Something sprung into my mind as i was watching:

And this:

I feel like many descendants of people of European origin (and who also happen to be "white nationalists") are trapped in the leftist universe. It's like playing a game at your disadvantage where your opponent doesn't play by the rules yet you insist on playing by said rules out of principal. It's a reccuring theme. "whites" ,"individualism".

"whites" is how leftists lump all people of european origin, without distinction, into the same basket. That's you, using your enemy's lingo to describe who you are.

"invidivualism", is something the likes of Peterson are preaching to "whites", but not to Africains,Latinos,Jews,Arabs,Asians.. It's supposed to be a good thing according to his world view and yet humans are tribal by nature.

"white" is a vague word that doesn't describe anything since albinos, east asians and some arabs can all potentially have pale skin. Leftists use this word.. (i.e. "white privilege", "white patriarchy" , "whitesplaining") and when you do the same, you're playing their game. The son of a Polish or Estonian immigrant (for example) who's living in america can be blamed for "slavery" or "white" privilege despite the fact that his ancestors history, language & original culture/ethnicy aren't part of the 3 or 6% "white" american slave owners that existed at in point in time in America.

What am i getting at? We should be doing more like jews. Not only be tribal. But identify ourselves not as the left is labeling us. The best example i can think of, in my country, we have Corsicans. They have a strong identity. They speak french, but they also have their own language and specific culture..They are proud people. These things are crucial (psychologically speaking)...having a strong identity and in-group preference...Because that helps people being immuned to what you guys call "cultural marxism"

Attached: whites.png (1277x786, 432K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I agree

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"whites" or huwhites?

no, we should kill the fucking jews.

i agree op

to be honest we identify blacks as niggers and they also do call themselves niggers.


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>no, we should kill the fucking jews.
Take example on them.
They tend to help each other...They differenciate themselves from "whites"...they send their own kids to jewish private schools more often than not. They are tribal.. And have a strong identity. You can't subvert a jew, but the opposite is rather easy to do. Why ? Because of "individualism". Because of a destroyed identity... Leftists may be fiscally irrational and dangerous globalists but they're at the top of the food chain when it comes to sophistry & thus, cultural subversion.

Q - Zionist

Alex Jones - Zionist

Jerome Corsi - Zionist

Roger Stone - Zionist

PJW - Zionist

Posobiec - Zionist

Bannon - Zionist

Ben Shapiro - Zionist

Jordan Peterson - Zionist

Thomas Paine - Zionist

Sam Harris - Zionist

Spencer - Zionist

Mich Enoch - Zionist

Lauren Southern - Zionist

Faith Goldy - Zionist

Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist

Tommy Robinson - Zionist

Ann Coulter - Zionist

Molyneux - Zionist

Cernovich - Zionist

George Webb - Zionist

Jason Goodman - Zionist

Milo - Zionist

JF - Zionist

Andrew Anglin - Zionist

Weev - Zionst

Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist

Kyle Chapman - Zionist

Stephen Crowder - Zionist

Laura Loomer - Zionist

Gavin mccines - Zionist

>JF - Zionist
I have watched a lot of his content, he is no friend of zionism.


i unironically think we should bring this back since it's now became to cringy even for the alt-lite

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We could do the same americans term could be hicjaked to mean only european descendants people how use to be
We need term to all those races that didnt built usa

>to be honest we identify blacks as niggers and they also do call themselves niggers.

Black americans are a specific case.
The Congoid/Negroid race is very tribal by nature. Most original sub-saharans regularly attack each other, you see this a lot in South Africa...Bantu-speaking peoples differenciate themselves from other blacks...and vice versa. ..
East Asians do the same (Koreans, Japanese & Chinese)...In my country, our Chinese immigrants do not care about Japanese or Korean people. They stick with their own. Have their own business etc..The same is true for other types of asians such as Vietnamese. They have communities, they help each other...look after each other...Not on par with the Jews....But more so than the dislocated "whites" ...i.e. "individuals" with no strong identity, isolated in big urban cities...

