Sexualization of children

>why is the left so hell bent on this?

Recently, I came across an add for this new show called DragTots ( and holy shit I can't believe this is where our culture is going. The people in the comment section are even more demoralized. Kids need to learn about drag because?

I then think back to the 2015 MTV Movie Awards and Jesus fucking Christ, I can't believe this was actually aired on television for children. This show was, by far, the most degenerate thing I've ever seen. And then it hit me, these people are desperately trying to sexualize children younger and younger and the sad thing is, they're getting away with it.

Parents in the modern age have become demoralized thanks to the mainstream media and everything in the entertainment industry. You're now called a bigot if you don't think your toddler cant be trans. I think back to the slippery-slope argument that Christian Conservitives we're making in the early 2000s. I didn't take them seriously but now I can't help but actually give them credit to predicting were this is going.

I honestly don't know where my country is going but I don't think theres no chance of going back. We're now tolerating intolerance. The sexualization of children, pedophiles wanting rights, drag being taught to elementary children, babies being raised as gender neutral, little boys being told masculinity is a toxic behavior, the list goes on and on and we're just supposed to sit here and accept it.

Once a generation of men are told that being a man is "toxic" the downfall is just around the corner. The problem with the left is that they fail to accept reality of what the world really is. It's an evil place. There's no other way around it. Wherever there is evil, there will be deception because deception is evils greatest allie. This is where the left will inevitably open the gates to the smiling faces of the barbarians with knives behind their backs.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>The native male youth are being told to play with dolls
>While the refugee youth are being told to play with toy guns

life is too short to be worrying about this shit man. Go outside and just drive around. Eat at a restaurant, go shopping. This shit will literally kill you, avoid it.

The reason the slippery slope argument is lambasted as a fallacy is because it is true, and had it been taken more seriously at the time, none of this would be happening. Give an inch and they'll take a mile. It's been happening for decades; women in the workplace, minority rights, the sexual revolution, etc, etc. Each of these things have had negative effects on society; wages have been depressed because of the massive workforce we have limiting the bargaining power of the worker, "minorities" being given rights even though they are a global majority, only a 'minority' in our countries, the sexual revolution promoting promiscuous behaviour among men and women contributing the the decline of the family and falling birthrates, which we apparently 'must' combat by importing refugees, because God forbid we stop being irresponsible and start behaving properly. No, it's far easier just to kick the can down the road and keep importing more refugees, which ironically will only cause the ponzi scheme to collapse sooner because those who want to import the refugees are either naive enough to think they will work and not just exploit their new host nation's welfare systems, or they know full well their intentions and benefit from driving their host nations to the point of collapse.

>life's too short
It's exactly that attitude that got us into this mess, and that attitude isn't going to get us out of it.

nothing to see here user, just move along

I try brother but this shit is every where. Yesterday I went to the mall to get some new work boots and there was a mother and her child. The child looked like it was about 5 and had a shirt on saying "proud and out" with a rainbow on its shirt.The mother looked as you think, bull-dyke, septum ring, tats every where, overweight, multi-colored hair, the list goes on and on.

>there's no escaping this anymore. this has become our reality.

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>just dont worry about the future genocide of your culture or race goy, just go listen to drake and eat a big mac and drink some dr, pepper

The reason white birth rates are declining are because of capitalist greed. It's cheaper to import slaves from third world countries rather than breed them domestically and the cycle will repeat itself. It's just a matter of time before second and third generation Syrians will be complaining about immigrants from Niger and Congo just like you are doing now.

It's mostly sexualization of MALE children. Sexualizing lolis is still generally not accepted.

>>The native male youth are being told to play with dolls
>>While the refugee youth are being told to play with the native female youth

What would a Viling do to a woman that tried to make their son a girl? That's what needs to happen.
Trannies are like 0.02% of the population. Gays are like 2%. Jews are 2%.
They only hold power because we let them. They only push garbage because we let them.

I think it has something to do with Ayy Lmaos. I think Ayys want to fuck our human children.

