>tfw you would rather see tens of millions dead in a nuclear holocaust (a real one), including your own child, than to see President Trump succeed in his America First agenda because it’s “mean to POC”, even though his agenda doesn’t go nearly far enough and is actually extremely beneficial to American POC who want to be solvent, successful citizens
What the fucking fuck is wrong with boomers?
Tfw you would rather see tens of millions dead in a nuclear holocaust (a real one), including your own child...
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He was being sarcastic you fucking autist.
He wasn't in vietnam.
>What the fucking fuck is wrong with boomers?
trump told you.
fake news.
It's billions. Nukular war would have serious after effects.
>source: my ass
obvy he just doesn't like his son
Why don’t you Crimea river, faggot.
>he was being sarcastic
I mean if you're going to start a war with Russia the Crimea is a pretty dumb reason, the only reason the Ukraine got it was because of Soviet autism, it was conquered and settled by the Russians and most of the people there still identify as Russians.
They are senile at this point.
This guy is probably a chickenhawk draft dodger like most boomers.
>gets called out for being a psychotic retard
>j-j-just j-j-oking guys cmon
Yeah, go ahead and double down on stupid you fucking brainlet.
actual brainlet retard detected
You're really fucking stupid..
It's a fairly common colloquialism ya dumbass.
now you're using it as an adverb. yall are morons around here who don't grasp the basics of English
>I was only pretending to be a war mongering, virtue signaling boomer faggot
You're embarrassing yourself.
>Russia pays Ukraine $30 billion dollars one time lump sum and agrees to negotiated settlement of Donbas conflict for Ukraine recognizing annexation of Crimea.
> $30 billion goes missing and price of hookers gets wildly inflated in Kiev for 2 months.
There, I just peacefully solved Crimea.
says the idiot who didn't understand a figure of speech, a noun, and a adverb
absolutely kys idiot