How do we keep white trash pit of the ethnostate? I am upper middle...

How do we keep white trash pit of the ethnostate? I am upper middle.class and really dont want those people anywhere near me

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I can count.bow many nuts I have popped to Shadman

> dont want those people anywhere near me
And you think they'll be near you because..... ???

Fuck off, jew.

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Those are some nice looking steamed hams.

You are white trash though


Seriously, you need to grab your balls. Marry a fine bitch and get her pregnant x5. You must have at least 5 kids so the snack bars don't take over.

You think the man in the $6000 white trash? Come on

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If you are upper middle class and dont want rednecks near you, you're already were you belong. Accept it, learn hebrew.


Who's the chick with Superintendent Chalmers?


The ethnostate would then develop what it considers its own white trash.


The fuck is this? Some delusional fantasy you fucking retards on here share where every non-white person is kicked out of America?


White people can't even say anything racist or they will lose their job, like that John Schnatter guy.

You fucking morons are delusional.

Who the fuck is gonna do labor and pick your food? We NEED white trash and working class folk in general.

Through social and economic separation like we've done forever, until section 8 fucked everything up and moved the ghetto into the suburbs.

Armin Tamzarian

That is the point. You justified the self-defense right there in your posts.

We cna farm out the labor to seasonal workers and automate everything else. We wont need Cletus and his poor as fuck family. Fuck them

Rulebreaking thread
Do not reply.

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>Canadian shittalking its betters
30% of your cuckistan legally belongs to Chinese

don't worry, you won't get anywhere near the ethno-state

Has Shadman ever drawn a sexed up version of the Shadman meme? Shit would be kinda meta

Shädman's getting better with every day.

There is no fucking way pic is true. I've been using the word ethnostate for at least a year.

The North West front was spammed here constantly since /new/. Been here sonce 2007 and clearly remember it

Communism killed over 200 million poorfags. It's time to go back.

Neither will you leaf, nobody wants to hear you whine about diversity

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i dont think you will decide that, mutt

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fucking new fags

Never interrupt your enemy making a mistake user

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I wish. I am 36 and will never stop coming here

Dunno if you are a must-be-new-here or just
a smart troll doing your baiting.
I'll respect your intelligence and presume you trolling.

My point was that white people are ostracized if they so much as make a racist comment, how the fuck is some sort of "ethnostate" going to develop then? That would take white people organizing together, and they can't even make a racist comment!

This "ethnostate" shit you faggot morons talk about on here has a 0% chance of ever becoming a reality.

A Camel with lipstick and make up is a Supermodel?

What a bunch of idiots. Just go around!

something something sneed

If this is a major motivating concern for you with all of the fucked up shit going on in the current year then just send your kids to Hebrew school and own it.

quick rundown on Shadman?

We give them a glorious trailer park and miles of dirt bike trails to be free

Just do what Orania does, you have to buy property.

Leave them to their trailer parks. They're not going anywhere. Just stay away from their turf and you won't have a problem.

You are retarded. We already have micro ethnostates here in belgium. Simply middle class white who converge to places which don't attract filthy subhumans, because they love cities and materialism. The more these subhumans destroy the cities, the more people leave to the countryside and build an alternative economy. And it's all educated whites. Once the Event come, the rats in the cities will perish, and the small and strong communities on the country side will flourish, leading to an ethnostate as organisation is needed in times of war

white trash already are race mixers gay democrat and false whites like jews. prety much any white against the ethnostate
they will be gassed all the same

average white women wants black dicks
>pic related

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Kek, fucking niggers

I'm pro white and even I realize this. The best chance we have is to get out to a rural area, get off the grid as much as possible, and when SHTF to make sure you don't find yourself under it. White people are not voting their way out've becoming a minority.

>How do we keep white trash out of the ethnostate?
You don't, who else is going to mow your lawn when there are no spics and niggers?

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Every race has degenerates user. In an ideal world no degenerates should be allowed in ethnostate, but can I ask you,

Would you rather live beside white trash or niggers ?


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ah, a man of culture as well.

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we'll murder the upper middle class though, it's the only thing I see eye to eye with communists.
Excel warriors and pop stars aren't necessary.

Thanks for your input, Serb-Slave

no worries, Mahmoud Al-Kebabi


>how to be a second world shithole that constantly gets overrun by turks
I guess you would have murdered Tesla too.

Tesla was a peasant.

Someone photoshop the >shadman onto this please.

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Mmmmmm steamed hams

Your class definitions are retarded.

so is Germany

This pic is wrong and you're retarded

Use them as footsoldiers in the upcoming war, the ones that survive wont be near as degenerate.


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I can trade them for all the minorities I have here if you want.

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also, it we had a stronger sense of dignity and community, there would be alot less white trash. Poor whites used to have some self respect, even if they lived in a shotgun shack, they’d maintain their yards, keep a clean house, and conduct themselves respectably. Now they are content to live on the government tit with no social pressure for their degeneracy.

5 years ago, I would have never imagined Donald Trump would win the presidency saying stuff like "we gotta deport all the illegal Mexican."

Just gotta have hope and keep trying. If we can somehow get 8 years of Trump, I think we can legit be Nazis out in the open.

if* fucking phone

How many?

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Think I'd have to ask her to shower, don't nobody want to fuck a greasy ass bitch.

phone fag

> I am upper middle.class and really dont want those people anywhere near me
Well you better watch out before all the white trash moves into your neighborhood.
You may be upper middle class but you're not very bright.

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it's a reference to arrested development you dumb fuck. i'm glad i made a trip to this retarded board just to tell you how bad you missed a reference.