Why isn't his career over yet?

Why isn't his career over yet?

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he's done so much work in self promotion that people somehow think he's important
even in rick and morty he's more of a leech than a creator
watch some of roilands older stuff you soon realize he's the one where all the humor and "crazy science" stuff comes from
and what harmon brings is all the worst aspects of the show

everyone on community would agree too

there's a reason why he's not working with any of them and instead had to collab with roiland, a nobody at the time
roiland probably barely likes working with him
you don't see many moments with them together where roiland doesn't want to just leave

You literally picked a target to spaz at shortly after he got paid for 70 episodes.
the worst part of this is not how Jow Forums is exposing itself to be a bunch of SJW's, it's that you're bad at it.
Folks may be mad, folks may be bad, but when you are both of those things in addition to being fat, it's a horrible intolerable combination.
Mad bad and fat is simply too much.

Find one thing wrong with having sex with children and subtly promoting it in cartoons.
>Protip: You can't.

nupol attacking free speech

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He fucked the right kids

I thought that was Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie in the OP.

Because he is a fat,pedophile leftist jew. Goyim go to prison for hurting a nigger's feelings tho!

Pedophiles protecting pedophiles.

>meet dan at some convention
>hey dan, sign my baby.

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He is such a pedophile I can't stand it.
Watch this GIF and tell me Dan Harmon isn't a pedophile

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Who gives a fuck

this is true

I do, Hamurabi's law motherfucker. Why did Leftists kill Million Dollar Extreme yet should get away with this.

He already is

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This desu. Alinskyite tactics. Give em a taste of their own medicine.

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What he do

>25 to Life
> all episodes and products he produces have to come with the warning " Sex Offender"

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The left has control over many cultural aspects of society so they can protect their own. The right isn't afforded this luxury in too many situations.

Went after him too soon after Gunn when the pedo-machine in the media was already on red alert.

he fuk barbi doll as 'jok'

Boy Slavoj Žižek has put on some weight.

he dumb

Because he is protected by his neckbeard faggot redditors.

Slavoj looks more like Mark Hamil.

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Bc I need season 4

They love Community, fucking retards.

Because law enforcement doesn't give a shit what's in your imagination.

James Gunn was not fired for the jokes, despite what the media says. He was fired because he endorsed NABLA, the biggest pedo organization in the USA. Harmon has never made such an endorsement, only jokes and the fact he has an army of rabid neckbeard also helps.
Gunns tweet

Adult swim doesn't care.

Because you need to pester the advertisers, religious groups and parent watchdog groups. Going through adult swim, Cartoon Network or the perps isn’t going to do shit.

Think like a Jew. Hit them where it hurts. The pocket

Hammurabi did have a nice set of codes didn’t he? Maybe Dan Harmon should’ve read them. Meh not like he or the rest of the swamp care about honor or the code. They only care about Mammon

Yea but then you are playing into THEIR money system and you will lose everytime...need to set up some real code of ethics and honor

>ethics and honor
Please elaborate

They cared about MDE’s World Peace? Really makes you think

Isn't the portrayal of fucking a child illegal in the US regardless of context? Also for him to go around joking about rape, pedophilia and saying nigger all the time I really don't fucking know how he's not done yet. Fuckin liberals not wanting to own up to their own shit. And this is the same Dan Harmon that was butthurt that chevy chase was making racist jokes on set with Donald glover. Nothing but hypocrisy and protecting the cash cow that rick and morty is


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Well I dunno about you but I wouldn’t use a snake’s rules when hunting a snake. I’d like to think somewhere somehow everyone’s thoughts and actions are being weighed on that ‘you get what you deserve scale’. Now many will say the rich elite evil Pedos will never be held accountable...but in the end everyone will....universal laws follow only the basic concept of ‘you reap what you sew’

Not a pedofiler

So you wait for karma in other words instead of taking an active hand in fate?


That’s not quite true...I like to energetically tip the scales towards good every chance I get. Everything has a butterfly effect so everytime you ‘do the right thing’ it is amplified to everyone but the same is true if you do sick shit....

Because he is the epicentre of ligma

>kiddy porn
>free speech
Pick one


Time line that has occurred between 7/19-7/22

>Hollywood user posts lists and names and occurrences on pol

>few hours later james gunn info breaks on pol and floods the interwebs

>mass media panic and twitter start to be deleted

>mass archiving of said twitters with 1000s of big wig Blue checks in serious trouble with horrendous tweets

The tweets all seem to revolve around this inside joke of fucking, rapeing, murdering, eating, and other degenerate satanic acts
>Dan Harmon deletes his tweeter and begins scrubbing social media after bad tweets AND a video of him rapping a rubber baby doll

>a major player in Hollywood posted here after that and thought it was private
He posted his tax return gross income of 327 million for last year...

He was demanding you talk to Admin...

> on July 22 the many threads and I investigations here were SHUT DOWN and blocked and mass people were banned for 2-14 days...

Many refugees in FullFeg

This video is a must!!!

Hollywood is the Royalty of America...
And commit just as much evil as them also

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Cartoon Network endorses pedophiliac activities. Hit up their advertisers.

I honestly don't know

Like ok the baby doll rape is bad but last year he sexually harassed a female employee and threatened her when she wouldn't date him.

Not only that but he's a raging Alcoholic who verbally abused his wife and rumors of physical violence

But he makes funny cartoon so I guess he's good