Notice. Two things are happening simultaneously in the (((media))).
1. Oversexualisation of children / normalisation of pedophilia.
2. Calling for revealing UFO secrets (e.g.

It's happening. Screenshot this post, in 2-5 years it will happen or will be pushed more aggressively.

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It's part of our culture to sexualize little boys and not girls because we're progressive feminists.

>capitalist greed
top kek, that may be a part of the problem but it is at best naive and at worst downright idiotic to think that that is the only reason. See pic related, the world is a complex place.

Indoctrinating children is how fags and leftists reproduce. Leftists have less children than their right-wing counterparts and gays cannot have children, so the next best thing for them is to find someone else's children and indoctrinate them into their way of thinking. With leftists this comes in the form of worming their way into positions where they have power over the impressionable minds of the young, such as schoolteachers or priests. With gays their methods are far more insidious, and part of it is the sexualization of children. Even (((Milo))) said he lost his virginity at 11 to a gay interracial four way. The amount of gays who 'turn out gay' due to being seduced by an older gay is frighteningly high. Do not trust these people around your children and never, ever leave your child alone with one of them. Their perversion will fuck them up for life.

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Their push for degeneracy has a noticeable pattern

>make libertarian-esque arguments
"user, why not let the gays marry? it won't hurt you."
"the government doesn't belong in people's bedrooms"
>equate having morality in law to a theocracy
"what about muh separation of church and state?"
>normalize gays in all forms of media
>make a public example of good guys supporting gays and bad guys "hating" them
>push for any legal status whatsoever, even if they lose, the media makes them into a martyr
>heavily censor actual science on potential negative impacts of homosexuality
>try to show homosexuality as a normal thing in history with trivial evidence
"the spartans were gay, are you more manly than a spartan?"
>make those who oppose homosexuality look like religious extremists and/or just racist old people
>always depict gays as an oppressed group so that the term "homophobe" holds as much value as "racist" does
>even upon obtaining legal status, never relent
>normalize homosexuality among many "christians"
"the old testament is irrelevant"
"what did Jesus actually say"
"only God can judge"
>all while completely ignoring any scripture that proves every single point wrong as "nitpicking verses"
>move on to the next "oppressed group", generally on a whole new tier of degeneracy

They did this with homosexuality. They won. Soon, even among people who call themselves Christian, the vast majority of people will see nothing wrong with homosexuality. They are currently in the process of normalizing transgenders with extremely similar arguments.

Leftists are against all forms of standards and will pander to the people who cannot meet basic societal obligations like 'don't rape kids' and 'you shouldn't deliberately spread deadly HIV' because pursuing the lowest common denominator is how they stay in power.

Therefor it is beneficial to them to encourage degeneracy and the degradation of society.

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Very true. They like to frame any arguments against homosexuality as religious, while ignoring any reasons why it was forbidden by religious doctrines. For secular reasoning however, see pic related.

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>Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
>Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
>And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
The bible states pretty clearly what happens to faggots. Those christians LGBT-sympathizers clearly don't know their own book.

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nothing wrong with sexy kids...just dont touch

Fuck you marxist! Its all because of your fucking cultural marxism that this is happening! YOU NEED TO BE CLEANSED!

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Pretty rich responses coming from Switzerland.

Then again with your writing I'd say you're not a native Swiss.

why is this increasingly common??? that boy dressed as Harlie Quinn by his dad? the boy trying to perform drag at his middle school talent show? why the FUCK do these young men have any idea what drag even is.

I bought a thong bikini for my 9 year old daughter to wear. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel proud to see her body developing nicely and ripely when I see her wearing it in summer. She likes to wear it around the house too and I just think its wonderful that shes so comfortable in doing that.

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post

It cuts deep man. Strings are being pulled to allow this to happen.

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Always follow the money. Who funded this billboard to put up? who's outfitting this child? who's funding "his" dating app for drag kids?

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Every day we inch further from God and it's driving me wild. If I didn't drink, I'd be foaming with rage constantly

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Bump for justice

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>why is the left so hell bent on this?
why are right wing retards so obsessed over pedophilia?

