It appears that there is a particular way in which ladies are required to sit in the presence of Her Britannic Majesty, the Queen. Older women usually sit as straight as they can manage, with their legs also straight and close to each other. More recently, the style known as the ‘Duchess slant’ has been favoured with the late Princess Diana and now her daughter-in-law, Kate Middleton, the wife of Princess Diana’s elder son Prince William, favouring this posture. It requires the legs to be positioned at a slant and crossed at the ankles, combining gracefully both chic and formal respect for Her Majesty. Meghan Markle, not perhaps yet schooled in all the details, has been photographed in the presence of the Queen sitting with her legs crossed at the knees and then with one leg tucked under the other or, worse still hanging loosely in front, giving a picture of casual informality. This has not gone down well with many members of the public, mindful of any affront directed at the Queen, no matter however unwittingly. Articles have been written about it in the tabloid press and a discussion has started with fevered public involvement.
Scandal in the UK as Dutchess Meghan fails royal etiquette once more
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>Rude nigger-in-law
What you meant to say, more proof that the Queen is a racist with white privilege and the UK needs even more diversity
I'd love to spread meghans legs and eat her cunt
God damn, I'm not even saying this to be mean. Megan is genuinely ugly as fuck. Beside her fridge body, wide set sagging tits, and nigger skin, her lower mandible is like a fucking nutcracker.
This is maximum autism
I’m certain the queen doesn’t mind. Just let her be comfy; she knows she’s respected.
Notorious social climber.
Three times divorcee.
One times married to a porn dude.
A literal nog.
Older than Harry.
Not even UK citizen.
Has nude leaks.
Her father gives out personal info to tabloids for petty cash.
>muh etiquette
she was even worse without the plastic surgery and skin whitening
That's what they get hauling in a traitor. Should've went with the stock they raise to be a royal.
>Older than Harry.
i thought that the royal family wasn't made up of literal glue eating retards
what the fuck
No one gives a shit about some archaic monarchy except those that care also about the Kardashians. Fuck the queen and her spawn.
Tbqh she’s hot and I’d even date her, am even older than her but like kids? No fucking way.
You would cum deep in her pussy user, and if you say you woudn't then you are the biggest faggot on pol.
plastic bitches are not hot
stop being a degenerate
what a surprise. sloots gonna sloot
When the Royal family decides to stand up to Islam, and secure their nation again, I will give a fuck about what they want. Fuck these fucking cunt bag evil motherfuckers. If you refuse to secure your nation, and protect your people, your idea of royalty is nothing more than an inflated title. Youre just a tyrant.
>Has nude leaks.
sauce me up faggot
Fuck the queen, we threw tea in the harbor for this very bullshit reason. The EU should rename itself to The CuckedU
Can we stop calling her a Duchess.
Shes a Nigress.
the queen looks like pepe
This is expected from an american nigger. This will not be the last of her transgressions. Soon she will cheat with niggers and sandniggers. Suck Hollywood cock for status again and have nude scandals. This sheboon is a walking time bomb.
>bawww she sits incorrectly
She's a y*nk, a quadroon, a divorcee, an actress steeped in Hollywood degeneracy. In any sane society she'd be whipped just for breathing the same air as her majesty. She has no more business being in that family than Diana did.
But sure, get mad about the way she sits. Priorities.
This. Bongs have weird priorities.
Like when Pakistani are taking over their country, raping and shitting their way to power, yet they are only concerned with Poles workers.
Besides this she’s doing sex scenes in a lot of tv series.
And the loicenses.
there are more attractive mutts
Dumb bitch.
I don't really give a fuck about the royal family, but I still can't believe that this happened.
who gives a fuck.... fuck the q*een and the r*yal family..... they are literally shit under my boot
>7% muslim french shitposting about 5% muslim UK lmao
She actually has considerably less business being in that family than Diana did.
She should be thrown out on her ass. But it won't happen.
we needed an american for the (((special relationship))) and she was the whitest one we could find
Yes because they are younger than her by a decade at least.
i dont think that this matters in the worn out burning hulk called bongistan
she's hot and royals are inbred.. if ever a bloodline needed some new source material its the British royal family
You can just tell markle fucks like a racehorse. Pornstar tier anal etc
cunt is probably doing it on purpose. What do you expect when you invite a half black American into the royal family, who is so uppitty and eager to enforce her African heritage onto the royal family that the Wedding looked like something out of bongo bongo land.
Pathetic Royal family anyway. That queen has been sitting for so long she has watched London and parts of England be totally transformed into non-white swarthes, and she HASNT SAID A WORD. Shes a traitorous cunt and they should all be executed in their palace Game Of Thrones style.
