This thread is designed to discuss Sex & Circumcision. If you haven't watched the video or read the info graphics then where the fuck have you been?
This man is Eric Clopper, he lost his job at Harvard to give you this info. Take it. Share it. Meme it to your normie friends.
He names the Jew. And in so doing brings the JQ right to the forefront of public discussion.
>many shills in the thread will make the obvious point that Eric, is himself, a jew.
If he wasn't a jew they would be able to shrug him off as "anti-semitic" which of course they already did by calling him anti-semitic and firing him.
Watch and prepare to be more upset than you've been in a long, long time.

Attached: stopcircumcising.jpg (314x296, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This video is as important to defeating ZOG as The Greatest Story Never told. It opens the door to the Jewish question for millions of Americans not by going through their brainwashed minds, but their mutilated dicks. I urge people to make memes of Clopper and Edits of his documentary and spread this shit across the entire internet.

Attached: shillbegone.jpg (1723x1721, 323K)

Every time I see these threads I feel nothing but disbelief at how hopelessly lost most of you are. You're fixating on this of all things, meanwhile practically none of you are actually taking wives let alone raising children who you can leave "intact" with your laughable "redpill." What the fuck is wrong with your priorities? How do autists get so fucked up?

Here's something to consider if you are circumcised: have you ever had a wet dream? One where you banged a hotty? One that felt incredible? And you woke up to semen in your bed?

Now how do you think you were able to experience such pleasure with zero or near zero actual physical stimulation? Answer: sexual pleasure is almost entirely psychosomatic. You need literally zero or near-zero actual stimulation just to climax.

Here's another hint: that wet dream climax is the exact same as sexual climax for a male, regardless of whether you are cut or not. During climax the male body goes numb, and all you feel is the experience of climax - you don't even feel your own dick. You think you do because you associate it with your dick, but that's just an association you've made. The truth is that your dick is literally numb during climax.

Now if you don't want your kid to be circumcised (who am I kidding, none of you will start families anyway) then don't. I don't give a fuck. But fixating on this kind of shit is the reason you are stuck in your own little cycle of hell.

>t. uncircumcised, but still can't believe you're all this dumb

raw text:
sbv file:

previous bread

enjoy your dick cancer you medical illiterate.

Welcome back schlomo, almost missed ya

1:55:50 is the timecode you want to view when he goes full 1488

Attached: buthesajew.jpg (2254x1391, 416K)

>2 hour play
Wtf this isn't a Jf livestream I can't watch all of this

Unironically this


"We are not their fucking slaves" with him shirtless could also do for a meme

Do your wet dream orgasm feel like the orgasm after sexual stimuli?

Watch the video bros, wake up

Try as he might, he will never win against G-d.

It has a Spartacus vibe. Over throw the Masters.

I love clopper threads

Reposting because it was right before the last thread died.

I think we could gain traction with a genderless "stop infant genital mutilation." And then redpill people after they're interested with the fact that it happens to 90% of american men for no fucking reason at all and jews sell the foreskins for a profit and etc. Nobody gives a fuck about men in the current political climate so you have to remove the male aspect from the initial statement to get peoples' attention.
Imagine a radio PSA that goes something like this
>real audio of an infant's violent, choked shrieks during/immediately after circumcision
>"What you're hearing is the cries of a newborn child, who has been strapped to a table and sexually assaulted with surgical tools. The assailant is removing the most sensitive parts of the child's body, without any anesthetic or pain relief. This causes permanent psychological damage comparable to an adult war veteran with PTSD, which will adversely affect the child's personality for its entire life, damaging or destroying its ability to trust other people or be intimate with a partner. This child will never experience love the way our natural biology intended. This mutilation occurs all over the globe thousands of times a day, and goes unpunished by law enforcement. This... is circumcision"
>audio clip of a doctor-voice saying something like "alright bring in the next one" with a total lack of emotion
>"Help us end ALL infant genital mutilation. Find more information at [website]"

Idgaf if jews want to cut their dicks off, but leave the gentiles out of this.

