Roe vs. Wade was 1973

Roe vs. Wade was 1973.

18 years later, the crime rate in the USA started to steadily decline.

There is no known reason that sociologists can agree on for why violence keeps dropping, however, isn't the timing pretty conclusive that the elimination of unwanted children by mostly single mothers led to the drop in crime?

Would this prove that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, eliminating single motherhood would be the biggest boon to a country's well being?

Attached: 1532264182864.jpg (960x495, 40K)

Eliminating shitskins would do a lot more.

allowing abortion is the fastest way to do that

Eliminate all women

I think you'd have to look at the reasons why all crime increased so much in the 60's first. Hell, we're still at double the rate for almost all crimes compared to the 50's

No, just recognize single mothers are innate child abusers and nation wreckers.

Shun them. 100% of the time. Even widows, they are a necessary casualty.

Ok. We have a professional thread maker doing threads tonight. Buckle up everyone, this is going to be a Good Day.

I bet he even made that pic himself.

>single motherhood
*mostly among niggers
If you are anti-abortion, you are in favor of black population exploding.

Attached: 1472596768698.jpg (325x325, 17K)

>There is no known reason

Police shot Most of them Dead. Even 12 year Old kids who took their mothers cars out for a Joy ride.

Fucking americunt.

Get fucked, its not my moms fault my dad was killed by a criminal. Instead of shaming widows we should shame shitheads like you who might as well be criminals. I would toss you in a meatgrinder as soon as look at you scum.

A lot of single mothers raised kids when their husband was blown to shit for the Jews during WWII. War ended in 1945, so you would feel the effect starting about 1960.

Your father died because he was too much of a pussy to end a threat. Go away memeflag with shit genetics.

I bet you're a low life loser who sponges off his parents and still lives at home. I bet your broke and have no job. I bet the scum under my shoe has more value than you.

You are rat excrement. You will never be worthy of a single fuck.

nice try, but cutting welfare would starve them out in a generation or two.

Omg this leftist fantasy. Beyond a shadow of a doubt he says. You are retarded. Police tactics and funding have nothing to do with it right? Quality of life is on the rise for evryone but has nothing to do with right?.

About the kind of response I would expect of someone raised by a single mother with beta blood.

Lead paint was banned for residential use in 1977 and the leaded gas phase-out began in 1973.

why not both?

Your a cunt

Your response is what I'd expect from an incel loser who can't get laid to save his life. My dad had kids, something you will never do.

I don't fall for sob stories from a meme flagger when we all know what their real flag is.


Causes also include the reduction of lead in fuels and paints (some ghettoes still have lead paint which crumbles into breathable dust) and readily available pornography.

Whats my real flag asshole?

This. Aborting babies of the worst women probably helped some but the link between lead exposure and violent impulsive behavior is well established.

If your dad is so great, why did he die like a bitch, memeflagger?

>Even widows, they are a necessary casualty.

No user, we're supposed to take care of the widows (wink wink) it's our duty as men.

You're such a retarded loser you think everyone who hates you os a kike shill, no, you're just a person worthy of being spit on.

He was killed by a bomb


Even worse, your dad was probably a trap that got fucked to death by some sailor niggers on shore leave for a nickle.

Correlation does note equal causation. That theory was created by the kikes that wrote Freakonomics. A better explanation is the elimination of leaded gasoline caused less violent behavior in the population. There was a similar drop off on crime when leaded paint was banned as well. It's already been prove that any amount of lead exposed to children will change behavior, so naturally eliminating an ambient source of lead would have a positive effect on behavior.
Stop falling for the Jew lie of abortion. Abortion is evil for humans. Only niggers should have abortions since they are animals, not humans.

you forgot to add "nigger" in all your sentences

This is why I will not be sad when America ends. I'm 22 and have a son. My line is secure, my country will be Thai for ten thousand years. America will be mexico in 10 hahahahahahaha

If I broke into your house and shot you in the face, would that make me a brave man? Would you be a pussy?

This is one thing I can never agree with Jow Forums on... People who have abortions do so because they would not be fit to parent

But Romania though.

Good luck, user.

You have to get passed the bears and gators to get to me.

Your still a cunt

I'm done trolling folks. Back on topic.

Was the lead in gas airborne or something?

>I was just pretending to be retarded

Nah, in all honest if your story is true I'm sorry about what happened to your dad.

Posting for shock value isn't as entertain as it once was back in the early 2000's. Hope your mom had a decent life after what happened.

Throwing personal stories around on Jow Forums that you might be sensitive about isn't advisable for future posting, user.

>There is no known reason that sociologists can agree on for why violence keeps dropping

bullshitting the numbers to save face

>Was the lead in gas airborne or something?
What do you think the tube coming out the back end of your car is for?

Just ban white women from having abortions

Exhaust, of course, but we're lead particles light enough to be carried by the emissions into readily breathable air or did they basically drop right out the tailpipe.


I hate phone posting so much.

And if the father is black?

that's always a possibility. might even piss off the leftists enough and get them to finally start that civil war they keep talking about.

The former. Lead and lead (II) oxide are/were emitted from cars as aerosols.

Widows deserve respect. The measure of a culture is how it treats its women.

>And if the father is black?

That's our fetish bro

It's the same as how if you light a piece of wood on fire, smoke comes out. All the particles in the smoke are heavier than air, but small enough that air currents can keep them aloft for a long time.

Well yeah the nigger population got culled