This world is a false universe or fake universe created by a creature some call the demiurge or darkness

This world is a false universe or fake universe created by a creature some call the demiurge or darkness
>The demiurge comes from an even greater being than it, who is infinitely more powerful, the demiurge hates it's creator but it's creator sees no reason to intervene directly in what the demiurge does for unknown reasons
>This being also created our souls or "essence" I don't know what this being is or what's it called, but it's had so many names in the texts I've read I can't get anything consistent on it's properties
>The demiurge has a series of servants called the archons extremely powerful psychic beings who have some kind of mind warping reality bending type abilities
>These archons preside over large armies of evil demonic inter-dimensional beings who reside in a dimension that overlaps with this one but we can't perceive it
>The demiurge and archons trap us in physical bodies so we may suffer, they feed off our pain like a drug(loose) and subtly influence us in order to make the world worse, we were not created by the demiurge but are trapped here
>The demiurge has some kind of relationship with the planet saturn???
>The universe is a projection or hologram and isn't really there, it only appears as we "discover" it like a video game that only loads when you the player character are there while the rest of the game isn't loaded but only exists in a data state
>You can make contact with the archons and their soldiers by using extremely brutal methods of sensory distortion, the preferred method of the elite is to rape and torture kids so that they produce a chemical called adrenochrome. Basically cortisol, adrenaline and dopamine mixed together in your brain

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Other urls found in this thread:

>all the pedophile scandals are this
>all the child trafficking you’ve been hearing about in the news, especially those kids being separated at the border? This is where they’re headed.
>Aliens are actually inter-dimensional beings because this universe isn't real, it's not 13 billion light years or whatever across because of the loading thing I said above. Aliens are servants of the archons
>The people who run the world politicians, celebrities etc have come into contact with the archons
>These people put fluoride and chemicals in food and water to fuck with your pineal gland which produces DMT, DMT is incredibly important in breaking down your perception of the physical world allowing you to "feel" your astral body instead of your physical body which allows you to astral project
>Young children can see the beings that live in the dimension that overlaps this one sometimes because their pineal gland hasn't been fucked by chemicals as much as an adults, that’s why they’re valuable to the elites. They’re a pure conduit to the metaphysical, and a pure method of producing adrenochrome.

>The elites who run the world are a bunch of cannibal, pedophile sick fucks who are in a demiurge archon worshiping blood cult where they fuck, kill and rape children and babies in order to produce huge amounts of psychic suffering that the archons feed from, it's like a rare delicacy for them to feed off this suffering as it's the most potent and sweet of all
>The elites constantly cause wars and social break downs in order to cause more suffering, the more bodies that pile up the better because the more suffering it creates for the archons
>The archons have promised the elites something in return for this servitude I don't know what it is though, I suspect it's some form of technological immortality and immense power on earth. Look at Clinton. She’s literally at deaths door and has been for years, but is still capable of traveling the world over.

>When you die your memories are wiped from you and you are reincarnated into a new body, some people escape this and continue to travel the astral world. You are the same "person" you are now in your past life just with different memories and experiences, your fundamental personality cannot be changed as this is inherent in who you are. If you're a pessimist in this life you were a pessimist in your last life etc

Demiurge is the god of the Old testament. Creator is the God of the New testament.

So you throw a bucket of blood on the wall and some demon nigger just leaves some writing?

No, spirit cooking, it's what was happening at pizza gate. They wrote the words themselves. Part of the ritual.

you can't get rid of the devil. he was present in god and that's why Lucifer who god created fell. there is no reality without the devil, there is only the constant shore where evil and good meet.

all you can to is try to see every incarnation of the devil at all times and only identify with God

ah yes gnosticism! when you've outgrown Jow Forumsatheism but dont want to be a responsible adult quite yet!

that's from an old star trek episode

"Return of the Archons"

you guys can't even write an original idea to save your lives

One fake "creator" of pain who terrorizes you into submission or many creators who are free?

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>>The universe is a projection or hologram and isn't really there, it only appears as we "discover" it like a video game that only loads when you the player character are there while the rest of the game isn't loaded but only exists in a data state
this is a salvia trip I had, I was able to catch glimpses of the rendering screen throughout the experience

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So assuming all this is real, what is there to be done except mass slaughter, which is also what they want.

I eat demons for midnight snacks

Learn to fight them internally before even thinking about these archons externally

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They promised them fear

They rule with fear

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this sounds like scientology on LSD

not implying that's a bad thing, just an observation

That's bullshit but I believe it

They control our destiny like the "books" use in the adjustment bureau movie.

I see someone caught up my posts, have you seen the video yet?

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>what is predictive programming
How fucking new are you?


I've talked to all my friends about this shit and it blows their minds

Books can't teach what the chosen one knows

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Please everyone that reads this, I URGE you to uninstall social media apps from cellphone. If you can delete your social media and stop using your cellphone altogether. This is their weapon of indocrination.

