Jow Forums, what are your opinions on women? Do you actually like/respect any of the women in your lives...

Jow Forums, what are your opinions on women? Do you actually like/respect any of the women in your lives? Please be honest.

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Which Amateur allure Girl is that man?

I view them like how I view puppies

Women =/= men

There are plenty of women I like AS WOMEN. None of them would be good men.

>I view them like how I view puppies

Exactly. Adorable and life enhancing, but one wouldn't expect a rational economic discussion.

Jow Forums told me I have to respek all white wahmen even if they're ex-pornstars or ex-coalburners because "14 Words"

>life enhancing
How so? Other than sex, what do they bring to your life?

>generic woman
Too white, not enough makeup, needs el atrocidad suckling on her hanging tits

My mind was poisoned by the globalist jewish psy-op about equality that completely engulfed the local media in the 90. I grew up on Xena princess warrior and supergirl and now I'm just subconsciously expect women to be on par with men in cognition and at least slightly comparable in physical development, even though consciously I fully realize this is bullshit.

I'm also turned off by the typical girly girl housewife types and instead find women that try to be more like men more attractive.

I blame America for this ofc.

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isn't this a leaf meme?

>I view them like how I view puppies

But I bet you still blame them and not yourself when they piss on your rug

>Jow Forums, what are your opinions on women? Do you actually like/respect any of the women in your lives? Please be honest.
Yes. I respect my wife. But that's it. Most of the women I've met in my life were borderline retards playing a role that they were told to play. Now that I think about it, I got very lucky with my wife. She's smart, but not a feminist. Makes mistakes, but learns from it. More interested in engineering than management. Doesn't talk to other women because she finds them bitchy. Doesn't talk to other men because the men in her field stick to themselves. Spends most of her time on plants, kids, and two dogs.

What are they good for besides cooking and cleaning and sex/babies?

pic related is what white women no longer do

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>Adorable and life enhancing, but one wouldn't expect a rational economic discussion.
>Economic discussion
Hello brainlet.

gas the roasties as soon as artificial wombs are perfected

Yeah but the 14 Words

Only women I've ever worked with that were worth anything either had jobs that needed them to be social or immigrants. Specifically Ukrainian females are great at whatever they put their mind to.

At this point I mostly assume women who did not live a hard life are mostly useless.

If there was no asset division and custody is switched from automatic woman to man ( the reverse on who has to argue in court ), it'd be work out. Also decreased taxes on married couples with multiple children ( and decreased sales tax for them too ).

>and instead find women that try to be more like men more attractive.
you mean tomboys or career women?

>we must secu-

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He said as soon as artificial wombs are perfected. If the ethnostate ever happens it'll be a sausagefest. You raise kids with your no homo partner and enjoy fucking sex boys together.

Women don't like me, so I just focus on my career and hobbies.


Dan that's bad spellcheck.


Yeah but the 14 Words say we gotta worship white women cuz Hitler said so

I believe they are the superior gender.
Take this into consideration, the bonobo. It is a close relative of the chimpanzee, but the key difference is that the females are in charge.

As a result, bonobos are much friendlier. They are not aggressive and peaceful. They also do nothing but fuck all day.
The chimp is not. It is aggressive and deadly. They have even been known to eat their children.

It's a shame the patriarchy has prevented women from being in charge.

If Hitler was right about everything he would have won.

t. incel

plastic gooks

And if bonobos and chimps competed for territory, there wouldn't be anymore bonobos.

Yeah but it was the jews fault that they got everyone to gang up on him


That's a lot of shaved jawbones.


If he was right that wouldnt have mattered. He thought to little of other races. The slavs specifically some of his writings mention it at the end.

I view them like I view a 7 year old kid. Annoying and emotional.

Bonobos also get the floor wiped with them by chimps when the two interact. Chimps are also more advanced and more proficient with tools

Not being a memester when I say this: he worshipped the a-rabs & mudslimes

Love everything about them until they open their yapper

sadly I dont

the only intelligent woman ive ever met was on plentyoffish. she wasnt stunningly attractive but had big boobs and a thin body so i hit her up

the only downside was that she was a feminist. even though she was definately intelligent unlike any woman ive ever spoke with, she ahd clear bias against men and would throw out her intellect in our conversations when it came to any sort of siding with men (in terms of facts being irrefutable)

so the only smart 3woman ive ever met (which earns some respect) was a biased feminist to make me still dislike her like every other dumb woman ive met

This tbqh f-am

"We must secure the existence of white race and future for white children" WHAT part you did not get? White women are PART of white race and without them there cant be WHITE CHILDREN. Caring and providing for women who will bring you a new generation isnt worship.

