Explain yourself Masons

Freemasons, you destroyed all the monarchies for enlightenment ideals. You replaced Kings with presidents, and prime ministers. Now the west is under direct threat from massive immigration waves of barbarians, and your supposed power cannot or will not stop it.
Fuck you shitmasons

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Other urls found in this thread:



No, fuck off

Come on

A real man uses his imagination with images of fully clothed women, with maybe a bit of ankle showing


Op i was in DeMolay, which is like a junior version of the Masons, run by many current Masons. Ask away.

PS you are truly stunning if that is your picture. Keep it up!

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Thanks for the status report, JIDF. Now get the hell out of here

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Lot of gay shit?

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Naw, just brotherhood. No pedo stuff too. Like the councillors, dads and moms, would have to have two of them in a room at a time to ensure no one was raped.

It is an only boys thing, but they have a girls version called rainbows and theyd come and hang with us. Dances and stuff. All paid for by Masonic donations.

>You replaced Kings with presidents
Fredrick the Great was a mason and he didnt end the monarchy.
>west is under direct threat from massive immigration waves of barbarians,
Western greed did that - when labour in your own countries was cheep there was no demand for mass migration however your desire for cheaper and cheaper products has given you what you have now. Likewise even seeing this you still vote for the major parties.

Da truf.

In your estimation, do you think the masons could heal America and the west, or is it kind of passe?

The fuck are you talking about?they are a bunch of royalists

>It's all the white goyims fault
Thanks rabbi, you gave me exactly 0 advice, while trying to be smart

>In your estimation, do you think the masons could heal America and the west, or is it kind of passe?
It could because it espouses Loyalty, without which there is no civilization.

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Where in your OP did you ask for any advice, all I did was answer your request to explain your flawed understanding of social change - which is why you find these things happening even in places were there were no masons.

What advice do you want?

Before these by design, low level degree enablers of higher degree masons fill you with a bunch of frivolities, look up the Albert Pike plan to start WWIII.
inb4 snopes debunked it hurrr

>to ensure no one was raped

Attached: sooooo......gif (445x250, 2.74M)

Perhaps misspoke and asked for advice when I really just wanted information. I feel the masons are really impotent now, but the road they traveled removing governments and replacing them is the same shit the US is doing now. Fuck. Find me one freemason that doesn't brag about the french and other revolutions in Europe.

You mean that letter (which the discoverer has never been actually able to produce) which mentions the term Nazi despite that word not existing until almost half a century after he died, but hey who cares about consistency when it gives you an easy answer to the worlds problems.

>Find me one freemason that doesn't brag about the french and other revolutions in Europe.
The British ones who fought what was then the largest war in Human history to end the French Revolution and restore the Monarchy to France?

Fredrick the Great and pretty much any mason outside of jewish newspapers from the early 20th century?

Hey man. Im just a mason. I do geometry and architecture and shit. The illuminati are the idealists. Im just a builder. My new world order is the inch and foot.

>which mentions the term Nazi
>random greentext implication that comes out of nowhere
Not sure what you're going on about, but I'm pretty sure you're a 5eyes mason utilizing the turning up the volume until all it resembles is noise, consensus breaking tactic.

So what's going on here? Are they a bunch 33rd degree Mason's? An extension of the original bavarian illuminati? Or are you just running some disinfo?

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>Not sure what you're going on about,
The "Albert Pike plan to start WWIII" statement you made which is based on an unknown letter whose only excepts contain those anachronisms

> I'm pretty sure you're a 5eyes mason utilizing the turning up the volume until all it resembles is noise, consensus breaking tactic.
Or just someone challenging your claims. The fact that you disagree with me doesnt make you a globalist shill who is trying to distract people with false conspiracy it just makes you someone working on different information.

Of course they can't do anything.

They're a front organization.

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Not the copy I saw posted in the long ago from the before time. I'll dig to see if can find it.

Frederick the Great Faggot also goes by the name of Fritz the Old Faggot

Ive got to head in for the night so dont go to anymore trouble. Enjoy the thread.

You would really think the masons would manipulate goverents to stop the destruction of the west; they've manipulated governments for less than this.
The only reasonable explanation is that the current masons are clueless shitbirds.

