>capitalism is the best economic syst-
Capitalism is the best economic syst-
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I don't know what a cash me outside girl is and I doubt I want to know
>he doesn't know about the world
Americans just can't stop make stupid people famous for nothing
she's a hot little slut and I hope she does porn desu
as an american person with backgrounding in editors, I can say that this post does not discover a large journalism story and very probability that it's just a not-much-of-a-burger.
>tfw a 15 year old achieves more than your 25 year old ass
If she's making a million, others are making 10s of millions off of her.
I mean I’m making a fuck load playing football
Soccer for the Americans
You should go back to your own country
Idiots and their money don't stay together for long.
you're just jealous that you live in a basement
What are these sluts even doing with all this money? I can't imagine they are smart enough to invest it or ration it out so they won't be broke and homeless in a year or two.
jewish lawyers manage her money
I don't care. She's legit ghetto af, has a compelling attitude, and can actually rap. No pedo.
sluts are very good at wasting away money
girls with nice tits succeed in any economic system. that's because powerful men, like all real men, love nice titties. next.
You know what?
I might dislike her, I might think she's vapid. I may dislike that she is a worthless piece of entertainment garbage.
But she saw an economic opportunity and took advantage of it. As such, she managed to net millions of dollars and a viable marketing opportunity that can lead to sustainable growth if she manages her brand correctly.
I can't hate her for that. She managed to secure economic security. If she can maintain it and grow her assets she will be set for life.
She'll be broke in 2 years, knocked up by Tyrone in 3, and a single mother asking for gibs in 4
Also this
She has giant milkers
>compelling attitude
I wouldn't call chimping like a nigger compelling.
Why should I care, is not taking any money of my pockets or anyone else's
A woman who fornicates with a nigger needs to be put to death according to the bible
Leviticus 20:16
And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
jfc cut the bootlicking you'll run out of salova
I saw a video of this chick crying over that dead nigger. You should have heard this broad hahaha omg, "he wuhhh liek...changin his style..nawmeen?" fucking dumb cunt
Honestly cannot tell who is worse:
You do realize this passage is regarding bestiality right?
I know they aren't as smart but to consider blacks as animals is really another level of retarded.
I know
Ukraine bro is correct.
>a 14yr old hood rat is more successful than you
better re-think your life
>rethink your life choices
(((they))) dont even try to hide it anymore
>someone has more money than me
>therefore capitalism is bad!
The absolute state of commie retards
i think this says more about the state of humanity than it does about capitalism
if there are enough people out there who find this person worth contributing money to, then we are doomed no matter what system we live under
i rarely jerk off to obituaries but when this piece of trash ODs im gonna let it all fly
It's normal, she's a phenomenon and now on high demand
This stupid bitch will be poor in a couple of months or so, so stop blackpilling people
So borderline retarded people can become millionaires too, that must be truly inspirational for a lot of amerimutts.
This is correct answer.
Isn't that Ty Lopez's "house" and aren't those his bookshelves that he values more than his Porsche
Id cum inside her
It's the new American dream, just like we replaced Mom's Apple Pie with a onions quinoa latte
>But she saw an economic opportunity and took advantage of it
That's part of the problem though. I'm all for free market capitalism but let's be honest here, there's a limit to what we should allow
Looks like bobo lol
What exactly is she making money off? Did she trademark "cash me outside" or something? if thats the case who is using it and paying her? I don't get how shes set to be a millionaire...
I'm out of here before I get brain damage from this retardation.
>These books are worth more then my expensive cars.
>But I will place them on shitty shelving in a damp garage.
Just go to Dr. Phill and you'll be fine
she does shows
She bought her mom a house!
And who is going to make that call? You? The problem with arguments like this is that it ultimately achieves the objective opposite to what you hope it achieves. In the end, you end up enslaving yourself. Not fixing a fundamental problem.
like, talk shows? as in some dumb boomer calls her in and she talks about saying "cash me outside" or does she have a TV show about "cash me outside"
>And who is going to make that call?
Are you implying that this question is impossible to answer?
Yep if a retard like that can make more money in a week than you have in your entire life fucking kill yourself and make nature's job a bit easier, dumb ass.
Not wrong. If you can market yourself and draw attention than companies will pay top dollar to use you as a way of marketing. It just comes down to how far you will sink.
The Kardashians are the epitome of it. Simply acting like whores and "leaking" a sex tape made them millions.
>And who is going to make that call? You?
Yes actually, we the people need to make that call. All this country needs is for people to stand up against this shit and fight back but fags like you just want to ruin this nation by being complacent to every single fucking thing and telling people not to do anything about it, THAT'S the real fucking problem, enablers like you who just tell everyone to stand down and not do a damn thing to try and end this downward spiral
she is a rap artist
Yeeeea well at 18 she'll do the only show worth watching....
I mean she's goona FUCK for money...with a camera...and a boom mic
Potato, potato. Same thing.
Ok. Great. You made the call and banned someone for performing.
Congratulations, you, in doing so, have taken the first step down the road to Tyranny and the circumvention of your own republic.
>marketing on YouTube
Lrn2capitalism fgt pls
A woman rapper? Now I've heard everything
It's fine. The people making her rich are the same commies who are crowd funding Kylie Jenner's aspiration to be a billionaire.
Just more evidence that these people shouldn't be allowed to participate in democracy.
All you need is a vagina and media exposure.
Listen to this and tell me she dont make good music.
Well how bout dat
Sometimes I wish I was a woman so I could have no responsibility and get free money for dumb things. Life is so unfair.
>"soccer for the americans"
fucking spics just cant help themselves
>English invent game
>official name Association football
>just call it soccer for short to distinguish it from other games called football such as Canadian, American, Irish, Australian and rugby football
>Europeans hate sports unlike Anglos and only play soccer so they decide to call it football
I think anyone who can't prove their race is Anglo should be banned from coming here
Ke this bitch is literally jewish and her mom pimps her out to nba players.
A Jewish teen being whored around to niggers playing a child ball game.
I wonder if she would have made it without those giant milkers. Me thinks not.
>yessss goyim, become stupid and vapid and degenerate, you should WANT to be like this cun-- i mean, canny businesswomyn
Get a real job and stop playing games like a child
>Rapper I don't like has money
I fucking hate people like her with a fiery passion, but she draws more money than a lot of rappers can these days. I know she was some obnoxious bimbo before, but someone was smart enough to use her 15 mins of fame, and her tits too, as an excuse to give her a record deal.
This. I love the US, but the culture around celebrities and trends, especially nowadays, is the worst thing we've done to the planet.
>i am better than her, why dont i win
If you were a woman you'd still complain