males from (__________)
>wealth "redistribution"
>self described "community organizer" aka sjw activist
>embodiement of entitled minority
>Latina Bernie
>Extreme leftist ideologist
>Unseated the Democrat's next "face"
>blatant, self admitted supporter for Maxine Water's call for physical harrasment of conservatives (NPR radio interview 6/27/2018)
Cortez is the kind of nationally un-palatable, out of touch-with-reality "resistor" that not only has opposition within the Democrat party, but will be Shattered like pottery by even mediocre Republican/conservatives. Outside of New York city, Cortez, her message and behavior is hair-raising, gag inducing self indulgency and minority glad handing that will polarize Conservatives into steadfast solidarity against her socialist message. She will divide and destroy the democrat party better than any conservative could EVER hope.. She is a wild hypocrite, condescending and stand-offish to anyone not "of color" or 'socially oppressed'. This is a totally un-electable, psycho-left, minority cry baby that will NEVER be able to export her message or garner sympathy outside of megalopolis's on the Nations coast. she can be spouting nonsense about no borders and abolishing ICE while normal Democrats in purple/red districts are running way to the right of her. But in 2020 they are going to have to settle on a single message. And then the tension between their pragmatic side and the increasingly unhinged socialist side are going to have a showdown that will make Sanders v Clinton look like child's play
ALL the time, EVERY interview is just spewed bullshit to dumb people votes
>"Why is the right so scared of a democratic socialist?"
In reality she mostly gets attacked by Democrats for splitting the party and ensuring they lose to Republicans.
I can see her doing very well..
You are expecting too much from a memeflag burger. Remember, it's current year, participation trophy even when you finish last.
>The biggest mistake that could be made is not taking these people seriously. Its the same mistake the left has been making nonstop.
This is absolutely true. She has shit ideas, but she has a lot of talent, and a good chance to be president in a few years.
>we are overtaking them in the comments
comments gets turned off in 3
she has zero, ZERO chance in perpetuity of any office higher than a zog-infested, minority ridden urban area, or megalopolis dominated state (new york)
Not to mention a lot of the Trump supporters that abandoned ship are going to do whatever they can to fuck with his chances at securing 2020, also factoring in Patrick Little running ont he republican ticket as well..that alone makes me think this isn't going to be an easy win for Trump.
>Republicans worry that it starts out with freebees and descends into indoctrination of kids.
Indoctrination of kids is already happening in schools and universities across the country.
You're know socialists are full of shit when they talk about the free stuff but never how they're going to pay for it. They never address govt waste, mixed with bloated paychecks and ridiculous entitlements, also government workers who are incompetent aren't chopped quickly or cleanly.
The people don't know anything about running a country, let alone the benefits of free capitalism, someone needs to tell them opportunity is greater than equality because people are never equal even in the most socialist of countries.
Socialism doesn't work. Safety nets are okay if you can afford them. Govt spending should always be transparent. Govt spending/reform should always be an election issue.
These people spend like they're people's fairy godmother but instead of using their money, they'll use yours.
Believe me, I don't think she should win... But people said the same shit about Trump before he announced that he was going to run
Ideally she would get a lot of coverage AND end up losing because then that would inevitably be spun as Democrats using some tricks to keep her out, but I agree that lifting her up is more important than keeping her out. At worst she'll fulfill the Maxine Waters role where she makes Democrats look like idiots but ultimately knows her place within the party hierarchy. At best she starts a cult like Bernie and her followers start rampaging through the Democratic establishment. Either way I doubt she will accomplish anything that Crowley wasn't already doing.
I wonder if the progressives know that neoliberal democrats outnumber them 2 to 1.
why? we're witnessing the bolsheviks splitting from the mensheviks in real time. they should be encouraged.
>Ocasio-Cortez is a special gift from god for democrats
The party is BEGRUDGINGLY moving left because that’s the direction the wind is blowing in the country. People are overwhelmingly for socialized healthcare and college touition. Millennials can’t afford to buy houses in the neighborhood they grew up in because they’re trapped under student loan debt. The jobs Trump promised to bring back and hasn’t were for dying industries that were dying because there’s no need for nearly as many people in them anymore like coal mining. Unemployment is down and republicans tout this like it’s a good thing, when the reality is millions of Americans are working multiple jobs that don’t pay shit just to be able to afford to live in shitty apartments. People want what she’s selling, and if you’re not scared of her you should be
>hey guys have you noticed how obsessed the right is with this beaner commie
>yeah we had her on every talk show imaginable and wont shut up about her but the right is obsessed!
corporate democrats hate this, their party platform is becoming business unfriendly, tax heavy and laced with big government and entitlements. And that's not saying anything about being weak on immigration, hatred of police and military, hatred of small town America.
