Japanese don't care the decreasing of population.
Westerners don't know the problem of overpopulation
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hahahahaha! fuck you
Why don't you idiots just move out of Tokyo? You have a lot of land... Half your country lives in one city, what do you expect?
Even if half of everyone died it would still be crowded here
Self-sufficiency rate of foods and energy is low.
It's a big issue and it makes a disadvantageous situation on diplomacy for Japan.
>go live on a floodplain or a mountain cragg
they're not snow monkeys they're human beings
>they're human beings
67%of the land is mountains in Japan. It's bad to live.
aussies need more big towns and fewer big cities
most of your population is living in like 5 cities and it's ridiculous
>this coming from a real life Mordor orc
The lack of self-awareness with you, 56%.
Did you notice my flag? We live in the mountains and we like it that way. Oslo only holds about 10% of our population.
>The geography of Norway is dominated by vast mountain ranges broken up by valleys and fjords. Less than 10% of the country's area is arable, and the rest is mountainous.
Robot technology can solve the issue of labor shortage
"What is economy" the thread.
Immigration is retarded, but the decrease in population is in fact incompatible with our current economic system.
People need to have more children, period.
yeah we'll just move out to where the soil is made of powdered iron and it hasn't rained for 400 years. sounds like a great place to raise cattle.
this isn't futurama this is real life
Your country's mountains are not mountains.
Highest one is only 2469m.
just make sure that tech is fully tested
Yes but you must implement fascist military regime that gives the best women to the strongest men for honorable aryan masterrace
we don't care about dead chinks either.
They might not care but the moneymen care, because fewer people = lower taxes. It is the bankers who will try to flood Japan with niggers.
You insult our mountains
That is shameful display
In the west England and the Netherlands are quite over populated and increasing.
The land areas of Japan and Germany are almost same.
But population of Japan is 1.5 times of Germany.
looks nice
A decreasing population isn't a bad thing when your society doesn't depend on a constantly growing economy. The root of many of our problems comes from the myth our economy must have infinite continuous growth which is impossible forever. Debt, inflation, mass immigration, and the disappearance of the middle class all come from this. Most of the issues discussed on Jow Forums can be traced back to these basic issues but we look at the symptoms rather than the cause.
We don't need immigrants who destroy the country's basic values
yes, japanese cities are too crowded
Based, shitskins only were brought into Europe to keep the economy growing and wages down.
b a s e d
I like Tokyo tho