>foreign minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu claimed that the plunge of the lira would have been caused by an organized campaign masterminded abroad, adding that the conspiracy would include both "the interest rate lobby" and "some Muslim countries", which he however refused to name. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_currency_and_debt_crisis,_2018
Aiden Garcia
Ethan Brooks
>A Pro-life, Anti-LGTBQ, Pro 2 amend God is behind Trump’s 2016 victory >Trump says he believes in this God, thinks that “he loves his people, wants to do right by them” >Sources familiar with Trump’s way of thinking said, “Fuck Off”, further pushing by media led to an altercation between several journalists and a marine helicopter, the Pentagon asserting, “A free helicopter ride never HURT anyone” >This goes against the very principle of what he, as a Christian, believes in (not me, I’m an atheist) >How dare he collude with a God who doesn’t care about literal babies (how could you hurt something so pure) being separated from their mothers? >Especially a God of questionable moral standing!!! (((Coughing…Do This!, Say Please, Say Thank You!!) Muh Do unto Others!) ([THE JEWS DID IT!]) >When Muellar gets wind of this he is going to be mad. Angrier than you have ever seen him >I’ve got it all right here >All I would have to do is reach out to my friends on reddit (can I get a RE! RE! ??) >And show therm this… youtube.com/watch?v=zAux_lN9rIg >And the salt shall flow from Trump mountain >What now Trumpfags?
> Translation: He's a bit scared, like Cantor was. Tries mealy-mouthed backtracking to placate GOP voters. Hey, maybe just give domestic abuse aid to those countries! Yeah, that's what I meant. > A little late (as with Cantor). He was against the bill after he was for it.
Its the classic “praise him just a little when it matters the least, so people give you credibility when you criticize him in the most savage ways later”.
Ben shapiro is a master of this little game he plays.
Jeremiah Martinez
"the Jews that say they are Jews but are not" Whats a Jew really man? Have you ever thought about that?
>vandalize something only tangentially related to Trump >get arrested and felony with 20k bail >the city, not trump has to pay to repair and replace >worth it!!
Missouri is pretty good. We pretty much never have major weather issues except a tornado once or twice a year. The two big cities are blue, obviously, but lots of deep red suburbs and plenty of rural land.
Thats the whole problem, you cant choose, and daughters arent usually likely to respect family advice. Especially not in todays world where mose girls think they are mistreaded cinderellas even in the most coddling of homes.
That’s preferably what I’m looking for. Ideally would probably work in a city center (accounting career) and commute from a red suburb or rural area. I need to get out of here.
Colton Scott
Ice storms. That shit is serious.
Isaiah Roberts
The best way is to show them threatening tariffs actually works in order to justify even freer markets in the future
Samuel Fisher
She’s absolutely right. It’ll be like the post-election riots all over again.
I still just love all these liberals who honestly think RBG is a healthy but older woman who looks like she did in the late 90s or early 2000s, kicking around that silhouette of her from 20 years ago.
She is old, she is doddering, she honestly shouldn’t still be alive for all her very serious health problems. She is living on borrowed time, and very very probably stem cell infusions. But she can’t last another six years. She honestly probably can’t even last another two years.