Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Trickle down Edition


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>Enemy intel - Dönermann's Discord leaked

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>English language analysis

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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:

>Grüne 15%

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Bump for kraut
>Why does your thread get killed when PTG and Syria are running for years?

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because /ptg/ are financed by some GOP outreach group

BUMP for the Fatherland

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why German of all languages?
seems a bit peculiar...

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Shitty Edition

Some fags are constantly reporting me and most of the time I'm the OP.

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>be bum who spends every Euro he gets on stupid shit like leasing a BMW
>fuck those rich people amIright
Deine Armut kotzt mich an, OP.

>Tay is NAZI waifu

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First for calling AfD controlled opposition

Drop out or drop dead. Upholding a system that consciously attempts to kill your people isn't patriotic or duty or what it is treason. And you're doing it out of comfort.

Actual solutions:
>go below 450 tax bracket
>try to get as many gibs as possible to drain the system
>reduce consume learn to fix and build things on your own
>become as autark as possible
>move to the countryside, build neighborhood watches
>raise kids away from pop culture

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wtf, in Austria you can earn 900€ a month tax free

This is so wrong. Rich people consider surplus wealth within the corporation as available investment capital, which they use to expand their current business or start new businesses.
For example, here Nike and Intel make so much fucking extra money that they are investing in the city's road network to expand and improve it to accommodate the population influx of their employees. Nike is building an Olympic stadium, also building housing nearby for their employees. All these things create jobs and stimulate the local economy immensely.

What do poor people do when they have extra money? Buy some useless nigger bullshit like BBS wheels for their civic. That's why they are poor.

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STOP the GIBS to stop all your problems
>A Man who cannot earn is not an Aryan
PS: Does not include disabled people or war veterans

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>A poor man spends on present luxury, a rich man spends on future readiness

Yes I agree. Sadly the german right wing is filled with emasculated cucks who take pride in being a good boy because they have nothing else going for them.


Poor people stay poor because they are making bad decisions all the time. It's not the fault of the evil rich people or muh jews, it's their own.

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This. Poor people are garbage.

>Trickle down economy

Ischias politics

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The issue isn't entrepreneurs investing to EARN more money
It's bankers and investors who don't raise a finger but earn literally billions a day because of lobbyism and the corrupt political elite

>Chancellor vows to spend 300 million to help africans rebuild their country after the syrian civil war
>gives the 300 million to Ephraim Silberthal's One World Vision AG
>Africa gets 2 hospitals and one subpar school out of it
>Merkel gets the One World Vision order for courage for the third world and a million in donations to her party
Obviously it's more subtle in real life

Time after time, in country after country, this supply-side bullshit was empirically proven false. Give corporations tax breaks, they start divvying it up to shareholders through dividends and buybacks. Give rich people tax breaks, they save it up in financial accounts, investing in real estate or the very safe S&P 500 stocks which will now rise in value thanks to corporate tax breaks. In the USA and Europe, long-term investment, R&D budgets and new business creation are at a century lowpoint despite (or perhaps thanks to) decades of neoliberal rule cutting taxes and reducing regulations.

However, if the economy is in a deflationary state, as most western economies have shown signs of being for the better part of the last 40 years, giving money to poor people is EXACTLY what you would want to do! Give poor people money and they go and spend it - increasing aggregate demand and thus stimulating the economy.

Remember: Investment in the real economy is useless without sufficient demand. You can build and expand hundreds of factories if you want, but it's all for naught if not enough people have the money to buy the goods the factories are producing.
And what do you do when you're given lots of money from tax breaks, but the real economy is sagging? You invest in safe financial assets, insurance and real estate. It's the FIRE economy.
Been enjoy the past half century of hyper-financialization, housing bubbles and stock bubbles?

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why dont we have an alpha leader like Erdogan?

>the shareholders
>us poor people
Stock market is open to anybody, Mohammed. If you waste your money on stupid shit instead it's your very own fault.

I have a family member working in a higher position for one of the biggest charities organizations in Germany. She has been multiple times in Africa and corruption and bribing is part of the business model. You can't do shit there without it. Depending on the country and specific region they calculate up to 60% for it. Obviously they can't tell that any donators because they want to help poor starving kids and not some politicians or warlords.