Oy vey some more faggot, I did marry and produce sons that I left intact with my laughable redpill. One of them later thanked me for it, so fuck off to the ovens kike.

No. If we unilaterally ban circumcision, then the jews must exile themselves or face criminal penalties for their actions. This is the solution to the jewish problem.

Did you guys know that there are THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of youtube videos with exposed boy genitalia that they use under the guise of "educational" or what not for circumcision? Nobody seems to care, and you read all the comments and you find all these gay peds and female peds. Why the fuck hasn't youtube stopped these videos?

correction- I misunderstood the meaning of "unilaterally" and just looked it up.
I meant universally.

pic related

Attached: jewnius.png (314x276, 104K)

no my dick is so keratinized there is no pleasure an orgasm feels like a reflex. My penis head is desensitized i feel no pleasure from it do you know how fucked up that is you retard, every last person who perpetuated this lie deserves to be executed.

Remove the male aspect? I am not so sure about that. Most women love their babies and want to be good mothers, using words like "mutilation of baby boys" rings home more than "infant genital mutilation"

I can't believe Jow Forums fell for this Jewish trick

> admits he's a jew
> hides a vegetable in his pants for entire presentation
> takes his shirt off for no reason
> literally flashes the audience his pubes
> goes on cringy, egdelorde rant about how his father "raped" him

And the best part...
> admits he's a pharma shill, and he's trying to peddle stem cell "regenerative foreskins"
> mfw it's literally a 2 hour infomercial on foreskins

Attached: eggplant-1.jpg (680x1027, 48K)

I knew about the dick sucking part, but I was even surprised that the Orthodox use sharpened fingernails to cut the poor babies. Shit is beyond sick.

Did you read the fucking post? Remove the male aspect AT FIRST because nobody cares about men. They're more likely to listen if they hear the genderless message but assume it's about women. Make it universal, then drop the fact that men are victims after you have their attention.

He could have done all that without calling Jews the Synagogue of Satan and becoming a pariah. We don't really care about restoring. This is THE most powerful way to wake people up to the JQ.

He quit his association with foregen before giving the talk, and he has stretched his own dick back into a foreskin-like state with strategies that any man can easily use with cheap homemade devices or just their own fingers.
And if you have any humanity at all, you would not think that being mad about having your sex mutilated without your consent is edgy. Either wake the fuck up or gas yourself for being a kike.

lol being this butthurt over the promised land. If the bible is made up, then why do you haters continually validate it? i promise you, the more you hate and bend your back to rush into inconveience, the more us believers will believe.

so please, continue. it only makes us stronger :)

It seems obvious that their marketing department caught wind of the success that Monster energy drinks had here.

This is honestly the only sane thing posted here.

Man you fuckers are out in force today. How many more did the JIDF hire overnight?

Jewish Blood Libel Confirmed

Attached: jewish ritual murder blood libel.png (1404x934, 2.89M)

They even hired poo in the loos to shill apparently since last night some of the messages got eal incoherent

Great work Op.

Keep it alive.

About to start turning this 2 hour presentation in to webm's...

Attached: galations5.png (1007x792, 949K)

Let's deconstruct this shill post.

>admits he's a jew
It's relevant to the presentation, it's not something he "admits" lol. You make it sound like "Yeah I'm a member of the illuminati".

>hides a vegetable in his pants for entire presentation
The audience thought it was funny

>takes his shirt off for no reason
It was part of the "I'm pulling out my penis" joke, but also it might have meant to symbolize the Greek male beauty ideal of muscular bodies, and intact penises.

>literally flashes the audience his pubes
Poor souls! You saw some body hair!

>goes on cringy, egdelorde rant about how his father "raped" him
I didn't find it cringy, neither did the audience or the people commenting on youtube.

