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>Chinese Influence on our Major parties
>Scandals for Labor and the Unions

>LIVE: Super Saturday: Australians vote in five by-elections

>Longman by-election 2018: Live coverage, updates

>Kevin Rudd The former Australian prime minister with a global vision

>Nine boss Hugh Marks, the man leaving his mark on the Australian media

> It's a sliding doors moment for Labor as curtains fall on byelection circus

>Mayo by-election: Rebekha Sharkie hopeful as she seeks to hold off challenge from Georgina Downer

>The Liberals call for inquiry into GetUps Longman campaign

>Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten make last-ditch bids to win over voters in Super Saturday by-elections

>Newspoll: ALP in narrow lead but Albo would win easily

>Disturbing new map of shows the locations of hundreds of Aboriginal massacres

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Who else /Longman/ here?

Voted Labor today. Fuck Turnbull and the LNP.

Question: I see many young white Australians become tradies, working in Cafè and doing other useless shit, at their most active age.
What stops them to study STEM in a decent University then get a decent paid job basically anywhere in developed countries?

man this super saturday has been hyped up pretty hard. what are your predictions, aus/pol/?

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This isn't America or a Germany where a STEM degree guarantees you a well-paid job for life. Here to even have a chance at getting an interview, you need at least a D average, amazing references, internships and the rest of it. It's crazy.

Mayo flipping to ANP from CA. Locals are outraged with the Sharkie being a dual citizen traitor [spoiler]and making them to vote again[/spoiler]

waleed aly?

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God forbid they want a D average
The real reason is that STEM is completely saturated by visa workers, visa students. The universities are set up around foreign students, half and over students at any given university are foreign.

my brother lives in mayo and tells me that downers daughter is very unpopular and will probably get beaten

What stops you to go to Europe or America to get a job? Trump?
Globalisation has been implemented within the first world for decades. Within Commonwealth it's been there for about 2 centuries.
Fees here are cheap, I'd say it's a good deal if you finish degree here then work anywhere within the first world where the jobs/industry suit you.

10-20 years ago, a C average would have been enough for an average, stable job, whereas a D average was for the more elite jobs. Now a D average is the minimum for something ordinary. And yes, that's to do with the foreign students who have saturated the market.

Hell, back in the boomer days, just passing was enough.


you need a billion years experience to be considered for one of those visas in the US (cant remember what its called). you need to have working rights in the US to get one of those jobs, but you need to be approved for a job to get an interview for the visa. bit of a catch 22

cant speak of europe though

I can promise you that Georgina Downer will lose Mayo in the biggest landslide ever.

It's true. She is going to get slaughtered lmao.

The University doesn't ban you if you want to study, does it?
They want quick cash has nothing to do with you go in to learn knowledge, you pay much lower fee if you're local, they know locals are poor anyway.
If you want to study mathematics, chemistry, computer science, physics or medicine, why not work hard to enroll?
All young high school teenagers, most of them have no interest in these at all.

Most of the Tradies have been dropping out of their trades thanks to the Boomers treating them like shit, trying not to pay them and trashing the work conditions so bad it makes jobs in 3rd world counties seem like a good deal.

As for what is stopping them going to uni? high costs + degrees that Joe Boomer will never respect or acknowledge.

eg -

>Get a degree in engineering
>Sorry son you need a degree in engineering + 3 years of experience in mono/quantum/macro bullshittery.
>Get said experience
>Good for you but times have changed and now in addition we need you to have 5 years of experience in box design as well.

You can't win vs people pulling that sort of shit so everyone is opting out for low paying jobs and gig work.


Daily Reminder that Boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia.

I've got an interest in it but no inclination to live in the multicult dives that are cities and major universities. Even the professors and assistants can barely speak English now. Honestly, if you can't see what's unnapealing about moving into the city and studying STEM just for some far off prospect of internship and drudgery at global companies, you are a bugman.

