Quintessential British radio commentator says “EU must sell drugs and food to UK”

What happens if we don’t fucking want to sell to that shitty Islamist island any more?


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I cannot wait for the rioting and looting to come with Brexit.
Weimar part 2 Anglo boogaloo.
Here's hoping Mosley inspires a worthy successor for the second British Empire.

That's not Eamonn Holmes, you fucking retard

the white guy is

jesus christ you EU shills

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Because it's a retarded argument made by economic illiterates. Buyers are more important than sellers unless you have a monopoly on the market, which isn't the case. What'll actually happen is European products will get more expensive, which would incentivise companies to source elsewhere, including locally, to make it cheaper. This will ultimately mean Britain will buy a lot less products from Europe (and vice versa), which is a whole lot worse for you than it is for us.

It's just hysterical scaremongering project lies.

UK buys wine From Chilli and food from all over world.

It's Europe who loose out not uk .

Total lies from media and elite thinck tanks

Truth is always opposite of MSM consensus. Ameriga has unlimited food and cholesterol medicine for UKers.

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yeah...it's a no from me, boi

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It's going to be a rough couple of decades before you magically build up industry to be completely self sufficient.


this. i doubt we will be starving anytime soon - its just hysteria to encourage a second vote. but holy shit if it did, lads im getting the boys together.

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Who said self sufficient? We'd just buy food from someone else. In fact it's one of the key arguments for brexit. The customs union forces us to endure French and Italian (and others) protectionism for goods we can't even produce here, harming British consumers.

thank you, it was a wee bit confusing

A second vote makes only sense, if you would remove May and have someone like Boris go for a full Hard Brexit cliff with some small deals aka manufacturing trade for food.
Just vote again for May makes no sense at all, because she wants the cake and eat it too.

If you barely have food for the end of the month, a WTO level 15% raise means you will storm your already overloaded food banks at the last week of the month.

United States would sell food to uk

Kek. We produce the essentials here. Things we don't produce, like most fruits, we overpay for to protect France, Italy, Spain etc. Once a few FTAs are agreed with places like Brazil - food will be a lot cheaper than it is now. Brazilian farmers having tariff free access to our market doesn't harm British jobs, but it'd devastate a few European industries.

>We produce the essentials here
>self-sufficiency of food in 60%

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Food imports counts literally every food product we buy from abroad. You don't need chocolate and potato chips to feed the country, that's basically a luxury. We produce enough beef, lamb, pork grain, potatoes and root vegetables to feed the country, easily. If the EU wants to make their products more expensive to buy from Europe, then we'll simply buy them from America or elsewhere. EU farmers and food manufacturers will just lose 65 million customers.

>We produce enough beef, lamb, pork grain, potatoes and root vegetables to feed the country, easily
Thanks for the intel.

Better be halal though

my what a tasty burger.

>american food

You should come to my part of Scotland. No Muslims but 200 Romanians crammed into a shitty pre-WW2 estate that was once a lower class but clean village, now has rotten food all over, rotten vermin carcasses and flies crawling all over. And the smell of rotten food goes on for miles.

>oi oi shit oi boys oi oi

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>Saw nigger
>They literally need to sell us

>european products get more expensive
you mean for people not in the eurozone?

I mean to people in the UK in the event of a no deal.

>ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga we has oppinons

but that's a bad thing no?
>which is a whole lot worse for you than it is for us
Have you ever done a size comparison?

EU cucks and shills really have ramped up the scaremongering recently. Scared of no deal, cunts? It's coming.

>doesn't understand that it was part of the plan to get rid of the caliphate all along
we wish it would happen though

>Calling somewhere else the caliphate

Imagine my overwhelming amusement

Oh yeah, not only are you going to have to harbor a million angry Arab men, you're also going to be hit by a million British remainer cucks who'll vote for the SPD. Good luck.

Imagine not getting acidized, blown up to pieces or cut up in public.

It's a bad thing for suppliers because their products will be less attractive to consumers. The fact of it is the EU sells us a lot more than we sell them. Tariffs between the EU and UK is more like peeling your face off to spite your nose.

> Have you ever done a size comparison?

By the numbers it is a lot worse for the EU, if you look at the EU as one country anyway. In reality it'll be terrible for some countries, not so bad for others. It'll probably fracture the union even more when Junker, Barnier and co send some member states into recession to teach Britain a lesson though.

You have never heard about the ECB have you?
Nobody going into recession over here, we print money each day faggot, that's what you don't understand.

So you'll be depending on the fiscal policies of Robert Mugabe to save the day. Good luck with that.

No we understood how world 2.0 is run user.
I unironically can't believe you think Brexit is doing any kind of good for you, we others will get over it.
More to pay for germany, but we handled much worse.
You on the other hand..what's your perspective? Your colonies? Being fucktoy and totally dependent from an erratic US?
I feel sorry for your uncontrolled moment of sperging when you voted against immigrants but actually onaholed yourselves.

upshot is that if food gets reduced to just staples the muslims and africans will fuck off back to the continent in like a week

they'd rather be our fuckboy than yours, abdul

We have no interest in becoming the province of a rootless, globalist European federation devoid of identity. Your grandchildren won't even call themselves German. Your people's identity will be gone. Mine will still call themselves English. A few years of fucking around over trade agreements is worth it.

They literally have to sell food or it spoils. They have no choice. Britain is a first world economy.

Britain is also less food poor than Germany but not as productive as Spain, France, Ukraine, or Italy.... I think.

Britain also has the fucking commonwealth and can strike a deal with Latin American farmers to buy food for more than what Asians pay.

Japan buys South America's potatoes and China is hungry as fuck, buying up Chicken and Pork.

Our pharmaceutical industry is gigantic, the only reason we don't make insulin is because it's such a basic bitch product that even inbred nordics can make it


>the EU NEEDS to break their own laws to sell to this shitty pissant island who think they can break the rules and get away with it!

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>What happens if we don’t fucking want to
then we'll do it. it's a fortune to be made. if EU wants to spite themselves, we'll scoop that money up in a second.

>That pic

>Britain also has the fucking commonwealth and can strike a deal with Latin American farmers to buy food for more than what Asians pay.

Fine, import those potatoes from Pakistan and tomatoes from Brazil.

But I had a whole plan where I'd go live in the wild and eat nettles until I died of cholera or dysentery.

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That is unironically a proposed tactic by accelerationists and primitivists; make the country so basic and harder to live in that they all fuck off.

kek, sorry fritz. you'll be shilling out even more in taxes to prop up a failing EU, who can't even keep shitty eastern european countries in line. gibs are going to be the death of you, that and the millions of sub-saharan africans roaming your streets.

>as opposed to brits abroad
Am not Romanian btw. Just tell them to get to fuck and kick them off a cliff

>Britain also has the fucking commonwealth

this 2bh

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krauts are really a cancer. fucking yeesh