>admits he's a pharma shill, and he's trying to peddle stem cell "regenerative foreskins"
No he didn't. He is pointing out that there is BIG money in this, which is completely true. People starting to invest in this, WILL lead to more exposure and less mutilation of baby boys.

>mfw it's literally a 2 hour infomercial on foreskins
Actually it's a lecture against genital mutilation of baby boys

Will they? Are these people logical?

Foreskin restoration reading

CI Index

Foreskin Restoration wiki

Foreskin restoration forum

The National Organization of Restoring Men(NORM)


Further reading
> (not english)

Attached: 42monthsnojews.png (1159x417, 632K)

>We don't really care about restoring
>We don't really care about genital mutilation of baby boys

I think you are a shill here too, for another reason than most others.

oh no you named the JQ
thread pruned by kikel mods in 2 minutes

Is it just a 2 hour play or does he talk about statistics or something

God that's the laziest strawman argument I've ever seen. We do care about the mutilation and want to STOP IT. We also want the world to realize that the very jewel in the center of Judaism is an evil act of sexual abuse, which is itself a placeholder for actual child sacrifice.

Attached: 1532370867321.jpg (474x404, 58K)

>big disgustingly dark scar
>dry head and what's left of inner foreskin
>meatal stenosis
>death grip or I can't really feel shit
>small skin bridge thing
>hair halfway up my shaft
>dick uncomfortably rubs against my underwear with every step
>dick raphe doesn't even come remotely close to lining up with what little frenulum I have left
>had all of this and the kike that did this to me in the back of my head 24/7 for the past 3 years
I want to die lads. What's worse is I'd have a real nice cock if it weren't for this bullshit.

If they were logical then they'd care about slicing apart baby penises in the first place and we wouldn't be in this mess. If they were logical we could just come out and bitch about circumcision in public and they'd go "yeah that makes sense, fuck that." I'm counting on the lack of logic and appealing to emotion instead. The genderless approach makes any women or soiboys listening associate the message with THEIR causes which makes them care about it more, and then when you turn around and say "this is circumcision" they go "oh, fuck"

This one won't be solved by wemenz. No woman in the civilized west has experienced circumcision so they give 0 fucks about it. Doesn't have to be genderless because there is 100 million men that have been affected by this jew trick. This isn't a niche looking for a demographic, it's literally half of USA's population.

He talks about all sorts of things surrounding male gential mutilation. From it's origins to how people try to justify it today.

You're on Jow Forums, so I think it's safe to assume you have 2 hours of free time to find out for yourself.

Go to 1:55:50 and that will inspire you to watch the entire rest of it.

Attached: 1532428782718.png (1201x686, 553K)

It's probably the best use of 2 hours you could possibly undertake.

to which god are you referring?

Attached: marked-in-your-flesh-2-sacrifice-to-molech.png (498x720, 230K)

>I love cock
We know you do, OP

If you're not going to have a go at stretching, at least do yourself a favor and find better underwear. I wasn't expecting it and it was slow, but I'll be damned if it is isn't more sensitive now that it's not rubbing on my underwear all day.

It's about stopping the genital mutilation of boys first. You made it sound like you didn't really care about that, but rather wanted to expose the jews. The guy giving the lecture is Jewish as I assume you know.

Jew getting banished is just the icing on the cake

I love these threads because you get to see how many fucking shills are paid to post on Jow Forums.

You can't fucking defend this. You can't deflect from this. Fucky ou jews. You will have no mercy. You're all dead. You get nothing. Fucking demons.


But why would these people investigate any further? Instead of just dismissing it as racist and sexist propaganda?

Sorry they cut your dick, Burger. We'll protect your children from it

Why do white supremacists go after niggers when the first wrong done against them was by the Jews?

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Exactly and the only normie that is willing to jump down the rabbit hole is the one that was raped as a baby, aka american men. You won't get that kind of emotional investment from women.


