Why should Asians vote for the party of white racist, theocratic rednecks?

Why should Asians vote for the party of white racist, theocratic rednecks?

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Becuase they're smart and high income. They are even more disadvantaged than whites when seeking skillful positions in the workforce and college for (((diversity))) and they pay taxes to lazy nigs.

>they pay taxes to lazy nigs.

They also pay taxes for white people on , Medicare and Social Security, useless white thugs in the military, unproductive white farmers, etc.

Asians (especially chinese) are the white man's greatest enemy.

They deserve extermination on the day of the rope.

Remember Jow Forums, your smartest enemy is your worst enemy.

asians dont vote, and when they do, its always republican

Why should Asians be allowed to live in white countries?

God hates fags

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Wrong. 75% of Asians voted for Clinton in the last election.

The other option is the party of nigger worship and gulags. Your choice mmmmbud.

Because the jews will come for them after us

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Because they are already discriminated against in universities, next is going to be hiring policies.

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Those of us who vote Dem do so because Republicans are painted as racist by the media (generally news and movies). Policy-wise we would generally align Republican should we be educated on it (which would require us to do our own research, but let's be honest, how many people honestly does that?)
This is why the Dems play the racism angle so hard and actual policies not at all; racism and immigration (the emotional appeal, not logical cost-benefit) is generally all that's needed to sway Asian and Hispanic groups who have not been educated on the policies.

Because they aren't voting for rednecks, they're voting for racial homogeneity. Learn some basic fucking common sense, baixuo fag.

Asian people value diversity enough to recognize that a melting pot makes everything taste the same. REAL diversity preserves racial identity, not forces it down everyone's throat.

t. chinese man

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Good question OP, why would anyone vote democrat?

cuz that's where they'll find all their husbandos

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Why should they vote for the party of niggers, muslims, and jews?

So you can go back to top universities and cheat your way to a degree again

Vote for whaever you want , it doen5 mean shit in the end

because their brains aren't rotted like the libtards. And thankfully the libtards are discriminating against them to keep them out of universities so the libtards cannot rot their brains with their pseudoscience bullshit.

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>Why should Asians vote for the party
Why should Asians be in White countries?

It's okay to be White.

There's nothing wrong with being a racist.

There's nothing wrong with the will of God.

Anti-White racial slur. How tolerant.

Love how Jow Forumsacks worship Japan when Axis Japan was so anti-white it makes BlackLivesMatter look like Atomwaffen

It's a class-slur. Nobody calls Clintonites or their supporters rednecks because they aren't in the same class as the majority of the white population

Why should I care about gooks and chinks?

We raped them into submission

Based chink

Asians are the fastest growing demographic in America. The Republican Party can't stay relevant when their base consists only of white people.

>It's a class-slur.
Then why is it only applied to Whites?

Never hear the anti-Whites call niggers, spics, chinks, gooks or kikes "redneck".

It's an anti-White racial slur that the anti-Whites believe is acceptable to call Whites because they think there's nothing wrong with being racist against Whites.

>Nobody calls Clintonites or their supporters rednecks because they aren't in the same class as the majority of the white population
We call them race traitors. Because that's what they are.

Because white racists are better than brown racists

Loads of people referred to Billy Bob Clinton from Arkansas as a redneck. His wife carries around hot sauce just like the gutter trash she is.

>Asians are the fastest growing demographic in America.
What makes you think non-Whites belong in White countries?

>The Republican Party can't stay relevant when their base consists only of white people.
So you're saying race is the basis for civilization and as the anti-Whites turn White countries into non-White countries, the political parties will support Whites less and less?

It's either that or the party of anti-white racist, theocratic cosmopolitan kikes.

>Loads of people referred to Billy Bob Clinton from Arkansas as a redneck.
I never heard anyone call Clinton a redneck. A rapist, yes. Redneck, no.

>Then why is it only applied to Whites?
Because it applies to poor whites who don't live up to the standards of the rest of white society. "White nigger" used to be popular here in the South but it fell out of fashion. People just assume that niggers and spics are going to poor and kikes and Asians are going to be rich, so there wouldn't be much point in using it as an insult.

