Reminder to the left. We are america. Not your filthy Shit hole cities.
You do not want a war
Reminder to the left. We are america. Not your filthy Shit hole cities
Fuck off. You're outnumbered and intellectually outgunned. Fuck off.
You lost the popular vote. Being spread out doesn't mean there are more of you. It just means it'll take longer to find you and lynch you.
City people are all niggers and wetbacks.
Dumb right-winger hillbilly inbred retarded low-IQ cunt.
Again you don't want a war. We will win. You guys are comprised of self hating whites, faggots, spics and niggers.
We will win.
Looks like my area turned blue. Must be all the muslim, vegan, feminist, and other faggot ass Californians that migrated away from their shit hole. Why must they spread their disease everywhere.
>intellectually outgunned
>allows elites to manipulate and force pseudoscientific ideas into their sphere of intellect
actually kill yourself. your 'smart' people are useless art and communication majors who haven't got a scrap of an idea on what actual intelligent competency is.
most actual smart people who are in STEM fields just don't vote because they know the system is usually stupid and incompetent anyways. being in college doesn't make you smart.
OP's map is actually an indicator of nationwide menstruation
> most actual smart people who are in STEM fields just don't vote
accelerationist faggot spotted
I love county level maps
the united ethnostates yea buddy yeaaaaaaa!
Hey! My city had a lot of fake voters apparently and recent events there definitely redpilled a lot of people.
Soibois and silverspoons vs vets and rednecks.
Meant for
(Shhhh!!! Goddamit. We are trying to lure the fuckers into the kill zone. You are going to fuck this up.)
Intellectually outgunned, yes. But the highly intelligent are typically only far-left because they have little-to-no real world experience. Over 2/3 of the STEM PhDs in my elite graduate program were from very wealthy families. They're from environments where they have mostly only ever met people who are genuinely talented, dedicated, and respectful (at least to some degree). This lack of practical experience keeps them on the left. I know, because I was decently far left when I taught undergraduate physics, and since I've switched to industry and lived in a city with "average" people, I've done a complete 180.
So intellectually outgunned, yes. But those intellectuals aren't contributing anything to the left movement besides their hearts and seconds of their time. Their minds are dedicated to their craft, so the left will never benefit from them.
This map is kind of deceptive, Prior to the 1970s Hispanics were considered WHITE.
If you take that fact into account, nothing has changed.
But they do represent a curious phenomenon. The folks you describe are intelligent enough to live in gated communities but cognitively unable to realize WHY.
What does intellect do when a 12 gauge is pointed at someone?
You're literally outgunned and you have no idea how to grow or hunt for your own food. If you're in CA you depend on us even for your water. As for smart are the nigs and spices? Do you think they'd "stand with theirwhite brothers" or come after you "white devils" once the food and gibs stop coming? White liberals are delusional.
White libs need to be culled.
Well the progressives. I don't mind real libs.
Keep LARPing, faggot.
Prior to the 1970s there was no immigration from mexico so youre full of shit
>you guys dont want a war with me and the 15 other guys in the gun club I go to on the weekends
Wyomingfag here. Calm the fuck down kiddo. A war? Like suddenly everyone who leans left/right is gonna just drop their shit and join ranks to fight the other side of the political spectrum 'cuz dey wrong'? Get a grip you fucking moron.
>red areas will grow their own food and protect their fences
>blue cites will loot Wal-Marts, get raided by bands of dindus, and ultimately starve and be forced to stand in bread lines
>brave dindus will try to rob red counties for food and become Darwinian afterthoughts
Yeah. It's a culture war herman. Been outside recently? Basically socialism v capitalism. Degeneracy v decency. America is turning in the weimar.
Well not gonna happen.
Your delusional bruh California grows most of their own food plus some. They have a enormous ag. Sector. Its southern California with no water which they get from northern California. Granted the infrastructure is falling apart and the gibs me dats are draining its economy race riots would be out of control the state would tear itself apart but it will be the Pacific northwest that will hurt for food
He's right.