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Tomboys make for excellent housewives.

I love them. I enjot talking to them, fucking them, buying them nice things, travelling, cuddling, having fun tjogether. I also enjoy dominating, enjoy my masculinity, enjoy when they moan and whisper "it was beautiful".
Those who feel negative towards women are fagets. No dicsuss.

>the only intelligent woman ive ever met was on plentyoffish
Its funny you say that because here in muttland, PoF is basically the place you visit if you want to find a bunch of fat single mothers and niggers

I dont know im just being an asshole, its saturday and I dont have anything to do but shitpost. I've seen some Jow Forumsacks use the 14 Words to justify WN feminism/"trad" feminism, though.

Your country still has actual women, so stop bragging.

Generally useless. In my blue pulled days I used to respect them. As for now though I respect my mom and I respect my sister a tiny bit but other than that no.


Nonsense. Puppies will never let you down.

>buying them nice things
Wew lad

>what are your opinions on women?
They're not really good at much, except for child birth. That ability makes most of their negative traits not that big of a deal. Still don't think they should have any real world/political influence.
>Do you actually like/respect any of the women in your lives?
I don't respect women because respect has to be earned. There are some women that are worthy of love, but that's reserved for females that are part of your family. Men are to be respected for their accomplishments, women are to be loved for their ability to make/take care of your children and maintain your home. If you reverse the roles shit gets fucked up.

Yours too. And if you can't find a decent lady within 500 miles from your home, you are free to travel abroad. White conservative men are welcome here or anywhere in Eastern Yurop.

What are the 14 words?


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I've seen some nu-cucks use the 14 words to justify "we need to worship white wahmen even if they're coalburners or fat single mothers because muh beauty of muh white race shall not perish from this earth and we need white wimminz to breed more white chilluns"

I see the smile, feel the gratitude, know that she will do me something good in return. We lack positive emotions, this is one of the easiest way to get them.

Cant respect any modern roastie

I respect married mothers who work hard at raising their kids.

>Yours too

No, not even close.

> you are free to travel abroad

I can't just quit my job and fuck off to Europe, wish I could though

Kill yourself

You arent being an asshole, you actually have some self-respect

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No, I tolerate them out of self interest. I have never met one that wasn't stupid, full of shit, or fucking nuts.

"Women" is too general to have an opinion about. Though, intellectually, women as a whole make me cringe - but they are good to be around. I love feminine women (real women) and the energy they transmit, they affirm your identity and role as a man and the dynamic makes itself appear natural - like nature intended it to be.
I'm not particularly interested in women atm anyway, too many shit to deal with. Maybe when I'm older at I'll see.

Oh, so there's 400 mil in US and not one good girl? It all depends on inner beliefs. World is the mirror, if you don't believe there are any, you'll never meet one. Vice versa, if you believe there's lots of ladies who go to church and want 5 kids - you'll bump into them each time you go grocery shopping.

Scratch that, I met one. Just one out of the thousands of women that I've encountered in my entire life.

MGTOW when artificial wombs are a reality.

>i dont want my genes to be part of the future

Most young women are literally all the same, and seem to fake being happy on a regular basis. They'l laugh at anything, and it feels fake as hell.
Older women are far more bearable because they tend to have an actual personality, but they're all ugly as shit.

>Oh, so there's 400 mil in US and not one good girl?
There's a saying in the USA about women.

"Women are like parking spots: All the good ones are taken, and the ones that are left are either handicapped or really crappy"

puppies wont ruin your life or fuck your friends

I tried liking them but gave up.
They're just too stupid and weak.

>good to be around

my genes, unlike the ratty ones like yours, have some demands if they are to be part of the future and none was met.

I like basically all of the women in my life you incel lol

GTFO you stupid thot stop shitting up our board.

