The Trump administration on Tuesday said it will use a Great Depression-era program to pay up to $12 billion to help U...

>The Trump administration on Tuesday said it will use a Great Depression-era program to pay up to $12 billion to help U.S. farmers

Explain why this isn't socialism

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Okay, George, you btfo me.
You happy now?

Bush and Obama Bailed out international banks and wall-street. Trump is bailing out American farmers. Kind of self explanatory isn't it?

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The US has been giving billions of dollars in subsidies to farmers for decades.

If this gets them to stop complaining so we can bring back jobs and industry sent to China back to America then who cares?

Bringing back manufacturing and industry that has been lost due to the trade deficits and outsourcing to China is way more important than anything else at this point.

Attached: FireShot Screen Capture #482 - 'Trade deficit China - Google Search' - www_google_com_sear (596x369, 32K)


Bush and Obama bailed out wall street as a reward for wall street destroying the economy

Trump is trying to fix the economy by bringing back industry and manufacturing by ending the annual $500 billion+ trade deficit which causes outsourcing and offshoring jobs.

If the UK was smart it would stop outsourcing all its jobs and industry to Germany.

Attached: chartoftheday_8419_us_trade_deficit_n.jpg (960x684, 154K)

a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
This is just a stimulus package to a vital industry while he recorders global trade back to an actual free market...hopefully

There was worry the trade kerfuffle with China will hurt basedbean farmers in the US. American farmers have been hurting for a long time already so Trump will offer aid.

Hurricanes, floods, fires and trade wars—it's tough to be a farmer.

> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums

As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.


Everyone is tired of you copy pasta lies you pathetic weak cuck

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>that ass

So hot

more corporate subsidies for the lazy moochers who can't adapt to the new tariffs, fuck how embarassing

lmao Trump shits on the EU constantly and ends up copying its politics

I hate farming subsidies. Entitled Bundy Ranch and co can go to hell with their welfare dollars.

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>these proportions
fucking shadman sucks

much better

And yet the points he made lie there unrefuted by Physical Reality, to say nothing of the hateful words you use to change the subject. gump is like Project Mayhem in Fight Club. An autocratic and destructive movement of uneducated idealists who think that they get to self-define any fucking way they choose, in ignorance of Science, Reason, and just plain good manners.

Attached: gumpig.jpg (600x758, 45K)

It's a good kind of socialism anyways, farmers, specifically little ones need that gibs money for when the harvest goes fucked up due to weather or plagues anyways. That will make your agricultural industry strong, and have the chance of small producers (with usually better quality of food) stand against big corporational agricultural businesses.

lmao what an obtuse, short-sighted, and inaccurate assessment.

I was in Paris a few weeks ago. Their understanding of American Politics is so limited. Its no wonder the outskirts are flooded with Mohammeds while eat like shit and smoke and tax themselves to death.

They are completely oblivious


>due to weather or plagues anyways
they need gibs to compete against the free market
the actual solution would be to destroy big agriculture corporations
because it shouldn't be taxpayers money that protect people from being eaten by rampant capitalism, it should be governments and the constitution

Damn, if you hate Trump for these reason then you must really hate the media.

And yet your self-deluded gumperor has revealed that The Plan is in effect no plan at all. Just a reality show being made and remade continuously. It's also a form of terrorism directed against the US and everyone not-Russia. And we see who holds the neutered goat's leash.

pop culture and faux nyze media, most certainly. Rational realists not at all. Scientists are Experts and you're not.

how is it irrelevant my dude?
>the actual solution would be to destroy big agriculture corporations
agreed, those are the ones producing actual shit vegetables, tax evading, spraying the vegetables with toxics, promoting transgenic plantations, etc.

You mean the same law used for the government cheese program in the 1970s. the same program that is the reason you call money cheese.

get the fuck out of here.

because it's fucking ouroboros
You can give all the gibs you want to small farmers, it won't ever be enough to make them compete with big corporations and still sell affordable food
You're turning normal healthy food into some elitist market instead of making it the norm
And in the meantime, it encourages farmers to lay off traditional farming for degenerate GMO crap that's more profitable and easier

you might have a point, so what do we do, we kick the shit out of big corps on the farm fields and ecourage small farmers instead?

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Guillaume, actually Iowa farmers don't grow normal healthy food. They grow GMO maize and basedbeans to feed cows and pigs. Farmers don't feed people, they feed the animals that people eat. The entire process has been converted by corporatists into a value-added industrial chain. gump's offering a bribe to offset Democratic gains. Nothing more.

yes, it's a necessity to cut down overproduction first if we expect public grants to be more than a kike trick
I don't see it happening anytime soon tho...


Trump is countering interferemce in free market by commie chinkbots that the self serving commie past us admins let dictate what crops to farm. Basedbeans?? ((Ethanol))?? The only reason farmers even went to these was because of free market interference by ((government subsidies)). While I hate using gov bux to prop up industries, those industries were ruined by poor commie planning and gov bux, and the only way to fix them would be using gov bux to reset the market.

yep, we are too focused on asslicking the big corps