Try it, many Australian "tech refugees" are forming ghettos in major US tech hub cities - Seattle, San Francisco, Austin, New York and Boston. Australian engineers generally have a good reputation in America.
The Visa is E-3:
Go LinkedIn, asking your friends, friends of your friends, you can get it.

yeah great, no one is going to be interested in an engineer that graduated several years ago, has zero experience in the field he was trained in and only knows shit about coal

tech hub cities are not interested in chemical, or many of the engineering disciplines. im guessing you are talking about software engineering?

I had to get a job in a (((bank))) to avoid becoming a boomercuck, help me boys have I made the right decision?

hows it going feelas?

>I had to get a job in a (((bank))) to avoid becoming a boomercuck, help me boys have I made the right decision?

No, your going to lose your job when the banks downsize because boomers made shit investment decisions and then blamed the banks.

If you have interest in it I'd strongly suggest you go for it.
Leave those shit alone, I don't like them either, put your focus on the objective study only. That's why STEM is much better than those Arts shit.
You can't have everything satisfied.
Everytime I see a young white Aussie not determined to become a science or engineering professional I feel sad, probably the saddest thing for me. If I have enough money I'd pay them for their study.

you belong in an oven.

>not voting for (((Ruthenberg))) means you should belong in an oven


wait there was an election ?

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My department is already being cucked by a business restructure so could be out soon, royal commission is certainly not helping lmao

yeah the cunt is a sad joke, but still represents a party that is still better than Labour. and this is crunch time for the West, let alone Qld.

Software engineering is the largest one at the moment, but Boston and New York area have many biological and big pharma firms, Texas has civil engineering firms, as well as Chicago, Seattle has manufacturing base and tech. California has ULTIMATE tech industry, and some manufacturing and agriculture. The employment market is booming in America at the moment, almost every company is trying to hire professionals.

what for dinner.lads

By-election for 5 dual-citizen traitors.

steak and onions, with chopped bacon cooked in butter and garnished with fresh Parmesan. i ain't feeling well and need a high fat feed.

I was fucking laughing at all the people at work going on about how they couldn't believe what the banks had been doing. I wasn't surprised they were being massive jews

Cunt. And I'll do it sober too. Love the taste of it.

I don't really agree with this. To drag everything from ideal to material is a life-denying mistake. You might say in theory, what difference does your surroundings make it you just want education? But that's part of it as well, I just can't abide the globohomo environment of metropolitan universities and the deathly culture of tech/STEM. Universities were once institutions of knowledge and the advancement of knowledge, but now they are viewed as trade schools only to promote technique and internally to generate revenue. It's a sickening economy.
See here I want nothing more than to attend a traditional institution for the sole purpose of pursuing knowledge and culture

yeah, doesnt really help me though. ive looked around texas and they arent interested. are you applying for jobs overseas or something?

yeah everyone know Lakemba is a Muslim shit hole and as much of a dickhead the cop is he probably just doesn't want her to get gang raped

What’s up straya bros

>Everytime I see a young white Aussie not determined to become a science or engineering professional I feel sad
You've some pretty strong ESL. Just curious what your background is and how you're so invested.

Who here getting on it?

Been drinking since midday. Gone for a simple drink this time

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can you go to war with China and save us?

What is Jow Forumss opinion on Clive Palmer and the Palmer United Party Political party?

absolutely no surprises but it the high ups that are being kikey and the tellers and intern cunts are going to be the only people who feel it, people trying to make a dollarydoo are being molested by CEO jewery

yeah I know it's always the people at the bottom that get fucked

We nuked japan so they would make giant robots to do that for us

let them off the leash then and they can make Nanking raped again

Not even the emus will save you now.

give it time and all this PC bullshit will be done away with and then the fun will begin

I’d like to see the nips take the chinks more than anybody else, but we cocked them too hard


seppo fuck off

Are you sure?

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He's a joke and a liberal-lite but he's also a lad and I'd vote for him before anyone else.

Yo cunts I wanna live in the Gold Coast Hinterlands. Anyone wanna come with? Fucking only good part of Australia.

a wild chink appears

I didn’t do shit to you cunt why you gotta be like that

whether we get chinkified or americanised, the australian identity still dies

american cultural imperialism is as much a threat to this country as chinese actual imperialism

If I can't have an Australian Australia I'd almost prefer no Australia at all.