Europe is its own thing, but in the states, white is our thing. By your broke ass logic, I should be oppositional to other european americans because my ancestors were italians and hey were not? That's gay and just as damaging as peterson's penis washing mantra.

Yeah, it could be under 3 levels of irony, instead of the now cringy 2 levels.

>"invidivualism", is something the likes of Peterson are preaching to "whites"
You niggers keep saying this shit but it doesn't make it true. Peterson appeal to persons of all races. But no sub 90 IQ will try to better themselves, much less listen to something that crumble their worldview. Guess what color has average

American identity didn't start being racial until post WWII. Before that someone would identify as their ethnic group + religion + region. So someone would say "I'm a Irish Catholic from Boston", instead of just saying "I'm white". White identity is not natural and should be discarded, it was created by the post WWII Globohomo NWO that wanted to destroy the ethnic communities in America to federalize the nation.

You make a very good arguement french lad. It’s funny when people class whites as non-diverse. Watching Jared Taylor made me realise we are one of the most diverse racial groups of people on the planet. Look at traditional French, Hungarian, Italian, Estonian, Norwegian, Croatian, Luxembourgish, Portugese people/culture (as an example) in Europe. There are SO many different cultures, languages, dress, food and traditional customs in Europe belonging to individual groups of people. We are very diverse and I agree we need to become more tribal in a sense and embrace it and only use the lefts tactics of embracing the over arching label of “whites” when facing another racial group head on (like the African invasion of Europe) (Jews) to only differentiate races when needed.

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You see guys...What i'm trying to explain here. And sorry for my limited english... But there's a very good reason behind the symptoms we're currently seeing in Western Europe and North America.

See that image attached ?
Have you ever wondered why, British men haven't moved an inch since this scandal was showed in the media ? You see, the opposite would've been unthinkable. It would've triggered a civil war...race riots...Pakistani men would've attacked indigenous european men...probably randomly..in the streets, in groups.. But not "white" men. Ask yourself why.
Pakistanis have a strong identity. They can have the arrogance and the balls to rape your daughters, in the land of your ancestors KNOWING full well that you'll be "tolerant" or "indifferent" about it. On the other hand, they can regroup, form alliances, with other pakistani men, just like them...And organize this without any problems...

Whenever "white" americans see African americans acting like crazed apes in the streets, looting, breaking things...attacking people... They simply say: "they're acting like niggers again"...

Yes and no.. Yes, From our perspective, and no...Because their reaction, should be YOUR reaction too. They have limited tolerance whenever they see a "white" cop shooting one of their own.Why? Because despite their low IQ, they haven't lost their natural tribal instinct. We have been used to it..demoralized, some of us can be discribed as cynical cultural relativists.. But that's not how nature works. And if you are indifferent to what happens in the land of your own ancestors, to your own children..Who will care for them ?

This is why western europe is dying a slow and silent death... It also explains why for example, there's a distinct difference with some neighboring countries..Such as Hungary. Hungarians haven't been as tolerant as the French, Brits, Germans...Ask yourself why. Again, look at their history, their culture, their identity.

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Now, don't get me wrong,i'm not telling you , that we should be acting like niggers. looting randomly and all that... But i'm often surprised by the deafening silence, the supreme indifference of European men... We should've sent a "message"...

Earlier, i was talking about Corsicans.
The last time arabs attacked one of their own, many arabs immigrants randomly received death threats...some of their businesses were bombed...So much so that the ones concerned were simply forced to leave and emigrate in France. Why? because they "got the message" that Corsicans weren't as tolerant as the "French". (i.e. do not fuck with us)...

French media of course talked about it, but there was a lesson to be learned. Despite media propaganda and demonization, NOBODY gave a shit... NO ONE felt "gult" or "shame"... People just did what they had to do to keep peace. If you start looking down, bowing your head when you see "thugs", then you have already lost. But in order to have these types of natural reactions, you need a strong identity. Jews are at the top of the food chain in that department while at the same time preaching to the rest of us, the magical wonders of "individualism" and "tolerance". While they're shooting Palestinians and showing their true colors in Israel.