>stop worrying about us trying to turn your kids gay and molest them
Wew. Gas yourself.

how many decades has the fashion/cosmetic industries been pushing youth? you can't get any more youthful that children. children have everything that industry wants. they don't weigh anything, no wrinkles, no sags, no fat, no chests, they can do whatever they want with them, they obey adults telling them what to do, can get them to do anything for a cookie. worship youth long enough and you eventually end up worshipping children i guess.

Theres nothing sexual about transgender or drags, thats only on your perverted mind.

A kid identifies as a gender without thinking on the sexual

>not posting the webm

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a true right wing dumbfuck answer. why pedophilia instead of other important crime is what i mean? why do conservatards give that so much importance?

Just look this 14 years old Austrian girl
Or this 13 years old girl

>extreme queers doing extreme shit
>utter fuckwits larping as nazis
seems like nobody wants credibility these days.

12 years old girl

They're turning children into faggots to molest them and ruin them. Protecting our offspring is the number 1 most important thing to, well, anyone with a kid. It's why a lot of people hat niggers and muslims as well, they don't want them anywhere near our kids and neighborhoods. I can't think of anything more important than protecting our children.

Are you fucking retarded or something?

Do you think Lactatia is getting RAPED?

11 years old

>why is the left so hell bent on this?
It's the other side of their push for normalizing pedophilia.

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>I think back to the slippery-slope argument that Christian Conservitives we're making in the early 2000s
I've had the same thoughts lately as well user

just the beginning

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Look at his knees.

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I've said it before, but today's world increasingly reminds me of those old Jack Chick comics from the 80s where naked people are dancing around a golden calf. I want my old century back

>tired eyes

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>The problem with the left is that they fail to accept reality of what the world really is.

Not exactly, but close. The problem with the Left is that they ARE evil. They are absolutely, objectively evil people with whom one cannot and should not even attempt a dialogue. They have no redeeming features and their lives hold no value. They are simply Evil.
And like all evil, they want your children; because your children are a key to permanent power.

"This is where the left will inevitably open the gates to the smiling faces of the barbarians with knives behind their backs."

Well yes, but they do this because they have collaborated with those barbarians from the beginning. All Leftists can only be regarded as traitors and the barbarians aren't the only ones holding a knife, it's just that the Liberal's knife is already firmly planted in the back of his nation. He is an innate traitor and there is no way around it.

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dos your pope knows his book?

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Only christcucks obsess over this shit.


Why? What do (((((((they))))))) want to achieve? Civil\Race war? Fucking what for

This is all part of the plan but I think ((they)) have misjudged the silent majority when it comes to this. There is something sacred about a child's innocence that resonates with most people. Protecting children is natural and makes evolutionary sense (I'm a creationists btw) their plan will not go as smoothly as they first thought

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Why i'm not surprised

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Glassy, stupefied eyes, and that forced rictus smile that is supposed to make you think they are happy instead of inwardly screaming in torment -- yep, the cartoon looks true to life

I'm hearing this a lot more in the media these days in the context of public education. My local news site recently showed a 13-year-old talking about how she was being taught "consent" at school. WTF?

Maybe we're being conditioned to be more compatible with ayylmao culture - they don't want to fuck our kids necessarily, they just fuck their own and First Contact would end in culture wars because people don't want to use their kids as cocksleeves

>my 3-year-old son's sexual development

Fuck the CBC, burn it down, salt the earth

theyre already arresting parents who are ratted out by their gay kids, are they not leafs?

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pause 0:06 look at the pizzagate swirl logo on his forehead

15 years old
Recommend account

Brave New 1984: you can be as degenerate as you like, and anyone who doesn't applaud you gets sent to the Gulag

Any Christian worth his salt can see whats transpiring here

No, Ayy Lmaos would be doing it to push this dumb species to extinction. I mean, I would think so, anyway, not like I would know haha

They don't want a race war you retarded docile retard. Fight or perish.