Seppos can fuck off back to literally any other thread on the board. This thread is full.

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you don't understand what the chinks are going to do to us once they have taken over do you

If you’re not spreading fud about real estate you don’t want to buy a home

Get to work

pretty much the same thing that the yanks are already doing.

>he posts on an American imageboard

naive cunt

Which by elections are worth watching, Liberals are meant to win 2 yeah?

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4chinz is a Tasmanian cousin breeding forum mutt

Yep, now do you believe the Emus will save us?

>he thinks the chinks are an evil octopodal menace and the seppos are benevolent charitable overlords
Hey, remember that time the JewSA tried to make it legal for US companies to sue the Australian government when Australia made laws that hurt US profits? Because I remember that.

Fuck the USA and their kike agenda.

The Chinese are subhuman ants who belong in gas chambers, so the USA (the white parts of it, anyway) are slightly above them in that regard, but the US as a country can and should fuck off just as far away, and just as hard, as China as a country. Both of them can get fucked.

We are the last outpost of civilisation in this corner of the world and we must defend our island home from both the yellow menace and mutt.

Well I’m sorry, I missed my daily burger ration. Almost forgot about my 56%

you should make a 56% burger 56% meat and 44% fat

If I was fat or a Mexican I’d probably be mad but I love these memes lad, a lot of Americans are fat fuckin beaners

>fellow Longman bro
>voting for the bitch who cried in parliament about being made to dump her british citizenship
>Voting for a bitch who did less than Wyatt fucking Roy
mental illness

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fuck I should of said 56% fat 44% beans

getting some early numbers through from Longman, Mayo and Braddon, Libs look on track to win all three

>>The Liberals call for inquiry into GetUps Longman campaign
Is it because there are literally only 10 people who would shill for Getup in the entirety of Caboolture?

this is an unprecedented disaster for Labor, heads from the front bench will be rolling

>getting some early numbers through
From your Dad at Nintendo?

((Anonymous)) sources familiar with thinking are saying Shortens resignation is imminent

>>Thrown Out Of Sydney No Go Zone

Yeah no shit, I'm surprised he lasted this long

Stop saying what i want to hear and tell the truth, retarded normies forgot that these people are dual citizen traitors and voted for them again because of their funny names

Yeah that’s actually pretty good, I live in the northeast where it’s mostly white so I’m not butblasted. But when you go wet to like California it gets beaner as shit

he should of let her go in for the lulz. would love to see how well Lauren's career went after she had acid thrown in her face

Anyone else feel like our leaders should be required to have a background outside of internal politics and fucking sociology? I don't even know the last time we had a martial prime minister. Our defence minister is an early educator.



can you post your sources, nignog?

I feel like our leaders and opposition deserve to hang from lamp posts along the Bruce Highway

Good lad.

nah crucifixes like the romans did then we could walk along and spit on the cunts

>>Seven + Nine News. Gun Toting Carjacking Africans Ram Women's Car. (Narre Warren)

History in the making, LADS

>be Longman
>only choices are either a bunch of meme parties, a dual citizen traitor or a Jew
I put ON first, LNP Jew 2nd, LDP third, all the meme parties fro 4 - 9 and then ALP and Greens at 10-11
I fucking hope someone shoots both candidates because this is a sad joke.

true true, but some of the fat cunts could fall off them.
Hanging is more aesthetically pleasing

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good she isn't white

lel, boomer ex emplyer is still trying to stiff me out of one weeks and 1.3 weeks holiday pay. this faggot has a rude shock coming. 3.5K is not a small sum, but its all principle now. this user is out for maximum butthurt. im going to fuck this cunt six ways from sunday, and its only just begun

It doesn't matter there'll be little China and little Syria and little Somalia all in the same country, Australia dies regardless
The only way to fix the country is deport all boomers, the rest will follow because they'll realise what the country is about and they aren't about it

give him hell m8