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We also have some shitty "sayings" here. A lot. And I say fuck them. If something hinders my happiness or my success, it is fake. Stop believing this destructive crap. Lots of White girls await your attention and protection from kikes.

Damn I can’t even pick it they are all hot.

>Stop believing this destructive crap.
You call it "destructive crap". I call it pragmatism.

>"Women are like parking spots: All the good ones are taken,
The opposite is true
There are far more good girls than good men
Any idiot can get married to a top tier girl if he wants while there are tons of 30+ year old good girls that nobody wanted because most men are off fornicating with sluts

My mother is a helpless cat lady who gets her news from CNN and my sister is a failed coalburner who tried to get knocked up by a football nigger to live off gibs forever. Our family believed we were part Native American for a long time and my sister wanted to cash in on this for cheap college and the results came back completely European. She was devastated because she couldn’t be Pocahontas anymore and have gibs. Also, every sexual relationship I’ve had has been short lived. So I’m probably not the right guy to ask for a fair review of women.


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You always post this video and we always end up having the discussion about "turned over a new leaf"-type "church girls" who used to suck 15 cocks a week until they turned 28 and started deciding to go to mass.

Well, in that case don't lie to yourself. You aren't so much a woman lover. If you were, you'd have taken my concept into consideration as it proposes a true solution to your problem.


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>Jow Forums, what are your opinions on women?
shouldn't vote
shouldn't work men's jobs
shouldn't have high expectations of men beyond their ability to protect and provide resources for them to support a family and be a homemaker.

>t. volcelcel

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>about "turned over a new leaf"-type
Those girls are always open about their past because they love to tell you how Jesus turned their life around
There are plenty of virgins that were brought up right

>You aren't so much a woman lover.
It's not my fault that your country propagandized our women to combat against us back when the USSR existed (see: Y. Bezmenov); all first-world/american wahmen nowadays play the "I work for $9/hr and I have my own apartment that I pay 75% of my income toward, I'm a strong indypyndynt womyn who dont need no man"

If women are allowed to stereotype men based on the lowest common denominator of our gender, then turnabout is fair play.

my respect for women is so strong you dont even want any of it

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But tomboys are better

>Those girls are always open about their past because they love to tell you how Jesus turned their life around
Not in (west) texas. I dont know where the fuck you live, but in the south, people are duplicitous as fuck, even in church.

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>our women to combat against us back when the USSR existed
It is our fault our kike loving grandfathers let public school ant TV raise their daughters

Thats not how it works at all. You can see thousands of pornstars that are innies, and when i was a teen banged quite a lot of girls of my age, many were virgin and some had flaps. It has literally nothing to do with that. Surprise, vaginas vary as cocks do. does your cock get bigger for banging more women, no.

You know they are all surgically intervened, right? Asian women are ugly as hell and undergo a lot of cosmetic surgery to make themselves look more European.

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Well I am sure in the south you have more people going to church because of societal pressure
but I am not talking about the casual worldly girls
I am talking about the girls whose entire life is Jesus

In terms of value to a society:
Good woman > good man > bad man > bad woman

Good and bad being measurements of morality. Our society is filled with hedonists, and out of this mess of whores and manwhores, there are few good people whatsoever to find. The difference is, at least a degenerate man can be put to work or sent to fight for something greater. A whore is a waste of space at best.

>equating man's best friend with man's worst burden
Absolutely civilian

>There are far more good girls than good men
Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that

It's not your fault that som shit happened in the past. It IS your fault that you stick to ideas promoted by those you hate. I repeat, there's hundreds of millions women in US only, millions of girls in other parts of planet. If I were in your shoes, I'd have changed my affirmations, all beliefs. Your current beliefs do not help you, how about finding more useful ones? The world resembles that what you believe in.

There is a reason they call it a mans world. Women don't fare well there.

imagine if the two competed for everything. bonobos would get btfo


Its reality
Why do you think it is much easier for women to hook up than for men?
Its simple supply and demand

>we should be faulted for things our grandparents did one and a half generations before we were born
based and redpilled

My beliefs are shaped by the world, not the other way around. I survey my environment, and adapt to it.

Wahmen told me that they dont need me because they're strong indypyndynt wehmehn who dont need no man, so they can (and do) go fuck themselves.