The term redneck has been around since the early 20th century at the latest and it wasn't invented by niggers or Jews.

75% of asians in america are libtards... They literally vote democrat you dense fuck

This, we want our own fucking countries back... Whites are a minority in the world, Asians are the absolute majority.

Then you weren't alive during his election

>Because it applies to poor whites who don't live up to the standards of the rest of white society.
But the poor Whites are better than non-Whites. And they're certainly better than the average non-Whites in non-White countries.

> "White nigger" used to be popular here in the South but it fell out of fashion.
There's no such thing though. There's only race traitors. Only niggers can be niggers.

> People just assume that niggers and spics are going to poor
That's because they're subhuman.

>and kikes and Asians are going to be rich,
And yet they're still subhuman. Look what they do to animals.

Money doesn't define a people.

>so there wouldn't be much point in using it as an insult.
Because its a racial slur against Whites.

Even the dictionary says so.

>an uneducated white farm laborer, especially from the South.

>Then you weren't alive during his election
I was alive during Regan's election.

You’re retarded. Asians make up literally less than 10% of the US population. How the fuck could they pay for everything white people own and already pay taxes for? I tought Asians were smart. Never mind that then.

They should live in their countries to begin with. Asians shouldn't even be here in Europe

They should go back to Asia.
I can't believe there are retards who still think this is a thing

Because in 2 generations we can whiten them up, and share a blood bond we'll never have with the darkies.

Or they will rather blacken you out. You know white genes are recessive right?

And that’s why they have to go back.

>Because its a racial slur against Whites.
Checks your definition:
>an uneducated white farm laborer,
>uneducated farm laborer
>vast majority of whites are not uneducated or farm laborers
>even most "rural" areas in America are just suburbs
Please stop viewing absolutely everything through the lens of your identity politics. Not everything is an anti-white conspiracy

>Because in 2 generations we can whiten them up
You can't "Whiten" non-Whites up.
Race is more than skin color.

>and share a blood bond
You can't share a "blood bond" with people who aren't your own.

They vote for us or they vote for the nigger loving commie that want to steal all their money and destroy their culture.

Or they can fuck off and stop coming

Implying whites aren't a net increase.

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>China has almost reached strategic parity with Western Nations in it's air capabilities.


>China tests and now introduces the new DF-17 Hypersonic Missile. The first combat-ready hyper-sonic missile in the world.


>Chinese corporate espionage costs the US hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

>Chinese are buying up massive amounts of US real estate and subtly colonizing the US.



>Chinese immigrants are systematically spying on western companies that employ them.


>Chink CIA asset betrays the US for China and causes a dozen CIA agents operating in China to be arrested and executed.

If the US/West does not unite and step up it's game against China, we will all be slowly subverted then exterminated by chinks to make more living room for their own people.

We need an increased science budget, greater emphasis on STEM, and we need to eject/exterminate all Chinese """citizens""" living within western borders.

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>>vast majority of whites are not uneducated or farm laborers
And yet it's still used against Whites.

>Please stop viewing absolutely everything through the lens of your identity politics.
You anti-Whites don't fucking get it. Race is the basis for society. You know why this country is falling apart? Diversity and multiculturalism.
You're forcing all the races of the world to live together in White countries and ignoring the destruction it is doing.

>Not everything is an anti-white conspiracy
Everything bad being done to the White race is.

I agree with you... These fuckers are pissing me off. They are literal coal burners just for chinks, worshiping another race instead of trying to make ours better. Self hating cucks.

Of course you can whiten up people, just have a white man and an asian woman, and you'll see how from generations to generations the kids barely look asian anymore. It happened many times in history already that white people mixed with others and eventually whiten them out. As long as a white man at some point race mixes, if its only women then it wont work I think.

>I agree with you... These fuckers are pissing me off. They are literal coal burners just for chinks, worshiping another race instead of trying to make ours better. Self hating cucks.
They'd be perfectly fine with the genocide of the White race just as long as the race(s) that replaced Whites came here "legally", were "vetted", had jobs, and the women were personally attractive to them.