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I wish there was a way I could consolidate this concept into an easier to grasp, full fledged concept that didn't sound like schizo rambling. This is the underarching scheme that's driving literally everything on earth. everything.

I am DONE with this game and it's LIES

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I would have called you schizophrenic in the past. Now, not so much.

are the interdimensional beings good and evil?
why do all the elites make deals with evil beings?

good and evil are a false dichotomy. reject it. They want power, control, and have been misled by the jews that they will recieve them from the archons. Only those at the very top, like the clintons, ever see true results.

When did Jow Forums become /x/. You can only speculate about the essential nature of reality, you cant make any concrete statements.
OP could just as easily say that the world is sustained by the creator's boundless, ineffible love for all things and that our small minds cant understand it (look at all the goodness in the world, acts of kindness, generosity, brotherly cooperating). Prople have the can choice of being cynical or grateful. Vigilance is always a good idea tgough what with these satanic pedo rapist elites.

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so is there a benefit in interacting with these beings, or since they're below god they will only use misdirection to get you to appease them?

As long as Clinton is considered evil I don't mind what schizo rants all of you ramble

Me too

These Earth waman generally suck so feel free to blow it all up

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The jews are not human. They have no souls. There is no loosh to collect

Deep down, you know this to be true.

what are these retardedly graphic pepe's called.

impeccable grammer right here

They submit to the ones who rule out of fear

They do not want to rise up and become something great while teaching others the way

Would you rather be a Z fighter or join the Freeza force?

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Judgement's Reeeeckoning

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poopoo pepes?

The oldest soul trap in existence, illusion of choice, divide and conquer.

The awnser is you. The kindgom of God is within. Please watch Chiron Last, great material for de-programation:

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Do you know what I'm referencing? What you said is a repeated phrase from it.

Hypothetically, what would happen if we were somehow able to achieve world peace? Would we "starve" the Demiurge and Archons?

So you're a Gnostic then wow so cool

piece_of_nothing and his website, best find of my life


in your own words explain what this graphic is supposed to convey? i've seen it posted so many times but it misses an obvious conclusion

fuck /a/ I don't care what you think. Kakeru Taiyou was a good anime!

The demiurge did not create our souls. They come from a higher source than he is. He fears our light on one hand, and on the other he feeds off it, so long as we let him. After all, if he could just create the substance that he consumes at whim, why all this?

The Jews probably do have souls. The difference between them and us is that they, as a people, made a pact with him that is passed through blood. They will never be able to break the cycle and will remain bound to the wheel as his food. In exchange, they are given dominion over men and material dominance.

Most Christians and Muslims are also his servants, though many unknowingly. Particularly Catholics and the House of Saud - their leadership is part of the pact. Some call him Yahweh, and he’s the great Dragon that deceives the whole world.

but yeah, opening the third eye can let you see the realm archons dwell in, this is the "unfiltered" false reality.

Actually you just need DMT to talk to them.

Have you noticed the increase shitstorm of race war pushes, lgbt, left vs right, etc?
That's them loosing control of the narrative and attempting more conflict.

How does one open their third eye? Mushrooms/DMT?

Meh.. close enough.
Some wrong, some right.. who gives a shit?

Which ear is ringing, the left or right?

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I'm pretty sure it means the Jews are aliens from Saturn.

You don't happen to have all of that text saved, do you? It seems all of the mirrors or down or the links are broken. And yes, best find of a lifetime.

Also, since no one understands this as much as I do in my inner circle, let me ask you... I found the site through a friend about 16 years ago... Six years after that, the friend hung himself under mysterious conditions. Strange? Although since, my knowledge has obviously increased and I haven't been targeted to my knowledge.

Saturn is the Demiruge


What a bullshit LARP, that wouldn't even make a good movie, and star trek already did it anyway.

This universe is light battling darkness. Order against chaos. When you understand the separation between the two, you understand how everything came to be. Zero is -1 + 1.

This battle between light and darkness manifests itself in our physical lives even. It's almost like the divine song described in the creation myth of Tolkien's legendarium. If light is prevalent in our sector of the universe, good things come, great empires rise and make new discoveries, there is much beauty and love in the world. If darkness is more prevalent bad things come, Jews (servants of dark forces) release shitskin hoards to overrun once great empires, there is much ugliness in the world and it begins to die.

Light and darkness also manifest within men. I mean shit, look how easy it is to tell who's likely to be good and who's likely to be evil. Humans are literally color coordinated. These beings put into bodies of light are more akin to light, and ones of darkness more akin to darkness and those things associated with it. You can, through your power, draw more light into your life. You can also however draw more darkness, typically happens if you aren't in good control of your mind and actions.

We give these light and dark and in between forces names sometimes and personify them, gods/demons etc. Humans better understand it that way. There is indeed a sort of divine force behind every manifestation of light and dark, perceived good and perceived evil, creative and destructive, etc. If they weren't separate, existence wouldn't exist at all. This is the most basic understanding you can be given quickly, but it's far more complex.

