Give me one reason why pedos shouldn't be executed

Give me one reason why pedos shouldn't be executed

Pic from a website called "Pedo Support Community"

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Other urls found in this thread:

Daughters shouldn't be given to other men. it is cuckoldry.


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Just execute all the Jews and this will disappear magically

i want to puke reading this

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This is another reason why kikes belong in oven

Pedos do deserve execution, however if you want a good counter argument as to why it would not be the best idea... it's harder to get a jury to convict when they know the defendant will be killed if found guilty. There are also some countries that will refuse to extradite if they know the death penalty is an option.


>Give me one reason why pedos shouldn't be executed
I have none. Just make sure "pedo" is well defined.

That is the key takeaway here

The reason why kids get messed up by this kind of thing is because their faith in adults and loved ones is fundamentally broken. These pedos deliberately mix "romance" and sexual relationships into close familial relationships and, in a classic sign of pedophilia, are delusional enough to believe that they can actually have a proper romantic relationship with a child that young.

>Give me one reason why pedos shouldn't be executed
I've got nothing. Also why are you out of the oven?

>Give me one reason why pedos shouldn't be executed
No point. Evolution will just keep making them again and again. You'll need to wipe out all Jews from the planet if you want to take care of pedophilia. With your flag, I doubt that's an option for you.

And why aren't you at the top of a building?
We were just about to start

>it's the kikes
What, they hacked into people's brains? Are you imagining people are perfectly fine and respectable when there's no jew around?

forgot your proxy

Why are you aware of and visiting pedo support communities to begin with?

it is not morally correct for the govt, let alone individuals, to take a life not in self defense. every crime is a failure to socialize at some level. no question that actual pedophiles who abuse children deserve to die. thats an emotional truth, and psychiatrically speaking they are too damaged at this point to try to rehabilitate, and the risk to the community is too great. we cant allow people to repeat child abuse. so our only ethical solution is to permanently lock them up, no chance of parole or d/c from hospital. thats the most we can restrict someones civil rights, that are inalienable except under the most severe instances.

funny way to spell 'homos'

desu I miss shit like that on /b/
Last one was swimanon and it lacked effort

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>What, they hacked into people's brains?
Who do you think *owns* the press? Hello.
Who do you think *owns* television? Hello.
Who do you think *owns* Twitter? Hello.
Who do you think *owns* faceberg? Hello.

Only one answer to this.

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>it's not the pedos!
>it's th-e th-e jews!
>i did nothing wrong!

Stop gaslighting stupid shit kike.

This pedo shit is literally just manufactured outrage intended to divert this boards attention away from shit that actually matters, like unchecked immigration and the rampant spread of socialism.

You faggots need to ask yourself a serious question, what do you think worries these penny pinching faggots more, some pedo conspiracy that no one in the mainstream gives a shit about? Or the very real threat of the loss of control over the country and it's demographic and economic future?

This shit literally only started when Trump started campaigning on moving towards libertarian policies and shutting down the gravy train for immigrants
Keep focusing on this retarded inconsequential bullshit and watch them ruin everything and steamroll your stupid asses with foreigners and debt, all because you lost focus of what actually fucking mattered.

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Daughters should be earned by other men or allowed to sell themselves as whores

The torah promotes pedophilia you stupid idiot

Unchecked immigration is key to child trafficking tens of thousands of kids

It's the Tamud.

1. Due Process


Why, exactly, are you reading this PedoAnon?

I think you're gonna get looked into.

Disclaimer: This was a joke

You're alredy in a list just for posting here.

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agree, let's start by nuking israel and all of the middle east where pedos run rampant.

because your favorite anime is written and drawed by pedos. This image board is certainly a pedo one. Just use the pedo as a political weapon.
Pedo fetish is okay.
Pedophile acts are not
this is the way

Whoa careful there, you'll trigger the normalfags ITT

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I knew the anti-pedo stuff was jews shilling. I mean come on. People who hate pedophilia, on Jow Forums? This is cp central for God's sake. And just to make it more obvious you only started this shit when one of your kind came under attack.

This, and then her pedo lover will leave her the moment she hits puberty. Some weird “love” if you ask me.

Desu /new/ and Jow Forums were always a bit bitchy about it, even more now that it's filled with normalfags and redditors.
>This is cp central for God's sake
Used to be, now it just glows in the dark.

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I guess it's time to move on to one if the other chans. Assuming they're not all dead.