Attached: NC Parade 2012 Shriners minicars-L.jpg (800x536, 162K)

"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."
"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

i doubt those are shriners. Theyre probably low level masons. This is probably an initiation of some sort. Think about proportions. People say you grow when you switch dimensions. Tine cars. Grow. It symbolizes a rebirth. Its an initiation of some sort.

who is this semen demon

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

No mention of Nazis.

Anyone can join though (no women though)

Well thats a revision or change from the excerpts cited on

which try to handwave it by holding these groups were created by masons.

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cringe but redpilled

No they are Shriners ever wonder what those cars meant? It's because Shriners are notorious for tailing people on the road. Think of Shriners as the antifa of the democratic party.

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Mate I just reread you source - look

"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state "

Its right there in your own words

Allright explain why the minimum wage shouldn't be at least $15/hr

Are you a bot

Shit. You're right. I clearly need to go to bed. My apologies for the accusations earlier. Wewing at myself right now for that oversight. Have a good one m8.

Its all good this stuff is a wild ride.

They believe their values are universal. Their color, creed, or culture doesn't matter. I'm confident they don't have malcontent in their hearts, they just really misread their history and operate on wishful thinking. Enlightenment era political philosophy will be a single grain in the sands of time.

Here's the thing. I'm going to assume that freemasons aren't just kike puppets for about 1 second, and I want the masons to turn back this demographic destruction, using the power that is available to them. Otherwise we can hang them

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>kike puppets.

Don't even think so, mate. Jewish Reform happened during the 1790 Mason/French Revolution. The ideas of the Enlightenment were enshrined in the Mason-Liberal vanguard class. Orthodox and Zionists went the other way. We are the products of a new philosophy for the new world. Its an ideology, with a stronghold on your world view. It, like any other ideology has its wishful thinking that needs a propaganda arm to coerce its citizens. It became the Leviathan that it denied needed to exist. Drop the Dept of Ed and NYT and the ideology of liberalism dies. All of this predicates on you asking your overlords to see reality for what it is and tell its citizens it has fooled them for generations. I don't believe they have in them, buckle up while they take us into the decline.


And where did the jews get their religion? Ancient Egypt.

I'm going to assume that all the masons live on the Eastern seaboard, and are fine with living with a bunch of sacrificers that eat pumping hearts.

They do. I don't know where you live in this great nation but the narrative of liberal versus RINO is one at the federal level. People out west could not be more different from them. They want us all to watch and appreciate their theater. We don't need them.

>those milkers

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Lol as a Westerner I would bet I'd have to learn Spanish to join the Mason's.
The masons have so much money and influence, but they do jack shit. Fuck, Skull and Bones run the neoconservative movement with a bunch of trotskyites and Jews(do I have to repeat myself?). It's just sad this supposed elite group have let the WASP elite fall to the Jewish diaspora...

>you destroyed all the monarchies for enlightenment ideals.

The seeds were sown even in 1776. They were elite men who thought their values and work would survive as though it were a universal truth. Decay is inevitable without proper maintenance, and there was too much emphasis on individuality and capitalism to prevent that from taking place. Liberalism (Western philosophy and civilization post 1790) throughout the ENTIRE New World (South America included) used poor foreigners for its labor while sticking its ears in its fingers and yelling to itself we're all equal and have the same God given dignity and rights. Liberalism has a cognitively dissonant moral system that exploits people while telling them they have worth. At least the slavers of Egypt and Rome didn't have any illusions about their labor exploitation. When the labor gets uppity they have to give it consolation prizes (welfare). The cycle continues until it burns itself out. It was never sustainable and won't end in anything other than corporate socialism. Don't cry for it, it was until a matter of time until its demise.


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>Lol as a Westerner I would bet I'd have to learn Spanish to join the Mason's.

My grandpa was a freemason, he was an important politician during the former Yugoslavia after WWII. Communists threatened him and he sold everything and had to flee to Chicago.
There he made a ton of money trading futures on CME.
He even met Trumo multiple times until he died in early 00 from bacterial infection with complications.
He spoke about Freemasonry as a hobby and not a "secret society" or anything like that. He used it to get to know people and create business contacts. He had a lot of paintings of prominent painters, played piano and spoke 4 languages.
He was one of the first industrial chemical engineers in Yugoslavia until communists realized he was pro-capitalism.

And the reason why I'm attracted to facsim is because in that system the government has no pretention of "free market" corporatism. It deliberately makes companies pay out a certain portion of the the profit to the workers, and puts a cap on the top end.
I don't want to get too far off topic here, I don't know if the Masons are capitalist or communist. They've been around so long that they probably enjoy putting their hand in either system.