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Your pasta is half truth
>If you get hundered you save 35%, pay utility bills 30% and spend 35% for your self
This can said with +5 or -5 depending on certain countries
>Poor spend on Alcohol and Nigger stuff that is not necessary for living

>Because you would need to be religious for such kind of leader

yeah that worked really well. You make it sound like building factories only increases supply, but it necessitates new jobs, stimulates local commodities markets that supply steel and concrete, etc. and of course creates factory jobs. All this injects money into the local economy, partially to laborers, partially to local businesses.
This is why Trump is implementing protectionist policies that harness that creative energy so that they don't invest that capital overseas, but keep it here at home.

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Are you illiterate?

What's worse than Trickle Down Economics are city suckers that demand a 40 hour pay week where they make as much as someone who works 140 hours a week, and then want more vacation time, where they work 0 hours a week, and still make more than some poor guy breaking his back at 140 hours a week.

>Time after time, in country after country, this supply-side bullshit was empirically proven false.
Worked for Nazi Germany, but I can see why you would ignore that.

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Sure this AfD fights for the little man. They are pro Israel and pro rich people.


lgbtq on suicide watch

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lol a pajeet

None of this is permenant.
Your shitty apartment or house in the suburbs were just temporary upgraded trailer parks.

Those who control the food and those who control their lives are the ones who will be spared.

Most of you are just brainless, spineless cattle. MOOOO!

Trickle-down economics is literally a leftist strawman.

Without consumers buying shit, prices don't rise, and pricing signals aren't generated for the investors to know that there's potential profit in building factories, so all that wonderful job creation you describe never even begins. Again, all the freed-up money goes into unproductive, rent-extracting sectors of the economy instead.
Empirically we see this all the time and everywhere. Tax cuts for the rich simply fail to deliver on the promises. I mean, just after Trump's cuts, pretty much every big American business announced stock buybacks. It's so blatant it's almost sickening, and yet useful idiot like you refuse to acknowledge it.

It's just a clever label for supply-side bullshit.

The EU Bank said, we give 5k tax break to everybody and they will spend it.
The big bangs said "WHUT? ARE U CRAZY?" and then gave 2 trillions to banks who never ever gave it to anyone.
So they forced them with -0.4% negative interest. Instead of accepting that, they simply bought off real estate like mad and made it inpossible to live in the inner cities as a nurse anymore.
If you think there is a revolution from the right soon, you are delusional. But there will be one from the left, because there is no future if this continues.

how many CAN do your computer job?
hom many WILL do farming for low wage?


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So much cringe in this thread already and we have still 260 posts ahead of us

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heute auch noch aktuell;

Die lieben Linken hand in hand mit dem von ihnen so verhassten kapital.

Dreckige Scheinopposition die ihre Schützlinge verrät und betrügt.

It's the same everywhere.

The "left" is a bunch of progressive neoliberals, speaking the language of "inclusion" and "diversity" and "LGBT-friendliness", while pushing for pro-business, anti-labor, inequality exacerbating and warmongering policies. But hey, look! Some of those CEOs making x200 the wage of the median worker are brown now! Isn't that just lovely...?

And then you have the "right" who are a bunch of dishonest charlatans, exploiting real anxieties over demographic change and socio-cultural issues as a clever trojan horse through which to push through the very same pro-business, anti-labor, inequality exacerbating and warmongering policies of the "left". Only slightly more forcefully. Maybe they also throw in some rhetorical scapegoating about brown people sucking up welfare or whatever, so to excuse away the fact their economical agenda is actively hurting their electorate's material well-being.

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Can I move to Germany anons?

So let's tax the rich and tax corporations more so they flee the country and outsource even more jobs? Then give all that money we don't have to the poor via a stimulus so they can pay their car note and still have enough to get some meth?

We already have enough brown people, Rashesh.

You are still part of the EU, so yeah?

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OP is a Commie.

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I'm an Anglo-Saxon user, I'm basically as German as you are

No but will you accept me?