Notice how the democrats are focusing on a big city leftist immigrant looking cunt instead of reforming to grass roots middle-class working Americans, that's not going to win them seats where they need to, they already have the immigrant laden cities wrapped up.
I'm not scared because she can't pay for anything, she's all talk and incompetence. At least Trump built a fortune, these dems only know how to spend.
>Unemployment is down and republicans tout this like it’s a good thing, when the reality is millions of Americans are working multiple jobs
she said this word for word and was mocked by even mainstream press because of how stupid it is you faggot, thats not how unemployment works
Trump has been around for decades and despite the left's spin about bankruptcies is a reasonably successful businessman. Ocasio-Cortez a bartender who sounds like she's in one of those man on the street skits. Keep in mind the primary's turnout was lower than 15% of registered Democrats.
ask yourself this, how many Americans are okay with higher taxes? I'll answer for you, 0.
Working two shitty jobs and then driving for Uber on top of it just to barely scrape by is not living, it’s surviving. Being 67 years old and having to work as a Walmart greeter so you’re not forced to eat cat food is not living, it’s surviving. Technically those people are employed which drives the unemployment numbers down, but who of the millions of people in that situation is happy about this and thinks it’s good?
The Democrats thought the same about trump. The media litterally worked together with the Democratic Party to hype up trump and talk about him non-stop. They thought he would push the party far right, lose the nomination, then make the republicans look dumb in the general election... THEN HE WON AND TOOK OVER THE REPUBLVISNS AND THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.
I can't wait until toilet paper costs $82.99 a roll!
>Tfw TP holds stronger value than your currency
>Being 67 years old and having to work as a Walmart
that's freedom burger, pure undiluted freedom. That person was free to spend every dime for the it's entire adult life. Free to not save up for retirement, free, free, free. Are you suggesting that other people should pay for that persons poor life choices? They should be enslaved, forced to work even more, so someone else don't have to?
I want her to win so liberals can't argue anymore that minorities don't argue based on race.
Why contain it?
this cortez bitch is dumb as fuck
>A C C E L E R A T E
you just want to see the world burn don't you user?
No it’s not. It’s not freedom when you work your entire life diligently putting money into your 401k and then your company commits crimes behind your back and runs off with your retirement fund and you have to move in to your kid’s house like what happened with Enron. The government should exist protect it’s citizens. And outside of the echo chamber that is Jow Forums and Jow Forums in general people want that. People want to be able to live a dignified life.
God look at all those Jews. Three out of four in the panel.
Have you ever had a 10 minute conversation with a 67 year old Walmart greeter?
Yeah if retarded, neckbearded incels on a Chinese cartoon board were able to subvert the GOP, even an old crotchety Jew that wants all the money will subvert the Dems
We need to push her and make her the new face of the Democratic Party. This is the Democrat's worst nightmare. Keep pushing her and propping her up. We want to make sure everyone knows her views. Finish the Democrats off once and for all.
>1 Post by this ID
reddit niggers fuck off???!?
Yeah, a few months ago. I was getting my car worked on and it was going to take a while, so I called an Uber so I could wait at home. The guy driving was a retired school teacher that couldn’t make ends meet anymore, so he drove for Uber and worked for Walmart to scrape by. He was a nice guy.
I like this guy.
I watched this clip earlier and made a thread about it asking wtf is wrong with the interviewer guy. He's manic and sexual. No one responded to my thread and i was sad about that but oo lookee here is a thread about the exact same video! What are the odds
I am gonna pop some popcorn and pretend i made this thread and i might even masturbate
ohh come on now, this shitskin will not win anything serious ever.
obama was only for show that "look look we are not racist we got ourselves a nigger monkey president"
i can assure your USA will not see a nigger POTUS ever again, not even a tanned white guy.
I don't know dildo. Did you fucking read it? Seems like he meant what he wrote.
>putting all of your retirement savings into one company
It already is. Might as well enjoy the shitshow.
Looks like I can't like or dislike this video. They froze it?
Yes Jow Forums get this video to Trending
Better yet, what if instead of literally gambling with our senior’s retirement funds, we had a socially funded network that ensured they could live out their years with dignity no matter what the stock market was doing? Crazy, right?
the biggest trick the jew ever pulled was convincing the world he exists
What's the deal with O-C? Who's funding her?
omg user the jews are at it again
>that's freedom burger
fuck yeah danefag. free to rise, free to fall.
The biggest mistake was letting the Jews play their game.
Listen to this guy. He knows.
take notice, people. this is the main argument of the left
>we should be protected from our poor decisions
you're a goddamned disgrace and a parasite
sauce nigga