Attached: Shabbath - 137b.jpg (3240x4320, 3.24M)

Now we know the answer to this meme.
This is THE issue that will finally take down the synagoge of Satan

Attached: American exceptionalism.jpg (600x555, 42K)


Attached: Jews Jews Everywhere.jpg (1168x122, 39K)

A message like "Don't mutilate your baby boy", "Don't harm your baby boy" will apply more to these people than the logic that it is "infant genital mutilation".

A lot, if not most, I give people the benefit of doubt, of women do care about their babies and want to be good mothers.

How is this Jew playing both sides? Stopping the genital mutilation of non-Jewish boys are playing them?

I had a friend of a friend on facebook make a post about a year ago.

He described how he suffered from phimosis and decided to get a circumcision at twenty

He then described how it essentially killed his sex drive and was in enscrutiating pain constantly. The pain would last months. The post included links/information on circumcision.

The only reason I know this story is because my friend's post appeared on my timeline. It was condolences because he had killed himself due to the regret and pain and this was a public suicide note. It's a sad and long read (20+ minutes) and I've contemplated posting it. The last thing in the facebook post talked about how he just wanted his story told and spread so his death wont be in vain and wanted more people to have circumcision information. If this gets enough people- I'll post the note and story.

Circumcision is a sex crime

Attached: foreskin-man-card1.jpg (325x455, 80K)

Fuck, THANK YOU for putting into words just what's so fucked with all these sex obsessed threads about literal cock.

I do feel badly for the 1/50,000 who get a botched cut. Other than that this shit is pure 100% sexually frustrated neurosis looking for something to blame, and a few uncircumcised kids with an inferiority complex looking for something to feign superiority/gloat over.

Get a wife you degenerate porn addled faggots and leave your sons uncut. No one fucking cares and posting restoration sites, foregen sites, support forums, protocols and equipment just makes you seen like fucking psychopaths.

>playing both sides
Yes, clearly it doesn't matter what side you take on any issue, consequently.

Surely there must be other ways to treat phimosis than to cut it all away? I bet there is.

Your other post already responded to that post.

Yes, there are other quite entirely sensible surgical options short of a regular circumcision where they just lop who knows how much off. But medical standard or what doctors are taught is
in many, many cases

Blood libel. Blood sacrifice. What happens when 120 million American men realize that the evidence of our slavery to a Satanic cult is written in our flesh and seared upon our psyches on the day that we were born? When 120 angry boy who will never be whole men finally find out who is to blame? There is a boiling sea of rage in this nation looking for its righteous expression. Who said nothing would happen on the blood moon?

Attached: Jews worship Satan.jpg (626x512, 75K)

Haha yeah they're so bad at what they do.
Well you could just stretch it slowly over time. We've obviously seen that stretching works.

Attached: Clopper.jpg (611x822, 93K)

give it a rest

Yes but i think he also did it to be "normal/fit in".

Remember this is canada. Doctors ensured him it was safe and "everyone is circumcised" (not me thankfully)

>He thinks changing his flag changes his ID
You have to go back, shill

If we are obsessed, it's because it's important. This has nothing to do about "feign superiority", it's about caring about stopping the criminal act of mutilating baby boys and the suffering so many millions of men have endured.

>Get a wife you degenerate porn addled faggots and leave your sons uncut.
Yes. Get a wife, stop watching born and have loads of white children that you do not mutilate.

>No one fucking cares and posting restoration sites, foregen sites, support forums, protocols and equipment
Clearly you are wrong.

>just makes you seen like fucking psychopaths.
You are the psychopath defending mutilation

"damage to the amygdala and lymbic system"

"They investigated how brain damage to the amygdala played a role in trustworthiness, and found that individuals that suffered damage tended to confuse trust and betrayal, and thus placed trust in those having done them wrong"

Really activates the almonds dont it?
Btw can anyone guess what amygdala means in latin and greek?

