Did the Jews find the secret recipe to make westerners obedient and suck their corporate overlord cocks day and night?

Did the Jews find the secret recipe to make westerners obedient and suck their corporate overlord cocks day and night?
Browsing the internet for years, I noticed a creepy pattern that seems to be getting worse by the day. Westerners simply cannot complain about any product they are offered. They praise it months before it's even out. Do the advertising on behalf of the producer, defend it harder than even (((they))) would. If it`s a show or a game with plot holes, you will see them become better writers than the author to cover them with their head canon. Or you'd see them making excuses for the show because of the conditions it is being made in. etc. You should be grateful they gave you something that good. And if you do the criticizing they Silence you you are hater and they try to destroy you when they can. These days it has become impossible to find any negative reviews on the internet.
Something is wrong this definitely is no normal behavior.

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You're boring mate

Yes, it's called consumerism. Spirituality and higher purpose is basically non-existent in Western life so all there is to life is to earn more to buy more shitty products the TV told you to buy.

They have actually created viruses to do this.

Vaccinate and dominate.

>suck their overlord cocks
>overlord cocks

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>These days it has become impossible to find any negative reviews on the internet
I have noticed this to some extent myself. I also noticed that if you dare to write a negative review about something, be prepared for childish anrgy comments. I also found out that the people who write these angry comments are usually men over 20 years of age.

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So, atheism comes from brain damage?

>Did the Jews find the secret recipe to make westerners obedient and suck their corporate overlord cocks day and night?

So what if we strengthen the brain with magnets, will it make some sort of Ben Garrison tier SS deathbastardkommando?



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More and more people are being born aa sociopaths or minion incarnations due to overpopulation. They are like animals with overclocked egos and can only live off logical fallacies, rationalizations, willing disconnect from reality making epic troll breads, along with only caring about attentionwhoring and whoever is taking care of their basic needs. Pretty much a new class of goyim. The younger they are, the greater chance they are one of these zombies.

This is why politicians and celebrities come back with the bruise on their eye.

your post encapsulates why I no longer care.

Bigger question....

Is the phone you put up to your ear, strong enough to cause damage? Is the place close to the ear?
>Phones are pushed like drugs, it wouldn't surprise me that they cause cancer, or fry our brains.

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yeah, sometimes I wonder if they found a way to manipulate frequencies or electromagnetic waves of "smartphones" and the like to make people dumber by frying parts of their brains. Or maybe it just happened accidentally.

So basically being an open border shitlib is due to brain damage?


Take that, pinkoes!

Kinda, yeah.
Atheism is the easiest way to destroy a society. They know this.

It's ironic because a lot of Jews are atheists, too.

This is what the average Jew looks like now. This is what we're up against.

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Doubt it. I tip my fedora, but the threat recognition part of my brain still wants a wall and highly restrictive immigration.

It looks like that's one cause, but not all. A lot of atheists, from my experience, are not rational atheists but emotional ones. There are some rational ones, but the majority of atheists seem to be emotionally against it. Many seem to have father issues, which runs with my experiences with atheists a lot of the time. The harder the atheist, the more likely they have father or otherwise male-related relationship issues.

There's an author who I'm meaning to read on the subject, to be honest. Perhaps someone on Jow Forums can upload the book, because I don't want to pay this much for a book that might be shit:


Yeah it's not like men from any other race look any better. Their strength is in their unity, and commitment to the group. white people on the other hand are less united and less committed to group and can favor outsiders. Individualism is the bane of civilization

I take it you favour a theocratic or fascist nation, then?

I suspect everyone employs a sort of an internet CTR force to shill for their shit. They pose as content customers and crap up any discussion with their gay positivism and then the ordinary goyim, being the spinless sheeple with dominated by the herd mentality jump on the wagon to fit in.

At least in video gaym industry this is obviously the case. On steam you can clearly see it - the review section is overloaded with positive comments that would praise 100 hours game while having only 1 hour on record.

Seriously no idea. individualism seems to make life better but is unsustainable and leads to a collapse.
one the other hand collectivism as utopic as it may seem, and though it looks like the path to success, is also no good. What is the point of success if it means i will live a repressed life ?

A good question, but I wonder how much of that kind of mindset is because of the way we see the world now. It is true that individualism is great in theory, but as you mention it is unsustainable.

And are any of us ever truly free?