The Kike fears the Gypsy

Gypsies deserve to be admired. The Gypsy is the perfect organism. Not only are they the only people completely immune to Kikery, but their lifestyle is also BASED as fuck:

>Nomadic lifestyle that is simultaneously modern and in touch with humanity’s hunter-gatherer roots
>Clan structure literally immune to Kike infiltration
>Laughs at borders. The Gypsy can always benefit from a permanent immigrant status
>Does not need to fear rapefugees since they can just move to a more hospitable location and got full clan backup
>Gets to travel and see the world, permanently
>Not cucked by taxation
>Parallel society safe from subversion and degeneracy
>Internal justice system that has not been pussified
>You can literally fuck your own children if you want or trade them with another Gypsy chad to have permanent access to virgin pussy
>The Kikes fights their only natural enemy, the nazis, for them
>Can cast spells
>Nobody can fuck with you because “muh 6 gorillion”
>Hot Bollywood-looking wifeys
>Doesn't depend on gibs like cuckrabians and cuckniggers, just gets the money straight from the tax-cuck without middle-Jews

Clearly it's the one people the Kikes can never conquer. Any Romanian anons know how you can become a Gypsy? Because I am ready to convert to a more based lifestyle

Attached: Hot Gypsy princess.jpg (456x512, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You do realize there are Hungarian, Slovak, Bulgarian etc. gypsies also?
But anyway, today's gypsies aren't the same as they were hundreds of years ago. They only steal and live off welfare now, if you want to become that just hang yourself in this instant.

I think modern Nomads is what you're talking about. Gypsies are nigger-tier

>>Hot Bollywood-looking wifeys
Not so hot when you realize they are thieving draa queens with a thieving family attached.

This. Gypsy women are probably the most beautiful in the world.

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You're welcome to take as many as you want from here

Gypsies are slavers, traffickers, degenerates etc.
They are the same jews but with local agenda instead of the global one.

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We’d take them all in exchange for even 100 of our minorities.

Yep, it is the lifestyle that attracts, but I would lie if I denied having a huge boner for Gypsy women

Why the hate? Help me become a Gypsy. Can I join your clan?

>Confusing the cure with the disease this badly
Open your eyes Igor

Can you name more perfect women? You can’t. They literally embody old time tradition and beauty of another time. I want a Gypsy wife.

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Gypsies are basically Jews but with average IQs about 20-30 points lower.


I've opened them.
During my childhood they were extorting people for money near churches so a bunch of guys including tatar muslims have beaten them into oblivion and I have never seen them again.
In the criminal news they are constantly shown as traffickers, drug dealers, tax evaders, marauders etc.

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And now imagine that if you are a Gypsy you can start fucking her at her first period.

Fuck those cucks trying to shill for Islam here. Gypsy life's where it's at

Tho I heard you can become a Gypsy by buying a Gypsy wife. Imagine buying a wife bro, how redpilled isn't that?

>Admits they are enemies of muslims, yet hate them
They are way above your power levels Igor

blue collar Jews.

>Confusing Gypsies with wagecucks
My fucking sides Ching

None of them is a virgin anymore by age 10. She also comes with probably around 50 relatives which will invite themselves onto your property alle the time. From these 50 she had sexual relations with about 30 probably.

>Hot Bollywood-looking wifeys

"Gypsies" are descendants of low-caste Indian wanderers.

>>You can literally fuck your own children if you want or trade them with another Gypsy chad to have permanent access to virgin pussy

uh, that's not a positive.

Not a problem. That wife can help you produce future virgins for trading. Trading children is based as fuck. Also nobody can trespass if I live in a trailer. Gonna be based as fuck. Just need to find me a Gypsy king, buy a woman and start my new redpilled lifestyle

Gypsys are mostly ugly thieving pieces of shit that smell like sewer

I would love to eradicate them all

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You CAN if you want to. Having options is always a positive. Thought you Americans would value freedom more. Personally I will trade my daughters for those of other Gypsies, or sell them for a quick buck

>Trading children is based as fuck
Are there no depths Gyppos won't sink to?

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Ah the nazi, the enemy of the Gypsy. Too bad you have to beat Schlomo first


They literally live like cockroaches, i hope OP is just a bad troll

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Esmerelda in the actual story was an ethnically French girl stolen by the gypsies and raised as one. She wouldn't be brown.

Based Marauders

That's because you're a superficial bigot. In reality they are the nemesis if the Kikes

They are degenerates

Gypsies are literally the non-cucked version of AnCaps

>14 year old bride
BASED and Redpilled!

Tell me more about the spells?

>Doesn't go to public school
>Family values, loyal, has a term for Outsiders.
>Likes to cook, clean and be at home instead
>3rd or 4th conversation ready to be married
>Not stuck up, follows gender roles provided by nature

Literally a new Waifu

There are some good things and bad things about them but overall I do not like them

Mainly curses I heard

>3rd or 4th conversation ready to be married
Yep no cringy courting, just all business

Jews mixed with Indian street shitters

No that's the thing. No Jewish corruption at all. Gypsies are pure. One with nature

Gypsies are unironically as based and redpilled as you can get.

Is marrying a Gypsy the real redpill?

I would better adopt their life stile (mobile houses not to pay house tax, black market business not to pay other taxes, of course money is not the only thing: knowing your tabooed traditions while using benefits of the modern civilization is also great) but to become a family with people who didn't evolve enough to comprehend honor of being honest is not what I would recommend.

Notice Gypo hate is the last form of acceptable racism in most western societies?

They're poos. There is nothing about them that deserves admiration for Europeans. If you're a poo yourself or Gypsy sure be proud of yourself but then kindly get the fuck out of Europe.

