"Orban": "Don't want a EU lead by France"

Hahahahaha how will Frenchcucks recover?


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We all know that the word "French" is synonymous with "Nigger."

>"The Germans should above all be vigilant. There is a French concept, which fundamentally means: French leadership of Europe, paid for by German money," he said, without mentioning French President Emmanuel Macron by name.

>"This is something I reject. We do not want a European Union under French leadership... The Europeans must be heard and we must wait for the European elections before taking some important decisions" on matters such as immigration and the budget, he added.

>"Europe continues to make serious mistakes. (It) does not want to understand and acknowledge that it needs to refrain from moves that may be interpreted as an invitation to Africa or the Middle East... That is why people drown in the sea and remain jammed on migration routes," he said.

Anyone with sense is cheering

Orban is scared of based Jupiter.
This little Hun bitch needs to be taken down a peg or two if you ask me.

>based Jupiter.

Well well well

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>"The Germans should above all be vigilant. There is a French concept, which fundamentally means: French leadership of Europe, paid for by German money,"
Don't worry, Viktor. We are fully aware of that.
Yet, the "French dominated" Eurozone turned out to be German dominated.

>The Europeans must be heard and we must wait for the European elections before taking some important decisions" on matters such as immigration and the budget, he added.
What a dangerous fascist, anti-democrat.

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that nose

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>leader of irrelevent shithole says shit but nothing changes

I know right

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I'm sure Benalla can take care of him.

Hello Monsieur Macron, how is your nanny... I mean wife?

Should have ended at don't want a EU

We won't give a fuck on your "sanctions", keep your lunatic diversity. On the long run we'll be better off, even with no EU coins.

We'll watch France implode, we'll watch Belgium implode, we'll watch Sweden implode and we'll laugh.

Interestingly, Orban didn't include Germany in that comment.
We owe you Hungary, you know that right?
When we turn this around we have to acknowledge that you have always been one of our best allies.

You don't need to thank someone for they being normal. Just get rid of the cucks and stop electing leaders that treat other EU countries like BRD "subcontractors".

>You don't need to thank someone for they being normal.
That's how it should be.

>Just get rid of the cucks
We're on it.

>and stop electing leaders that treat other EU countries like BRD "subcontractors".
That will be more difficult. German industrial might just has to expand into the relatively less industrialized space to the east of us.
It's like a physical principle: gas expands into empty space.
Politically we owe you, though.
Love you, Hungary.

>...don't want a European Union led by France
Until a few year ago the European Union was only supposed to be about fishing quotas and butter mountains.
British media in the 90's had a campaign of calling all talk about the EU "A grey, boring subject. Nobody should be interested in such irrelevant technicalities"
We had people using there own money to warn us, like Commander Brian Gerrish and people like the original UKIP being laughed at by the media and called paranoid tinfoil hat conspiracy loonies.
Now look.
There should be gunfire, screaming and bodies hanging from lamp posts all over Europe.

>There should be gunfire, screaming and bodies hanging from lamp posts all over Europe.
Yes, Muslim ones like the good old days.

I would worry.
We lost our leverage and the french are still armed and connected with africa.

>British media in the 90's had a campaign of calling all talk about the EU "A grey, boring subject. Nobody should be interested in such irrelevant technicalities"
It's when the media tells you "wow, it's nothing" that you have to pay attention.

France's longterm economic outlook is pretty bad. They know they lost their strategy to dominate Germany with a common currency and now they try it with the EU-army.
I bet my dick they will fail again. Germany may be cucked right now, but if you would have to guess which country can rearm massively in a short amount of time on which country would you bet?

>We lost our leverage
Is that why Merkel (in her weakest position yet) told Macron what kind of his EU reforms are ok with her and which are non-starters?

>the french are still armed
In 10 years we will look wholly differently at the German military. Especially with the breakdown of NATO atm these balances are going to change a lot.

>and connected with africa.
Wow! They are connected to a useless nigger continent.
If anything that's a harm. Just look what it bought them: France gets thoroughly BLACKED for the exchange of a few uranium mines.