Talking to mixed race girl today, Russian and black American

>talking to mixed race girl today, Russian and black American
>said she used to be pro homeless rights and such
>lived in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco Francisco for a year opposite a homeless shelter and got redpilled as fuck that they're actually assholes
>said the city spends 250 million on homeless a year

So fucking tired of them Jow Forums. One of these retards who sit on my corner every fucking day trying to sell mushrooms put gum in my keyhole on my gate. I constantly get trash put under it, and have been physically accosted by a few homeless druggies. Saw a dude shooting up heroin a few weeks ago too. Shit constantly on the streets.

Send help.

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>mixed russian black
pig disgusting
my 100% russian gf is 100 times better ;)

I saw you in another thread talking about your svetlana. Did you just get your first girlfriend or you just lost your virginity or some shit? nobody cares faggot.

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Stop talking about your fat girlfriend newfag, no one on this site could give a fuck.

>nobody cares
>free (you)s


Just buy some cans of tobacco and make a solution of pure nicotine. Rub it on them while they're asleep. Homeless problem solved.

This guy gets it

>pro-homeless rights

>living in San Franpsycho in 2018
The fuck is wrong with you??

>Mixed race Russian and nigger

That is even more disgusting than the homeless people she's complaining about.

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Say goodbye to your free corporate lunches bayby
nice digits

What will that do

I was born here

Getting out asap

She's p qt though tbf

Pure nicotine is lethal if the body ingests enough of it.

Nicotine can be absorbed through the skin, which is why the patch works. But the patch is a very low dose. Using pure nicotine on someone's skin can cause them to have a heart attack or something. I forget. But it's pretty fatal. Just don't touch it yourself.

I remember when I moved from the countryside into the city and felt sorry for homeless people and would give them change regularly, because where I was from we only ever had 1 homeless person, who threw himself into a train.

The last time I even listened to a homeless person was when I was walking to the bus stop to get home one night and one asked me for change, I gave him alittle but he kept peering into my fucking wallet saying I have more, I told him it is for the bus but he still went on trying to imply I was being a dick by not giving him my bus change. After I have him what I could he said he needs £2 for a kebab, a luxury at the time even for me as I was poor as fuck, he proceeded to pull out a fucking cigarette and left.

I learnt my lesson, it was soon after I found out that most the beggars in my city had homes or had been offered shelter and support, they were career beggars.

Why can't some lead-rich philantropist share his wealth with a homeless shelter instead of a school? End lead inequality NOW.
>shoot hobos, not heroin.

>talking to mixed race girl today, Russian and black American

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Yup, people who genuinely need/want help just get welfare.

>talking to mixed race girl today, Russian and black American
That’s your first problem race traitor

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Wonder if it was a (((russian)))

It's like you have never left the comfort of mommy's house user.

digits means it's real

you need to move. things will not improve.

i moved from a neighborhood infested with spics/illegals and all the criminal shit that went along with it. white people are massive pussies these days, and my other white neighbors would never stand up to them when they would cause problems on our street (FWIW i'm white ... just not a massive faggot like most white suburban-types)

all white neighborhood now. feels good man.

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that's the most depressing image I've seen in a while
I've been all around the world actually, shitskins and their enablers are fucking cancer

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Try living somewhere like Las Vegas where white people are a definite minority. To get on with your day to day activities, sometimes you have to talk to non whites. Ie ordering food, work related things, ECT. Acting like you purely associate with white people only shows that you probably only associate with Mommy with yells from the basement for tendies you absolute manchild.

It's not to say that these interactions are wanted, but it's almost mandatory to get shit done neet.

There are consequences to not giving men a purpose, a decent social structure and support in getting started in life. If you fill men's heads with leftist garbage about how evil western society is and how bad white men are, they may well drop out, start using drugs, steal and beg.

No one cares you stupid spic.
>the cashier is Guatemalan, see, white nationalism is stupid
This is how fucking retarded you are

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This is a very real trend with punk types out here. There's an entire subculture of degenerates called "dirty kids" here in America that ride freight trains and drink they're weight in liquor. They think they are fucking the system, but in reality they're the goyim bent over the table.

I'm German, dutch and Irish you faggot and I'm not reading that gay shit because you ignored my point completely.

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Having some mutt bring me my burger does not qualify as "association" faggot

Interaction then nigger. I never said that I enjoy the shit, it's just a fact of life here. Sometimes you make small talk, it's pretty natural for socialized humans. I definitely shoot to make the niggers lives miserable through my HOA whenever possible though.

In France they call them 'punk a chien' (punks with dogs). Also many in Germany hanging around stations

Everytime I come into proximity with a black that's not a forced interaction they seem uneasy and distant from me. This has been such a common occurrence I think they can smell my racism or lack of white guilt without me even exchanging words or glances with them. It's an odd thing I've noticed. Other white people must go out of their way to interact with them or something to where my complete disregard for them makes it seem like I just called them a nigger.

Homeless people aren't people. If every single homeless trash disappeared today, the world would for sure be a better place.

>Living in SF

Move ANYWHERE else lol. Even fucking Vietnam is better.

This, random faggot interjecting with their personal lives and shit like anybody gives a shit, gtfo fucking faggot

>I'm German, dutch and Irish
>mutt flag

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I anticipated you, desu.

BTW aren't you faggots mixed with Mongolians or something?

Land of the free bitch!

i always care if a brother gets shit done

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Then move to the countryside you cockgarbling faggot. No one is forcing you to live and work in cities.

Major cities in Europe and North America are effectively shitskin containment zones/FEMA camps. The longer you stay there the quicker your body and mind deteriorates. Dysgenics is real. Stress from dealing with shitskins, poor diet, air pollution, and ugly surroundings will turn you into a hunchback la creatura even if you don’t have any shitskin DNA.

There’s a reason the National socialists wanted to revert Europe back to an agrarian society by cultivating farmland. They wanted German people to be fit, healthy and self sufficient. The globalists want you dumb, unhealthy, fat and totally dependent on the government.

Varg has the right idea.

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I don't need to run from my problems pussy. It's that head in the sand attitude that's getting your kids groomed by sandniggers bong.

>Russian and black American

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