Generation X

>baby boomers voted for liberal policies for 50 years, destroying the world (i.e. “we must flood the nations with brown immigrants”)
>millennials hipster faggots are now pushing for socialism/communism (i.e. “pay your fair share comrade”)
>gen-z ridicules anyone who strays from politically correct drone speak (i.e. “D: - leave the trannies alone bro”)

Gen-x is the only generation that wants a nation of normal, white traditional people. Are generation X’ers the only red pilled men left?

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GenX will soon be the only generation that remembers when things were normal

It's kinda scary that young people think imposing transgender on kids is normal and not severe child abuse which is what society would have viewed it as as late as the mid 90s.

They are the only generation alive now that wants the ethnostate back.

Gen X people I know are some of the most liberal idiots I've ever met....

I'm a millennial btw

The 90’s were the last thing they remember before it all collapsed

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Gen X here, you're full of shit. We killed rock n roll and invented weaponized irony, and that is our only legacy to the world. All we want now is to pretend the rest of you idiots don't exists, mow our lawns and drink cheap shitty beer while watching re-runs of The Simpsons.

go fuck yourself, faggot.

OP's pic.

Attached: this_guy.jpg (180x180, 6K)

I was born in '80. I'm GenX right? I had an argument with a dude at work yesterday, he said I was a millennial, I almost punched him.

You are a millannial. 1978-1998 is millennial.

Wrong user. Last year of genX is ‘81.

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are you a boomer if you were born in 1964?

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Its just like my whole life, like I fell thru the cracks. I don't belong to any generation group.

Gen X is generally taken to be early 60's to early 80's, so yeah -you're part of the younger bracket of Gen X. I was born '75, pretty much middle of it.

if you wanna get real anal about it, then here:

Growing up, I always considered 1980-1982 people part of the same generation as people born in the 70s. There is a big shift in mindset when you started getting to people born in 1983-1984, since they wouldn't be able to remember much of the 80s and communism, and experienced most of their youth in the late 90s/early 2000s rather than in the early-mid 90s.

I was born in ‘81 and don’t fit into any generation except Xennial micro-generation. In high school we didn’t have cell phones, and we still used AOL, and for the first 12 years of my life there was no readily accessible public internet to speak of. I guess you could say all the weaknesses of the millennial + all weaknesses of genX kek. I’m glad to not have been given a smartphone at age 4. Builds character. Also glad to be young enough to not be technologically retarded like many people born ten years older than me are. It’s the best time to be bornt anons

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good point

>Also glad to be young enough to not be technologically retarded like many people born ten years older than me are
this is me lol

>I was born in ‘81 and don’t fit into any generation except Xennial micro-generation
People born circa 1994-1998 are kind of in the same boat as you since they can't relate to true millennial kids born in the late 80s and early 90s nor can they relate to gen z kids born in the 2000s. I refer to these people as zillennials or the ps2 generation