Of course. "White" nationalism is only used in white majority countries with large populations of non-white minorities. Ethnonationalism is the real word to use. Europeans have a much easier job, since most European nations states are already ethnically divided. So French ethnonationalism, English, or a wider is British, which means English, Scottish and Welsh all want to keep their ethnic identity. Polish ethnonationalism. The whole thing is very simple and most Eastern Europeans already agree with it.

>we are one of the most diverse racial groups of people on the planet.
Correct...we are already very diverse. (despite being of European stock)...We may be neighbors, but we ultimately have different cultures, history, etc.. But when you'e ysing leftist lingo, You're entering their world. You are "white".. essentialized , without any clear identity, and thus more vulnerable to their psychological tricks... And easier to dehumanize and demonize.

> But i'm often surprised by the deafening silence, the supreme indifference of European men... We should've sent a "message"...

As am I, however, and not to sound conspiratorial, but this is because we have been slowly programmed, subconsciously through society, with media and everything. And that goes back to the Jews. There is a reason why testosterone levels have literally halved since our grandfathers generation. It’s the stuff in the food and water system. It’s fucked what’s happening. And we have become less tribal/aggressive as people and the media has also subconsciously helped in getting people (especially women) to think that what is happening to your continent is OK. So we stand by and do nothing. If you speak out you are branded racist etc, (this is why they try so hard to control the politicians/political system as well).
It all helps in making more profit for the people at the top, that’s the end game basically. What we have seen over the last 75 years has been well planned out by, and for, the people at the top (who are mostly Jews)

bump nice post mate

Ethnic pride is good, but the main realization that's been happening for about 50 years now is that "white" or "of European descent" is a better indicator of whether you can fit into a libertarian (mostly) laissez-faire constitutional Republic than basically anything else. So Polish and Estonian immigrants shouldn't be blamed for slavery, but the kind of society America has (and had, even with slavery) is better suited for Poles and Estonians than for ethnicities that belong to other races.

>but this is because we have been slowly programmed, subconsciously through society, with media and everything. And that goes back to the Jews.

There's no conspiracy...I see what you mean.
But you have to understand that the people we idenfity as "jews" are only as powerful as we allow them to be. And again, like i said earlier..Their strength can essentially be divided in two.

1 - their very strong identity. (even during the Roman Empire, people used to complain about them, just look at the writtings of Marcus Tullius Cicero)... But this is KEY...

2 - their other survival group strategy is playing the eternal victim card.
This strategy only works as long as the people it's aimed at, are compassionate, tolerant and quasi pathologically altruist...

The "victim" card is also used by Africans, gays, women... it's a strategy of the weak. But it works wonders, Nietzche explained it very well..

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individualism can be a great thing...intellectually speaking, and i'm as anti-communist as it gets... But when it comes to the things we call "race", "culture"...then individualism becomes detrimental to the group's very survival because it can also lead to cultural relativism. and indifference. And in worst case scenarios...it sometimes trigger the opposite reaction. (that's why Xenophiles exist too) they see in "the other" something worth defending yet the very same people feel no particular bond with their own racial group.

Not good enough, fractures too much and you get eaten by the greater power. White is artificial, but as long as your enemy uses it and intends to exterminate or replace all groups that fall under the white category, it is very much real. We don't need burger white identity in Europe, but for Muttland it's the only option.

When whites get attacked, the left knows exactly who's white. When whites want to unify and advocate for ethnonationalism, nobody is white.

Capitalism/libertarianism and individualistic greed are the main reasons why the west is dying.

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But how would that work now that we’re 3-4 generations on from that?

How come Corsicans have a separate language. Is it the original language French people spoke before the Romans colonised it?

What I don't like about this upcoming political term is that it misses the point completely.
It's the same with "culture".
I don't want German-speaking, integrated roaches in Germany, I want Germans.
It's about heritage not "identity".

Of course there needs to be some kind of identity. That's necessary for all societies even the individualistic ones (whose identity is about being individualistic) but identity needs to be tied to race.

>but identity needs to be tied to race


Identity is understood by Identitarians as being ethno-cultural, race plays a big role in it. A "integrated" migrant from for example china is still chinese even if he adopted the local culture