They literally believe the USA would still be the USA if it was 100% non-White. They're insane.

Not everyone worships his wife, sorry heretic.

Republicans are the party of money. Money is God to Chinese. Simple as that

>Of course you can whiten up people,
You can't put shit and milk in a blender and get a chocolate milkshake.

>just have a white man and an asian woman, and you'll see how from generations to generations the kids barely look asian anymore
Race is more than skin color and looks.

Said the race traitor who supports White genocide because he has yellow fever.

You can't even justify having non-Whites in White countries.

Republicans are the party of the Jews.
Democrats are the party of the Jews.

I'm not betraying anything, you can actually have white grand and great-grand children if you marry an asian woman, and I do not have yellow fever either, I'm not dating or planning to date specifically an asian woman. How many families had an amerindian or even an african in their lineage and all look, feel, identify and originate from white europe? This is actually a thing in real life, it's a fact not a theory..

Not all Republicans are racist. But I GUARANTEE you the likes of people who openly call asians chinks and gooks vote Republican. These are the same people who calls asian people insectoids, devoid of emotion, and are parasites. And if you're a brown Asian, then you're fucked, because their opinion of you is even lower.

Only severely dysfunctional retarded asians with an inferiority complex that enjoys being treated like inferior scum will openly associate themselves with people like that.

That's why minorities vote for Democrats, not necessarily because they support their policies - in fact since most Asians have the highest median incomes in America, from a finacial standpoint they should vote for the party that favors the upper class....

But they've met one too many racist rednecks wearing MAGA hats calling them chinks and "to go back to China"

>you can actually have white grand and great-grand children if you marry an asian woman,
No, you can't.

>and I do not have yellow fever either,
Then why are you so in love with mixing Whites and Asians?
Why are you justifying Asians residing in White countries?

>I'm not dating or planning to date specifically an asian woman.
Because you're a virgin who is saving up for a sexbot.

>How many families had an amerindian or even an african in their lineage and all look, feel, identify and originate from white europe?
Non-Whites can't be European. Ever.

>This is actually a thing in real life, it's a fact not a theory..
Your feelings don't trump the facts.

How old are you? I think the problem is your general culture honestly, it's like there's things you haven't seen yet in life.

White people are the minority in the world, Asians VASTLY outnumber us.

If you breed with an Asian you are more than welcome to get the fuck out, we don't want your disgusting genetic mixture in our societies. It will just taint our bloodlines.

Interracial couples also look disgusting, every time I see one of those old looser men with some imported Asian whore polluting our blood lines it makes me fucking angry.

>You can't "Whiten" non-Whites up.

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>the kids barely look asian anymore

White/european genes like blonde/red hair and blue eyes are all recessive. A light skin complexion is not a white gene. SE asians have just as light, if not lighter complexions than most Europeans.

Asian genes like black hair and brown eyes are all dominant traits.

That's why hapa kids almost always have black/ dark brown hair and darker eyes.

Yeah good luck whitening Asians as a minority with recessive genetics (whites are minority in the world fyi).

We're coming to save the West from themselves. Thank us later, degenerate baixuo.

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They don't, they side with the left.

This. These fucking pieces of shit, degenerate traitors, in an ideal world they would live with the coal burners and other race traitors on an island. In their "multi kulti" fairy-tale land. Where everything is mixed and nothing is normal.

And by the way, whites did this to themselves. You let the jews infiltrate you and spread dissent and anti-nationalism. We will keep you around, as a reminder to never let the Jew into our government.

bcos yellow feveer

>d looser men with some imported Asian whore polluting our blood lines it makes me fucking angry.

You should honestly be thanking them. Those white men are all beta and will spoil any gene pool they come in contact with.

Luckily the asian gene pool is so dominant and vast that a few fat, ugly white guys won't do much damage to it.. A few basturdized hapas won't hurt the asian gene pool.... on the other hand, the european/white gene pool is very vulnerable. Blonde/red hair and blue eyes are all recessive traits.

Stop with that shit, you're talking as if blonde and blue eyes were impossible to pass on, you're out of your fucking mind there's plenty of mixed people who have those traits, and if the person is 7/8th or 15/16th white (3rd and 4th generation) then those traits will pass even easier, stop being such a fool you understand nothing about genetics or life.