I'd look for alternative models when it comes to demand. Not because what you said is wrong regarding a consumerist societal order but since I generally see a mostly consumerist society as a dead end ... you either have a way to put gross national product into expansionism (either warfare or new frontiers, therefore SPACE!) or you inevitably get dragged into a downward spiral of societal regression and stasis ... and ultimately collapse. Society needs an aim to put its efforts into besides hedonism.

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user, what books would you recommend for someone who's getting into Genetics and has read The Selfish Gene by Dawkins?

Also, what do you make of Dawkins' Selfish Gene Theory?

>No but will you accept me?
Of course, why not? If you choose a city like Berlin you don't even need to speak german

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>I'm basically as German as you are
The German-Americans are ethnic German and we still don't let them just move here. Get in line.

>No but will you accept me?
Most won't.

You can put up restrictions on capital flight. You can impose tariffs to combat outsourcing. In fact, doing less than all three (tariffs, capital restrictions & tax hikes) at once would probably not achieve the results you'd want. But the USA especially has very strong power over world capital flows, so it'd be far easier for you guys to achieve a good domestic economy than, say, Israel.
Besides, from what data we do have (since corporate/high-income tax hikes have been incredibly rare for the past half century), companies usually don't even flee. There are reasons why a business would choose to be located in some place besides the favorable tax regime, e.g. quality human capital. Insisting on this mindset of kowtowing to the rich results in a perpetual race-to-the-bottom in tax rates, until world capital remains completely uninhibited and national governments lose whatever sovereignty they still have .

I'd be far more fearful of a capital strike, though. For all their language and rhetoric, rich people tend to act in very class-conscious manner.

checked for based jew

Dear God no user, a small farming town in rural Bayern would be much better.

Proxyfag or actual Israeli?

Actual Israeli.

For a decent history on European genetics read the recent book by (((Reich))) and skip his conclusions about race ... the rest is a good overview and accurate enough account for you to do some further research on the internet.

Concerning Dawkins ... I have never read his book but know his rough idea. In general he is correct but his book is naturally a bit oversimplified. Many mechanisms in genetics aren't THAT elegant. But I'll give you an example I like: retroviruses are viruses which are able to copy/paste their genes into our genome upon infecting a cell. They are ancient and in complex animals (like us) much of the genome is composed of (mostly defunct) retroviral sequences which these little fucks have shat all over our genome for millions of years of evolution. Now naturally our cells have evolved defense mechanisms against these 'DNA parasites'. Mostly involves recognizing characteristic 'codes' in their genome and then plastering their insertion sites in the DNA with methyl groups, condensing the DNA into an inaccessible form (this is btw in part the origin of epigenetics). But there are exceptions. Viral copy/paste is first of all messy and they tend to rip whole adjacent sequences out when they make copies of their own and want to reinsert somewhere else in the genome. Second, they naturally carry activator sequences for their own genes. Now if such a viral DNA stretch inserts randomly in the genome either the 'hijacked' sequences or their own activators may affect one (or several) of our own genes ... and sometimes this is beneficial. This random mechanism has driven our evolution quite a bit as it is the easiest way to shuffle genes around. Therefore, certain viruses with useful 'passenger sequences' have gained the advantage of being tolerated by our cells as they serve a function. Their selfish reproductive mechanism has turned into a form of symbiosis.

>a small farming town in rural Bayern
They don't even accept people from the north, you won't have any luck there

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Welcome then! :)

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>I'm an Anglo-Saxon
Then definitely not. You are probably white, willing to learn our language/integrate in our society and have either a degree or marketable skills. Why the fuck would we want you? You probably even would pay taxes and not be a drag on our walfare state.

It is not that bad if you make a real effort of adapting to the local culture although in the beginning you may be ridiculed a bit in a friendly way for not knowing how to correctly wear a Lederhosn ;)

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You are all slaves.
That's the best you'll ever become in this life.
And so will your children and grandchildren.
Life is like a box of chocolates,
You're never going to know what you get.

Btw sorry I can't give you any more decent recommendations. Know most of my stuff from reading scientific literature on pubmed and similar sources.