Notice even Libs can't bring themselves to defend these people?

>wants to be a gypsy

I wonder why...
dont be a retard dude if you are a payo and walk lonely in their neighborhood you are fucked and if you punch a gypsy a group of them will come and either cripple you or kill you ,also they do not adapt to society despite all the help the governement gives them

How low do you have to sink in order to wish to be a Cigan?

Yeah I see actual left leaning centrists shitting on these subhumans regularily on polish sites.
I don't why it's like that. They are less harmful than niggers overall but there's not much PC culture telling us to tolerate them. Perhaps even the Jews want them to go extinct.

Funny video of retarded gypsy in Spain


Also, you forgot about the racism towards whites

Gypsies are the lowest form of human existance, even below niggers. There is nothing to admire about their cockroach lifestyles.

Stop lying to them Suraj we're the gypsies why do you think they call us Romas? cause we're from Romania and we're gipsies stop being ashamed bro

They successfully say fuck off to the government structure fucking us up.

>posts picture of painting
>they have bootiful woymin ecks d

That's my conclusion at least

That's because it's the only form of racism that the Jews support. Even otherwise cucked people hate Gypsies. The Kike fears the Gypsy

go ahead, little you know that gypsies in Europe are just like your nigs or even worse

Not to mention you never see Gypsies fuck White women. They are way too based for that

this old painting is really far from reality

Don't ever compare my brothers to those dirty niggers, gyppos are based family men.

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You should thank Soros for giving money to that cucked PM, may he die in all kind of horrible ways, for changing your name.

i zu not unzerstend politix

Gypsies are like jews and niggers bred and the offspring inherited the worst of both worlds.

Greedy, liars, hateful of outsiders, violent, stupid, inbred, thieving and raping.

I cannot imagine a worse race on this planet.

What happened to Dacians?

Gypsies are the ni- actually, black people are alright. They're the second class of Eastern Europe. They steal from people and live off welfare, cause trouble, yell in public, smell bad, have no intention of becoming successful, and nobody likes them. They're the same everywhere you go and refuse to assimilate. They're also ugly as fuck.

Wtf language is that get that shit out of here you either talk like a proper human or you go back with the barn animals.

they went to steal in Paris the only way ze jew will get my money iz over my dead body!

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this has to be a bait

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Gypsies are technically fucking Poos because they're from Northern India.

this is not how they look. They are brown midgets with crooked teeth and no hygine. All Czech gypsies work in construction and only job they are allowed to do is dig holes.


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Roma are literal parasites. If it weren't for civilization, their "based" society would not even exist. Next!

P.S. Addendum: Jews are parasites, too.

Worse, they're Poos that even the other Poos couldn't stand to live around.

They are ugly, have nothing of value and smell bad.

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Just likw you fren. Please help

Redpilled and based

BASED gypsy. How do I become like you?

Are you afraid yet Schlomo? Based Whites becoming Gypsies must be your nightmare

When he says Samurai he means Gypsy you cuck

Why does everyone hate Gypsies?

Because they are the anti-thesis of the Jews. It's the one people impervious to Kikery. The Gypsy is the based bane of the Jew


After seen this thread I am now pro Gypsy

Really gets your noggin going, doesn't it?

Gypsies are the exact same as jews, just without the intelligence.

> 'Doesn't depend on gibs'

They literally can't exist without an advanced society they can live outside of but still leech from. They're like ticks.


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The Gypsies can be admired but Hitler still should have finished the job

When I was in college I worked at a pretty nice hotel as a valet. One time, a pack of gypsies showed up because they had rented out a banquet hall for a family reunion. It was the worst 3 days I ever worked in that job.

It was initially one single large group that showed up, over the next 48 hours more and more trickled in. It seems like they had blown most of whatever money they had on the first day, because the second and third day they left the confines of their banquet hall and spent their times strewn around the lobby of the hotel.

The parents would sit at the bar, or the couches in the lobby and drink and be stupid and ignore their children. The children would run around, steal shit from the shops, jump into the fountain and steal the coins.

As a valet, we had a couple of cars broken into. Valuable belongings in cars would be stolen, along with rims, and some cars were defaced.

In the upper floors, the house keepers got mad because every supply room on every floor had been pilferred. That means they stole all the towels, toilet paper, shampoos, soaps, light bulbs, batteries, etc..

Security got worked to the bone, and they even had to call the local PD to have a presence there in an effort to discourage the gypsy bullshit.

When all was said and done and the gypsies started checking out. My departmen, the valets, got harangued over a fucking tarp. They came in with vinyl tarps covering the beds of their trucks. They claimed that we had torn their tarps and demanded that we compensate them. When we told them the tarps were already damaged they took it up with hotel management and demanded they get complimentary shuttle services.

user the 25% gypsy in me has given me curly nice hair, and a unibrow, the hairs nice, the unibrows not, but I think being 25% gypsy also made my brain smoother so you know.

Gypsies are a literal mix between kikes and niggers. There is nothing good or to be admired about them. I take it you haven't been near them, have you, mountain nigger? If you really want to become subhuman garbage, you pretty much just make friends with them, adopt their lifestyle, basically just imitate whatever they do, and eventually bang some gypsy pussy (if you can stand the smell) so your children will be literal gypsies.

they stole my dad's new truck in the 80's.
he almost commit suicide because my family spend all our lifetime savings on that.
I hate them more than jews and satanists.
I'm sure they have a special place on Hell.

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I second this.

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They are 100% dependant to normal living citizens... they don't produce or do anything notable. They would all die without taxpayers money / illegal activities

Gypsies are a scorn on society. Ask anyone from Europe who has had to deal with them. They're entire culture revolves around stealing other people's things.