I wish caliexit would occur. It really would help america
Ha! Wyomingfag here too.
I don't think OP was calling for war, just saying that all the lefties who keep saber rattling are nuts. Nobody who is sane wants a war. Especially if you've ever seen what war looks like up close.
he says confidently from the comfort of his cheeto-dust smeared desk at home browsing his favorite reactionary echo-chamber board.
Kill yourself before you lose your grip and become another idiot mass shooter. You types weaken the right by spouting this moronic wanna-be white hero rhetoric.
The PH'ds don't produce any value nor how to work in logistics. Who is going to be more valuable in the Civil War.
10 Ph'ds with bench experience in the lab who ride their bike to university and spend their freetime with videogames. Or 10 tradesmen with their own trucks, who live rurally and probably hunt or garden.
I want a war. Please... all my life there has been constant racial strife like a poisoned wound. 600k whites died to free niggers for nothing. Millions died to prevent the spread of communism only for it to absorb the education system. And kikes, only numbering 20 million total world wide pull our strings.
I want war on American soil. I want to shoot on site everyone that has been tearing this country apart my whole life. No gas. No camps. No reservations, I want this finished once and for all.
They would be starved to death in a couple weeks. Jews will start leaving en masse before Civil War 2 breaks out.
You are literally useless and weak.
Don't talk to me anymore
Just a reminder, When it comes to war, white people have on average a 10:1 Kill/death ratio.
Of course. There will be a point when the right will have to fight back, and hard
City fags have no idea how to grow their own food. Look at OPs map. That's what I'm saying. New ID because I switched to a different computer.
Dont talk anymore.
>I want to shoot on site
Wow look at all that red land. Too bad land can't fight dumbass.
Hahahaha intelectually outgunned? How about real guns dumbass. Not to mention us country bumpkins also went to college for stem degrees and can also till a filed and wake up before the sun comes up to do our morning chores at the farm. We can survive without the grocery store. Were the ones who fought the wars for the last 20years. Were not afraid of getting dirty, were not afraid to fight. You city idiots are going to be over run by the niggers in a matter of weeks when the EBT card turns off. Well let them kill you first the come in and cleanse out what’s left. You and Chelsea Manning are fucked.
More people in the red areas are armed. The blue not so much.
So much for your intelligence.
Liberal faggots sure can't either you mega bitch
Its where all the food is grown. All we need to do is prevent leftists from leaving the cities and they will have no choice but to eat one another.
there has to be a more effective, efficient way of dealing with too many city-dwelling spiggers. one bullet at a time is still not worth the brass
The minorities would turn on the white liberals first...It would be glorious. A true race war.
Remember, the Tenth Amendment gives these states to pretty much enact any laws they want so long as not contradicting anything in the Constitution. These states who don't like Trump are free to enact whatever left-leaning laws they want, and most already do. Now... it happens to be true that as a consequence the places that enact those laws tend to suck in terms of quality of life and people are fleeing them... and.... yeah, thank God for the Electoral College, now the entire country doesn't have to deal with the fallout of leftist laws, only the hellholes that pass them.
>us country bumpkins also went to college for stem degrees and can also till a filed and wake up before the sun comes up to do our morning chores at the farm. We can survive without the grocery store. Were the ones who fought the wars for the last 20years. Were not afraid of getting dirty, were not afraid to fight.
Holy christ its painfully obvious you're larping right now.
>hurrr we r farm labourers
Yeah, no. The second we get John Deere to repo your farm robots you're going to be right along side your afro-american friends in the food lines, bud.
Farmers are probably the weakest possible strategic scenario in any conflict, anywhere, any time.
>Too bad land can't fight dumbass.
Too bad not land can't grow food to survive a siege, dipshit.