This. Mongrels like her are not supposed to be alive in the first place. Shouldn’t have fought us in 1745
>when you care more about your famous geriatric lifetime welfare recipient than your children being raped and butchered
/thread, it's like being on a sinking ship and complaining about deck chairs being all over the place
British royals are foreign globalist. The whole thing is a scam. Read a history book
I wish that bottle was my dick. If you catch my drift.
How could a man who could have married anyone he wants live with this?
I wouldn't even date a woman with feet like this much less marry her.
degenerate gypsy
She's a whore.
Harry is a cuck for marrying her.
Why the Queen does not behead her for that?
>looking forward to Russia nuking that shithole out of existence.
Niggeress of Sussex
Harry loves rap music...?
Looks like a legit meth head.
Fucking Harry, What a loser. Could have had any White woman on planet Earth but he chose that.
She is was pregnant before the marriage. Expect a divorce after the birth.
She isn't considered a yank anymore, just a nigger with a wannabe crown. To be American and royalty is to go against the very reason the country was formed. Once she cucks the entire royal family and divorces Harry, then she will be sent back to Rhode-I meant Zimbabwe.
Wtf is this?
she's been mk ultra-ed
I remember as a kid, I hate a neighbour, a lady teacher in fact. I always wanted to fuck her, she was single and had red hair. One day she took her shoes off and they looked like this. I never thought about fucking her again.
Who gives a fuck?
Wait wat?
His previous choice wasn’t stellar either.
The true British heir to the throne is some farm worker who lives in the Australian outback. There's an interesting video on YouTube about it.
Every time it just hits me anew how disgraceful it is that the future king’s younger brother would marry a half-negroid mongrel with nappy hair that she has to Iron to oblivion to make it like real people’s hair.
I wish the press would kick them out of the spotlight like with other people not in line to the Perone like princess Anne or the duke of York.
>Yes humans, I also enjoy striking my hands together to make audible noises, and contouring my mouth upwards, and devouring childr-.. raising offspring in a nuturing environment
What the fuck
The lost sister of Zuckerberg?
Ah, the etiquette ....secret pleasure of s&m people.
At least she was white.
This is ridiculous. A dying country and a dying people, and this is the news? How some racemixed "royal" sits on a fucking chair?
hahahhahahah british are subhuman cattle being led by their masters to the butchery.
It seems that the siblings of the monarch are always fucked up. Edward, Margaret, Harry.
whenever i think lurking imageboards is bad i remember there are people who study such shit and feel better
Most halfway decent girl he got.
Can try and hide the nigger in her all she wants but them ugly brown nips don't lie.
evil eyes
take a look and see if you can spot the evil in their eyes
While you're right, that number should be fucking 0%
Genuinely spookstered
Yep, the Plantagenet, great vid, they find him and say
"you are the rightful king of England"
he's like
"yeah, great what of it mate"
gotta love a proper down to earth rightful ozzy king
Harry looks fucked up
Jesus christ couldn't they have at least spent more time house training her?
The sheboon is slowly showing its self more and more as time goes on.
She looks like Old Economy Steve. Yuck.
>this is what the average brit is interested in and not the hordes of invaders taking their children and lives
At this point you guys deserve it.
FU racist the real scandal is Harry MANSPLAINING
It seems pretty clear to me that the whole thing is a PR exercise, it's basically so when they bring in the migrant hordes to genocide the native population the royal family can claim to be non white and avoid death and maintain status
>obvious is obvious
Oh, this is scandal, but that screeching Americunt nigger during the wedding was fucking a-okay, wasn't he?
>This has not gone down well with many members of the public, mindful of any affront directed at the Queen, no matter however unwittingly
>all while thousands of little British girls are getting raped by "Asian" gangs completely unnoticed
The absolute state of Britbongs.
w-why doesn't her eyes move?
what the fuck is this
It’s not like the UK royalty is too good looking to begin with...
It's bullshit, did they do a poll, did they ask more than one person, no
it's a fabricated story designed to serve an agenda
How is she a nigger when she dosent have dark skin? Whats her mom & dad look like? I dont think shes part i think shes morrocan/turkish or mestizo?
that is so fucking petty. jesus christ lay off the vaccines.
I don't understand this expectation that normal people will be versed in tens of thousands of stupid, arbitrary behavioral standards and protocols comcerning tje queen. She doesn't even have any power, or do any work, or make herself useful in ANY way.
Who gives a shit?? Let that old prune-face do something about the sand-niggers invading her country. Then we can talk, with a straight face, about following her archaic protocols.
>5% muslim
More like 25%. Glad you are out of the EU, pay the fucking fees you owe us and get out of here.