This is exactly why so many Asians vote Dem. Like most people who are new to politics (immigrants or just young and inexperienced), an experience like this will turn them away for life, never mind the policies. Policies are distant, but these sorts of interactions are day-to-day.
Logically speaking, none of us actually want more immigrants or anything the Dems are offering ("free shit" funded by our tax dollars).

Odd that this post doesn't have any other replies.

>How old are you?
Much older than you.

> think the problem is your general culture honestly,
You mean preserving White culture?

>it's like there's things you haven't seen yet in life.
in other words, because i haven't gone to japan i should support white genocide.


Race is more than skin color.

>Odd that this post doesn't have any other replies.
Voting won't save the White race.

Trump isn't pro-White.

I don't think you know the difference between dominant and recessive traits. I'm talking about the likelihood of these traits being EXPRESSED, not necessarily passed on.

I've seen families where the guy/girl had blonde hair/blue eyes but the kids still come out with brown hair and green eyes. That's because the gene that expresses dark hair/blue eyes is so dominant that it recessive genes are rarely expressed.

How many asian couples have a kid with blonde hair and blue eyes? Zero, because it's virtually impossible.

I'm not arguing against you. White guys who think they can save the white race by breeding with asians are utterly retarded.

they aren't, they're voting for the democrats.
the benefits of being seen as a a part of the minority coalition outweighs the losses they make from democratic policies. they're net taxpayers and most hurt by affirmative action but it'd still be a strategic misstep to distance themselves from other minorities. it would put an even bigger target on their back

>experience like this will turn them away for life, never mind the policies. Policies are distant, but these sorts of interactions are day-to-day.

Yep, most Americans are too politically illiterate anyhow to even know what's good for them. So most Americans vote based on very superficial reasons
> Obama is black
> She's a women
> Build the wall, deport the spics!

Watch, your gonna have niggers and brown people blaming you for all their problems next. Just being moderately successful is enough to earn their scorn.

I'll be laughing my ass off at all Asian sjws when their POC allies turn on them and demand gibs.

pic unrelated

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you're not even American, fuck off pleb ricenigger

Asian men are gullible retards, asian women are materialistic

They're a shit race, asian women were only decent in the early 20th century when they were kept dirt poor

> he believes in the allied WW2 propogana

Can't wait for summer to end

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Whites reward merit and ability.

Browns hate you, want to tear you down and destroy you for being better than them.

>whites are mostly civilized
>browns a feral animals that will tape you to death

Inb4 'murdering rapist US service members'

If you look up the cases and hunt down the pictures, almost all the incidents of US service members raping and murdering women(and almost all crimes committed abroad) have been done by blacks (mostly) or other browns.

Because they love whites and hate niggers.

because they love white cock and like 45% of their women within the west are in interracial relationships

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They can be anti white all they want on their own little island at least they aren't replacing us.

>why should east asians -chinks
southeast asians are fucking nigger tier and deserve to get deported

>Why should Asians vote for the party of white racist, theocratic rednecks?
because when whites go extinct the already overmilked White Man Tax will become the Asian Man Tax and the brown and black hordes will feast on the blood of their children

>asian males

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A better post is why should we allow Asians to live in our country?

because they want the white man cock

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And this is why the Dems are still alive today as a political party.

That's not quite it. By aligning with Dems we fall under a huge umbrella of "protected" minorities, so we are protected socially. By aligning with "racist" Republicans, we would be aligning with a white base that dislikes us while at the same time being enemies of all other minorities under the Dem umbrella.
Policies is not the primary consideration, the question we have to ask ourselves is whether we should align with Dems and be accepted as part of the minority coalition (most do not know about reverse discrimination or the tax burden the Dem programs bring) or align with the Republicans who that hate us (partially true) against the Dems (who will now also hate us).
Which choice would you make?
I say this as a staunch Asian conservative. It's not easy, and aside from my family most only suspect I lean conservative; I doubt any of them even suspected I'm not only vote Republican, but I also donate regularly.

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