I think fighting will be unnecessary. Once the gibs stop flowing the lefts pets will eat them for us.
oregon, washington and nevada really should be fucking red it's pissing me off especially oregon i love that state
Honestly? Having know quite few, they're either hyper-focused on their narrow range of interests (the "absent minded professor" trope), or they're cowards who perfectly well know the score, but are so terrified of the implications they've just blocked it all out. Intelligence entails the ability to vividly imagine all the things that can go wrong, so they basically just get blackpilled and then go into denial. Another kind (the true believers) find it difficult to believe that anyone would act in a consciously malicious way - so they assume "Occams Razor" that there's no conspiracies or anything, the media & politics operate in good faith etc. That brand are vanishing though, the few I know IRL like that are redpilled now (though I doubt they'd be much use in a war). Too much shit going on that's just blatantly obvious. You have to be incredibly self delusional or actively malicious (hoping to be the next Stalin) still to be on the Left, once you've broken free of the MSM spell.
Oh I grew up in West Texas joined as a scout out of high school. Deployed 3 times. Was a hand on a black angus ranch and went to TCU for geology. LARP nope. Were gonna get you faggots.
>Prior to the 1970s there was no immigration from mexico
Lol, no.
>intellectually outgunned
Tell me how your deep understanding of women's studies, literature, or education will help you survive without basic utilities?
You can mock the rural folk as much as you want, but they won't be bothered when the grid fails and walmart stops being stocked. Even those without direct survival skills know people who do or are a part of a community that could sustain itself. Meanwhile, agricultural skills, basic mechanical skills, and even rudimentary survival skills like firecraft escape most urban civilians.
Even the winters in Texas will kill people if they can't keep warm. Have fun with that.
Most people in the countryside don't know how to grow food either.
>actually believing John Deere corporation would try it
Want to know how I know you've never seen a farm in your life?
hmm I wonder who will win, the side with more people or the side with less people.....
oh yeah I forgot it's obvious and in order to rationalize this away you have to come up with elaborate implausible fantasies to keep you comfy
The right might be intellectually outgunned, but the left is actually outgunned.
Shhhh. You'll trigger them.
A siege?
I see where the rural and suburban retards meme comes from. While you're tilling the soil for your cabbages and stuff, the people who control the cities are going to be doing the following:
>shutting of your power
>shutting of your fuel supply
>gaining control of transportation networks
>controlling the ports and rail networks
>controlling the air and the sea
Enjoy dying alone on your cabbage farms, if we give you that honor. Likely we would just let you scratch at the dirt for a few years to weaken you before you go to the gallows.
Controlling farmland is like making the first ten moves in a chess game with just pawns. It's childish to think you could ever become a threat if your only strategy is to just stay home and defend a useless patch of dirt.
BTW people who live in cities can just continue to import food from wherever the fuck they want. You know that food can come in big ships from overseas? And then be put on truck and train to go wherever?
Yeah but the nature of being right-wing means that paranoia rules your life.
Who would be a more effective soldier: He who protects or He who fears?
Farms in the US benefit a lot from government subsidies and provision of equipment and fertilizer from large corporations.
you'd be dead in a week moron
Yes, and there are some urban gardens as well. What's your point?
You are such a fucking faggot liberal.
Never known any rural people have you? Or tradespeople, the "proletariat" in general as it were? It may come as a surprise, but the ability to use tools, read a blueprint, repair an engine and hit a roo at full run from 750m out (or whatever the burger equivalent of such sharpshooting feats is kek), is somewhat more useful than packing bongs or discussing Derrida. But yeah, keep thinking that shit Leftards. You have no idea how reliant you are on those peasants you so despise for your survival.
>thinking million of greedy niggers can survive off a community garden with 12 tomato plants and some random city people herbs and maybe a single strawberry plant.
>The second we get John Deere to repo your farm robots you're going to be right along side your afro-american friends in the food lines.
You think they need a John Deere ?
These folks can construct their own tractor from tin cans if need be, whereas city dwellers need to call a mechanic to change a lightbulb and They literally cry themselves to death due to dehydration when their iphone can't connect to facebook.
Nice bait.
>Amazon can deliver anywhere, dude. It doesn't matter if there's a civil war and all the highways and railways are blocked or destroyed.