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Liberal capitalism and communism are rivals from the same root in the history of Europe. Both allow and encourage an administration class. Communism likes to think putting manufacturing in the hands of the laborers will correct the problem but ignores the role administration will play in assuming a position of power lending it to abuse down the road.

You are correct about fascism. It cultivates people in a cruel way but the ugly truth is better than the happy lies liberal capitalism and communism both offer. I can't get into fascism's shortcomings but that it comes with an understanding the realities of threat from other nations and nature and seeks to empower the blood of the nation against it with the essentials is a step in the right direction.

>Commies put the factory workers in charge
No, that was the ideal. But in practice it was about having jews in charge with their one party system
Fascism won't fly today as it's an emergency option more or less. I don't pretend that my country will go facist anytime soon as we have a monoply on hard power.
The Roman republic became the roman empire under duress...

Very true. We've consolidated so much power the only way forward is to repudiate our ill-gotten gains or double down. History says 100% of the time we will do the former.

However, in history there has not been an Enlightenment era or styled empire/emperor that I can think of. Things sure will be interesting.

But if so have facism, and nationalism, you've got a very powerful tool. Too bad war has changed and the most effective weapon is mind control. Theough various means

who are these tiddies

combination of boomer selfish faggots
pedos (driving childs toys around fags)
and high level jewish control 32 33 levels
low level masonshitheads are shills who defend the org with no information as to what it is.

Yea, explain this shit you Saturn Cube Worshipers.

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>with no information as to what it is.
But you have information they can't access for some reason, right?

holy shit, my neighbors a freemason and he has a full size version of that jeep. its red, has yellow wheels and a freemason license plate

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i mean latter, whoops.
>mind control
this really is the key. it matters not what your system entails so long as you can justify to the public whatever action you please in taking. that's why we're so crazy and being gas lighted left and right. its about enough plausible deniability

>It's because Shriners are notorious for tailing people on the road.
tell me more


I literally know a woman that is part of the masons. She was invited by random people into their cult.
Do you want me to find out more about her affairs with them?
They meet on a weekly basis and she has mentioned that they mostly discuss about "charity" goals.
Should I RP as Sherlock Holmes and investigate?

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I feel bad for freemasons. Surely, many of them think they are doing good and gaining knowledge. The thing about knowledge is if it being handed to you, then it is more than likely just propoganda meant to control you and keep you from thinking for yourself. This always opens you up to groupthink cancer, which becomes super aggressive when the group believes they know things those outside the group do not. You see the phenomena when talking about science or economics with educated liberals.

Freemason Apprentice here, AMA

>The British ones who fought what and restore the Monarchy to France?
They brought Constitutional Monarchy not former Absolute one.

Then they sponsored liberal parties in Liberal Wars here and in Spain and militarily behalf of Quadruple Alliance of 1834.
This. You need to be properly brainwashed by esosterism and equalitarian ideals to think multiethnoreligious, multiethnic and multicultural societies in the same geographical spot work.and they can reform natural law and religions like Islam

>I've decided that my life doesn't have to be ordinary or mundane. I am filling it with adventure and video games.
>video games
fucking kekkkkk lmao why would a roastie even say this?

fuck you cracker

>>video games
they're fun, interactive entertainment offers better experiences than movies


she's got a very cute face, she has no business trying to appeal to chads with video games.

Nevermind, I just realized that she's doing it for attention from beta hordes.

The absolute state of fucking burger education.

The problem with Kong’s is that their debt died with them. With politicians the debt is eternal. Understand now debt peon faggots?

free masons 33 degrees and after have all sucked cock.

people who think that is the highest degree are not trusted by the kikes running the whole scam.

She is incredibly beautiful and hot but you just know she's a fucking lunatic.

christ caroline is fine

take your top off

Rome was stronger under senate.

Konservative normie talking points.
Disappointed in you pol.

She looks like a healthy breeder at first viewing. Is she a thot? Or really a guy?

>It's because Shriners are notorious for tailing people on the road.
Go on.

>short hair
a thot

I'm a mason and so were my dad, grandfather and his father.
Get fucked you sad pieces of shit. Your loves don't matter.

what are you, a sandnigger?

Why are you posting nigger fuckers on pol?