Attached: circumcision brain damage.jpg (809x1273, 397K)

Go for it, been opening bunch of threads on finnish baby forums and other forums about this shit and then slipped cloppers vid in after a while

>Well you could just stretch it slowly over time.
But most of the damage will not be undone, will it? Sex will still feel more natural (for both partners) and the penis will look normal and intact. Will some of the nerve endings form again? Will the stretched foreskin manage to self-lubricate etc.

Gadriel already lost

I would like to see your friend's not, maybe you could sensor it to hide his identity?

Satanic ritual sex abuse. Trauma based mind control on a national scale.

Attached: circumcision.jpg (653x1024, 167K)

He means stretching the phimosis rather than getting anything cut off.

But yes stretched circumcision will self-lubricate using what's left of the inner foreskin between the glans and the scar line. (Unless you got Jewed so hard you don't even really have any of that left).

Oh my god you're dumb. I'm saying a way to treat Phimosis would be stretching till the FULLY INTACT FORESKIN is able to be pulled back all the way is the answer, not cutting off anything.

Alright I'll try to find it and hide his identity but keep most of it intact. I'll try to fix formatting too. If I don't post it here it will be in another thread.

Satanic cult starter pack. Instruction manual and cutlery set included.

Attached: circumcision probe.jpg (1600x1600, 403K)

These people mangled our dicks for fun and for profit.

Attached: foreskin cartel.png (1883x922, 1.26M)

oi sire, do ya hav a loicense fur that probe!

I want to leave a post here about the subtitles in the original video, its auto generated subtitles and i watch most of english videos with subtitles because its easier to understand since i'm not fluent and as most people here already know there are some "glitches" in auto generated subtitles in youtube where the tool misunderstand the person speaking
but what had my attention was that this video auto generated subtittle is almost perfect beside some of those "glitches" now and then, but in this video thoses "glitches" where always in very specific spots that made it seem that the dude in the video was saying the opposite of what he was saying, like one time he said that he was positive about something, the subtitles said that he was "not" positive of something, so i cam here to ask for some of you native americans to submit a reviewed subtitle to make those corrections so people like me don't get fooled by the auto generated subtitles

Ok, I see.

>stretched circumcision will self-lubricate
That's good.

Attached: names and addresses.jpg (1024x1024, 162K)

Clopper on Joe Rogan when? Make this happen Jow Forums

Everyone needs to email the AAP,

We must have an outcry against this

[email protected]
[email protected]

THIS. I want to see this now.

Copied from my previous comment in last thread.
I just wanted to add some more info on this informative post. Right now there's 3 popular restoration devices on the market:

TLC and TLCX tugger

DTR Bell

Cat II Q

Personally I chose TLC device because they custom fit each device for your specific measurements. DTR is one size fits all, and Cat II only has a regular and small. TLCtugger also has devices for enlargement and phimosis if needed. I've been using their tugger for 6 months and am very pleased with the results so far, I definitely think I will have complete restoration after two years. My only regret is that I didn't start restoring sooner. Anyone who's cut in this thread, seriously, what are you waiting for, get started now. You can thank me later. You won't get those 20,000 nerves back, but getting coverage and rejuvenating the glans will make a HUGE difference in sensation, comfort, and even psychological benefit.

Forgen is promising as it will attempt to literally give you a foreskin transplant using an ECM that has your own cells so there's no risk of rejection. Although I think they are probably still a few years from human trials even though they say they aim for next year.


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You should add a link to one of the methods involving the use of medical tape for guys who need to start with that before they can get a tugger-type device to work well.

Thanks for the pasta.

Attached: happy-old-man.jpg (480x450, 86K)

TLC tugger website has the canister method on there for guys who are too tight to start with tapeless.

Guys this video is depressing me. I've never cared that much being circumcised until now. The part about cumming too quick really struck a nerve considering that is an issue I suffer from.

Does foreskin restoration really do anything to help? Aren't you just stretching old skin, not like you are creating new nerves.

I wish I was dead.

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