Protecting children resonates with everyone. This "innocence" thing is a man made construct, practically a religious ideal and a lot of cultures worldwide have never heard of such a thing. Let's be frank here, they're not little angels ascended from heaven they're annoying evil little fuckers that need to be disciplined. I don't think it's accurate to conflate protecting muh innocence with protecting children from real harm.

>. I think back to the slippery-slope argument that Christian Conservitives we're making in the early 2000s. I didn't take them seriously but now I can't help but actually give them credit to predicting were this is going.

This is the most fucked up thing for me. Well besides the left being a bunch of pedo things, I guess that's more fucked.

>they're annoying evil little fuckers that need to be disciplined

Children aren't "evil", just selfish unless taught otherwise. Don't go to the other extreme

Yeah kids need discipline i agree, society's existence demands it. Have you ever held your infant son, looked into his eyes and felt a sense of love, joy, and the need to protect him unparalleled?

How do I protect my kids from this trash? I have the firepower but the laws are against me.

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Yes. And they always come back with the same responses which are easily refuted
>"that's just obscure old testament law, you eat pork don't you"
1 Corinthians 6:9
>"you can't judge, only God can"
Telling fellow sinners the law of God as written in His word is not being judgemental. Just as it is not wrong to tell liars that lying is bad, so it is with homosexuality.
>"Jesus didn't actually say it was bad"
All of God's word is divinely inspired, you cannot choose one part to believe whilst ignoring another.

After much arguing, they usually show their true faces as enemies of Christ.
>"how do you know all of the Bible is true?"
I don't. A Christian has faith that if an omnipotent, all powerful being exists, perhaps He can control the contents of a book. If you cannot trust the word of God, then you simply aren't a Christian.

Easy: no mass media, no early access to technology, and homeschool them. It's easier than you think

>if an omnipotent, all powerful being exists, perhaps He can control the contents of a book

If He were going to write the Bible, he would have omitted the errors and contradictions (such as the two differing genealogies of Jesus in the Gospels)

See you base premise is wrong op, back up and ask yourself what would Satan use demon infested humans for? Then look at every left wing idea thru that lens. Then it all makes perfect sense. If you do not believe in God, Jesus, Satan, and demons, build a explosive device, over and over untill it makes a house, or a car, or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when it explodes. None of what you see, or what you are just happened.

Alright I'm doing this right. Thanks.

The eternal materialist strikes again.

Not if we take them out first

> one of the costumes actually has tits on it

Fucking hell.

Kappy is going to livestream !!!! Get the fuck in here

Teach them to enjoy real nature too. Being outside and learning basic survival skills, especially if they're male, should make them see how gross living as a domesticated city-dweller is when they are older. You don't get this degenerate shit happening in the countryside.

You are fucked. Please an hero.

Thanks for pointing that out. Now I have to bleach my eyes.

What is this Chixit brand? both teens are advertising for it. somethng to look into

You can tell everything you need to know about someone by seeing how they would treat those they have power over. Children have no power and cannot consent. Pedos are like rabid dogs. Nothing of value would be lost if they were all lined up against a wall and shot.

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Wew look at the tagged pictures. One of them is posted by this account:

account with pictures full of different 10-15 yo different girls in short clothes with popped out nippels. It could be an account that links through actual human trafficking or child brides accounts. There was something similar on twitter a vew years ago.

Your 1st step wouldn't work because it's already common for child stars to get legally emancipated to avoid their parents spending all their money.

not planning on it, sorry. Not everyone is a prude american about sexuality and showing off ones body.

Missing the point though. There's things that are objectively a lot more harmful to children than early sexualization.

Hi rabbi. "Annoying evil fuckers"? Obviously you are an asshole and a faggot.

soon enough you will drive in a transfaggot automobile, eating at a transfaggot restaurant shopping for transfaggy fashion and it will all seem normal

boys are groomed to become sex toys then in adulthood to be obedient and enforce and defend pedophilia

"Annoying selfish fuckers" then, if you're that easily offended you fucking snowflake

Wanting to protect children from being sexualised by their fucked millennial parents is not prudish

theyre trying to cover their own asses what else do you think the answer was