Be there lads

It’s fucjing happening and spread this everywhere.

Other bread: kappy

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Other urls found in this thread:

K, thanks.
Keep me posted.

Thanks user. WWG1WGA

while we wait

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this is the cleverest boomer insult ive seen yet

i like you

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How's the new divide and conquer strategy working?

as well as ever, i just like old cartoons nigga

He's a deceptive shill.... psychic tarot reader blows his cover!

Trying to cash in on pedogate!

Here waiting anons

so what's the periscope address?

It's up

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even Jow Forums kek

"I'm being suppressed, things are being deleted, my tweets are being blocked, even Jow Forums has banned me....."

this guy is an idiot
who doesn't understand
how Jow Forums works or how twitter works


that's not what he said you fucking retard


Steven King now a pedo


I wish this guy wasn't such a rambling easily sidetracked stoner. 40 minutes of rambling for one nugget of information. "Stephen King is part of a cult and GUYS I just want to say thanks for your support I've cried so many times this week" fucking get to the good stuff faggot.

is anyone else besides Jow Forums taking this guy seriously? Is Cernovich or anyone else blasting this shit on social media?

The guy is authentic. I think his message will resonate more because he is not scripted and speaks from the heart.

Fuck Cernovich, stop trying to tie this to him so you can discredit it later, literally nobody cares about that greasy asshole

well I hope he will give us some evidence and not just call few famous people pedophiles

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>these people are media whores...

I wonder how long this guy will last until he gets suicided...

I'm sure it'll resonate but like, the way he presents it makes me want to skip tuning in and just check in a week from now when someone has cut the good parts together. Why can't these people just write shit out on paper and organize their thoughts and topics and drop actual info bombs so we can start digging.

lol I honestly dont give a shit about any of them, but it was he who spearheaded this shit and made it blow up.

>all the autists out there

This guy is alright

Oh he got through his notes in 3 minutes and now it's just a hangout. Wow. Thanks for the amazing stream Isaac we got so much to dig on from that. Fuck.

They don't fuck him up cause he's a disinfo agent

He just asked all the autists to look into the Stephen King - Fort Briggs connection.

Fort Bragg

literally who?

he's larping, and you faggots are falling for it.


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Thanks for the correction!

Let's dig into the Stephen King - Fort Bragg connection!

King lives in Fort Bragg I believe


hes a vet?

no, because hes literally in the movie

he wrote a book based there and literally nothing else. don't buy into this jew's tales.

>I am the most sane one in the room

big red flag when someone says that

he's a dumb bitch with too much time on his dickbeaters

go to sleep john

i don't understand your stupid code names, you idiot.

john podesta

>Rachel Chandler when someone mentions Eminem...

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you are literally a dumbo.

I beat the shill with all the Trump pictures with his daughter!!

no u

>Rich liberal choosing to live in nigger infested Fayettenam
no, user, he stays comfy in 93% White Maine
t. lived on and around Ft. Bragg for 8 years

Why the fuck does anyone care what happened to Tupac?

what's the rundown here? i can't find anything without it linking q shit

literally who?

why is anyone giving this burnout jew the time of day?

listen to Legion of Skanks instead.

i have no idea

because kikes did it

Im in there

I guess it's all we can do from this stream. He's asking trump to release the 2PAC files so I'm tuning out this doesn't sound like it's going to contain anything useful besides the King Bragg thing. I've already heard King is fucked but maybe there's something with Bragg

I'm sorry but this guy sounds like he's Larping as a Jow Forums user and probably is method acting

everything he's said so far is stuff I've read from Jow Forums no new info whatsoevr

someone on the stream ask him its ft bragg CA or ft bragg NC...big difference and both are pretty big.

if you didn't close the window after he spewed that dumb shit, you are worse than a moroccan.

Steve O cleared

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Pothead looking guy wants to be taken seriously. Spends half the stream rambling about all the drugs he does and has done. Solid plan Isaac. I wish these victims weren't so dumb about optics but I guess they target the low IQ ones and the stuff they do to them fucks them up

God bless

Yup, this guy is 100% controlled opposition.
A Hollywood insider making claims he can't prove to damage the reputation of the ones who speak out in earnest.
It was odd that someone so wealthy and somewhat influential is telling folks to spread the news to "the chans" specifically.
I really wanted to believe this time, but without proof he is just another person they will label as a nutcase, alt right radical and further smudge the name of justice.
I wonder what they offered him to be a political martyr.

Who is this guy anyway? Why should we believe him?

why is he just rambling about cultural issues in general? dude has a crazy messianic complex---parroting "woke" ideas, acting like some guru.

honestly, thought this guy might give us something, just an attention whore.

this is such an obvious trap and you are all gonna just fall for it like some basic bitches

her insta shows SRA

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>this noproof larping faggot is still being artificially signal boosted on fucking Jow Forums of all places

This is the face of desperation. A man who will never get 30 seconds of recognition in his life and is desperate for someone, anyone to acknowledge he exists.

Sage goes in all poultry

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He said he got through his notes so some takeaways:

Alleged Stephen King, cited questionable writing emphasizing “It.” Requested King and Ft Bragg connection be looked at. Speculated problem since JFK. Kappy said LAPD is harassing him. Supports Trump, emphasized that he doesn’t want money. Speaking style may indicate recent marijuana or psychedelic use. Kappy seems to believe in Q, implied he is in contact with Q.

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Can everyone just ask a simple question as why this guy hasn't tried to gather any evidence before namedropping?

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Who are you? Why shouldn't we?

It's been asked where the proof is. Several times. It's never acknowledged.

Because LARPers are terrified of the truth.

Sounds like a LARP

whats SRA? i don't typically twatter, i see it's a well used tag in redpilled posts on there though

He's reading live questions off his phone and answering them.
Bonus: 100% of actors in Hollywood act and talk just this flaky. Tedious af.
He's real.

krappy is not in contact with trump wtf is this shit
he looks like hes done too many mushrooms this summer but he probably isnt wrong

he's talking about the death cult, sounds legit

yeah, it's becoming more apparent. he's so unfocused, rambling about "muh monsanto" and "muh corn syrup" LOLOL

jesus. he seems like a decent dude, probably would be fun to hang out with----but it's gonna be a nothing

>good jews

Satanic Ritual Abuse, usually involving children

process church, there is a name I haven't heard in a while, this legit at all or grasping at straws?

satanic ritual abuse

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I was wondering the same thing about a lot of these metoos I don't think that it matters anymore.

He just answered my question, confirmed Christian

Ok then why the fuck are there like 300 people following him without even knowing if he is lying and shit?

Because he's a typical young actor in Hollywood. Imagine having to listen to this rambling way of talk and look at these teeth and sunglasses all fucking day. FML. I don't doubt a single thing the fucker says. Sit with a thespian long enough they tell you a whole book of personal shit that makes your face pic related. Then "Did I get the part?"
t. Director, LA

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Nice I can totally see a UFO in there too. Gotcha scumbag SRA aliens.

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Yep he was raised Christian

i feel like a retard now, makes sense. thanks

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You are too stupid to exist and I regret sharing a planet with you.

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