Do you think it would be possible to negotiate with the Demiurge and Archons? Maintain a "status quo" of misery to feed them while avoiding things like pedophilia? Or is this out of the question?

Is it possible to ever regain memories from past lives, or are they simply lost forever?

gnostic hooey. what would the point of all that be?that seems like a lot of trouble to go through

I can assure you that these people will find hell when they die. They fail and will keep failing the test. The suffering of what you call the demiurge is not without purpose and has an important function in our evolution. Archons are egregores which we can erase with mind (or faith rather) - Be careful what you bind yourself to.

Seek rather Christ and his Word as it is the sword he brought us to fight against wickedness in high places.

THEY can't attack us unless we provoke direct conflict, like killing someone, but I'm not sure.
They can't stop us from pursuing know-ledge too, but they are pumping psy-ops like crazy lately.

I use this freeyourbrain dot tripod dot com

Theres also a channel on yt that is based on his material called Deconstructing the Matrix. With a few media references.

We could use new mirrors for the website tho

All you have to do to ring in someone on this topic is by asking if they are aware Saturn has a Hexagon on the bottom.. It always brings curiosity. From there get a piece of paper and show how a hexagon relates to the star of david.

Look into the akashic records

Based and redpilled

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Existence = Choice/Consequence

Being in control of choice is why humans are ruled through manipulation

We have the power but are controlled

They want to have the power but cannot feel and thus cannot control or use the power except through us

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>negotiate with the Demiurge and Archons

No, you have to be (((chosen))) to enter into a deal with him...

>what would the point of all that be?
Seems like domesticating chickens and cows just to slaughter and eat them seems like a big waste of time to me too.

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Fighting them would be fun but yes starving them would be effective

Like Vampires if everyone starts hunting them


Drugs are always a cheap shortcut to just accessing your mind

yes i guess the mushrooms have to be in high doses, same as lsd
dreaming lets you view out of body, in the overall reality which is multiple dimensions and times, you can learn to navigate that reality to influence this demiurge one

This thread belongs in /x/

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In this world we are in a constant battle of darkness against the Light. Do not forget the Light always wins. God is King of the Universe. The devil is among us and with us to spread fear and lies. Submit to God, the Eternal Love and Light.

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This! Get rid of your smartphone! Its literally the mark of the beast in revelation 13. The beast is the internet so be prepared to stop using that.

No, it doesn't. This is an important aspect of geopolitics. It is the missing link.

I don't submit to God because I do not fear God

If anything, I would fistbump God

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ca you elaborate please

Makes no sense. Why worship demirge if they can worship the more powerful guy?

i can read you

What do Aliens do on behalf of Archons? The little I've seen of flying saucers, I always got the vibe they're outsiders peeking in out of curiosity.

Almost all of this is false and never happened you honestly have no clue what you are talking about.

This, these are the same people who deny the holocaust and thought national socialism standed for good despite it's meant for wars and selfish for them selves and only for whites.

The internet was suposed to be a physical equivalent of akashic, a easy acessible library. Unfortunetaly it turned into a weapon of indocrination, disinfo and terrorism. People have NO idea how much harm is doing to us. But not for long.
True words, we are to be aware of why we make the choices, they want to dychotomize everything we do, choose because they tell us this is right, this is wrong, etc. That's what Chiron refers in "action of neutrality".
I'm glad to see others like me around here, stay strong!

>Satarn is demiurge
No satarn is just a planet.


Fell for a bluff

Evil's power lies in manipulation and deception

>JEsus is a son of god
No he isn't... There has been historic proof jesus wasn't.

The creator God does not interfere in this world, except with those beings he sends to provide wisdom to his providence trapped on earth: Christ, Lucifer(who is not satan), Buddha, etc. He provides no earthly pleasure or power. Only knowledge, so that we may one day return to him. THe demiurge hates this, as each soul that returns is less loosh to be harvested. See; adam and eve.

They are asleep, and they will remain so.
They are food.
They have always been food, and they will always be food.
Nature decrees it.

If a few wake up, that is nice.

It is vanity to think that you can stir them, though.

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>Jews are not humans
I mean I would say the same for whites for being brutal not loving or compassionate about other races and are always on war 24/7 till we took over and showed you the light and being peaceful, but no you always have to act like animals and rebel.

>gnosticism thread
>no one posted le sad demiurge
Faggots, the lot of you.

>tfw sega were the bad guys all along

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are you jewish?
That would explain your attempts to derail. and the meme flag.

delusional retard, kill yourself nigger

Satan = Opponent

Some would call the lightbringer their opponent

Son Goku was originally sent to Earth to kill everything on it and so was Vegeta

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Someone post it, I love that meme.

Some truth to this

White arrogance knows no limits

Similar to Buzz lightyear

Jews are liars generally though