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The EU is such a perfect example of how asinine and ideologically-driven supply-side is. I mean, even if you're going to insist on fiscal austerity and cutting costs at the middle of a recovery from a recession, for the love of god come up with an alternative besides just leaving it to investor bankers! The ECB should just gone ahead and drop some helicopter money into everyone's checking accounts. Wouldn't that be a fun experiment?

>You are all slaves.
Stop with the cringe please, I'm not drunk enough for this shit yet.

There are better options for an anglo than a bavarian Kaff.

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>rained today for the last time in like 4 weeks
>didnt even last 15 seconds

fucking wish I was exaggerating
reeee im melting

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You are all slaves.
And share your thoughts with the other hivemind.
Scared people have NO PLACE amongst those who are BRAVE!

Weak and insecure post, TayAnon, I figured you could do better for your "people", however, you are only making them as weak and scared little thing like yourself.

Do people actually wear Lederhosen out there? I thought they were only worn during Oktoberfest and other festivals.

They look very comfy though.

It has come to the point where I just drive around all my free time just so I don’t have to stay home.

Unoriginal, you say what most people say.
This is Jow Forums, sweetheart, this isn't facebookchan.
If you want to live amongst the plebs, BEGONE.
Jow Forums was the original edgelord space, that has since been underbreech by normie fags taking up space on comments and posts.

I am just saying, it is obvious you come here due to the darkness that has brought you here.

We didn't get a reputation here for being literal kike slaves that "twerk out" and use the fucking bathroom. What the fuck, this place has it's reputation from people who legit sit here all day and shit their pants.


No! Convergence!!

M̜͇͔̙̭̦̟͟a̦̖̣̤̼͟ḳ̦̻͍͕̪̫e̛̬̥̺̞͍̺ ̟̩̳u̘̟͙̟s̭̥̯͈ ͙w̷͙͖̩͈͝͠͞h͚͈̜̺̩̖̭̣͙̗̦̭̰͉̤̯͠ͅͅo̢̝͚̠̫͈̠̰͘l̮̪̻͇͎̹̫̖̣̪̺̟͜͜ę͚̯͈̮͈͚̞͟͢!̼̦̖̱͔̟̜͔̬̤̟̗̣̬̣͙̟̫̜̕͟͢!̷̶̼͍̫̬͔̫͈̹͉

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It is not that common during everyday life anymore but one can recently see a resurgence. And yes, if they are high quality and a good fit they are comfy as fuck! ;)

You are so insecure, and drama filled, I am so surprised you are allowed to OP.
I've seen your posts and you try to remember things like
>she been hur since lyke april
No faggot, I've been on Jow Forums for 10 years, and NOT ONCE have I EVER said that statement to people
>omg u been hur 5 minutes ago

>not "Moderatoren sind insgeheim homosexuell" edition

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It's a fact that T_D support comes from literal slaves that are too afraid to have thoughts of their own.

Topkek commies are delusional faggots.
Rich people earn more money because they invest a lot of capital in businesses, those businesses in turn give them profits which are reinvested into businesses to generate more profits.

this kill'zil the Özil

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I've had internet way early in life.
I probably got onto the Silk Road, if I remember, around 11 or 10. I just know I do remember getting onto marketplaces in general.
Jow Forums was way different back then as well.


Plz buy watches. We need more shekels :DDD.

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I heard you guys are only taking like 100,000 immigrants per year now. Is this true?

ja hallo.

Generally see an issue in the ... audience of this board. Not very cerebral ... this is why I stay here, the Krautism raises the quality by several magnitudes ... stumbled upon a 'genetics' thread recently and stopped reading after a few posts ... the mass of idiocy had started to create its own event horizon.

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Legit, it seems the people are much more lazy now on Jow Forums than they were 5 years ago; and I figure these people probably are in better shape than the fat slobs that created Jow Forums.

Yeah, the thinking is gone and in its place are cartoons everywhere. People think it's okay to be a normie again; and that's very much the purpose of Jow Forums was to be not a normie in the first place....

>coming here to be with other serial killers and mass shooters
Oh, where did the time go....

So decided to be a retard. How does it feel?

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teils teils.
und dir?

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