Portland, Salem and Eugene has pozzed the fuck out of the state, and the quim in charge is doing her damnest to run it into the ground.
LOL that's my point.
Lol he think Whole Foods is going to still be delivering his onions at the click of a button.
Resorting exclusively to insults indicates you have no logical retort. Congrats and showing the world that you're a dumbass.
>Pacific northwest that will hurt for food
Have you to been to the Pacific Northwest? They grow a shit ton of food up there. Apples, pears, grapes(huge wine country), corn, fucking huge potato crop, onions, plus a shit ton of hay, alfalfa, and Timothy to feed all the livestock they raise too.
Ore-Ida comes from Oregon-Idaho.
Lamb Weston has huge plants in Washington.
The grow a shit ton of food in the Pacific Northwest.
Read who I was replying to...
Reminder to the right. We outnumber you.
Congrats on being a nigger. You win a free ride on the nearest oak tree.
You will be defeated. Just like in 2016 baby! MAGA!!!
Enjoy your three week old Arugala that has been in a ships hold at 95 degrees. I am sure you will thrive on it.
With dumb libs and niggers.
Oh no what can we do?
Bring it nigger
> all the highways and railways are blocked or destroyed
They might be in the suburban and rural retard areas. Good job farmers! I'm sure you're going to get lots of support from the area for your gorilla warfare when you're all starving to death.
Meanwhile, in NYC, they'll be peacefully docking ten years worth of food before you can blink.
BTW one of the benefits of living in the world's richest economies is that the richest people in the world are somewhat invested in not letting it go to shit, especially in the urban centers where the banks and shit are. Those are the same banks who are going to repo your shit when you can't pay with Suburban and Rural Retard Confederation Dollars, btw.
>probably won't even need to repo it, just need to hit the DMCA killswitch you paid $150k for, silly blumpfkins
cmon. i vote republican but this is a shit argument. most of the US in land terms is empty
>Jow Forums is an echo chamber
Well, clearly not because we are faced to deal with dissenting opinions like yours in every single thread. Unlike the rest of the internet that censors anything even remotely right-leaning.
I can't understand how people like you can be so retarded to not see the scathing irony in this.
Lubbock reporting in. He has no idea. What a faggot.
Yep most of America IS NOT SHIT CITIES.
>this disconnected from reality
You lost before and you will lose again.
And proud of it hoe. You’re time is done.
Man, I missed all those fields of fruit trees and grain when I last visited Seattle. Which part of the city are they in? How do they hide them so well?
What are you gonna do for food when all the shelves at every grocery store are empty? I bet you’d make it 3 or 4 days without food and you’d offering blowjobs just for a box of Cheerios.
Seriously if you wanna make change in this country, make a large portion of the country go hungry for a few days and people will fucking learn their priorities.
>Nobody in CITIES knows how to read blueprints
These faggots wouldn’t last a week out here without there precious AC and Starbucks.
Wrong faggot. Wrong.
Your constituency is literally made up of faggots.
Oh no! What a weak 'Man' you are.
I bet nyc right?
Biggest shithole in America. Us rutal look at you as a filthy nigger. Really.
hang on a second, hasn't the left spent over 100 years now working against every social institution of community, masculinity and family that was originally designed to actually raise the kind of men who win wars?
I'm not really sure if the current left really has much basis to steal that valor to be honest
>intellectually outgunned
>wage gap
>there are exactly 76 legitimate genders
>Bruce Jenner is a woman
>muh racism = pride + prejudice, look, I'm a math major now!!!
>white privilege
>"we as a society"
>muh police shooting unarmed black men epidemic
>muh Harry Potter/Star Wars/Hunger Games
>muh having six babies while on welfare is awwwright
>let's just let in as many third worlders as possible and let them run around unsupervised within our borders
>it's capitalism's fault I have 100k in student debt for a degree that actually makes me less employable due to the increased chance I'll sue any given company for not having authentic Somali food in the cafeteria
>voter ID is RAYCISSD