When Boris Yeltsin had an unofficial trip to the United States to visit the Texas space station he also wanted to see how Americans live.
>The journalists that were with him on a trip were telling Yeltsin was pretty much shocked by the diversity in the store and was waving his hands all the time – like here on a photo.
>The guy which followed him on a trip was telling later that this supermarket shocked first Russian president too much. “He was heading home on a jet and was sitting holding his head with two hands saying – They were lying to the people all the time, telling the fairy tales, inventing something – but everything is already invented!”, was mumbling Boris.
>When they got into the store, as one of the guys remember, the manager appeared and helped them to see the store in detail. “Yeltsin asked how many different goods are in store. The store staff answered that there is around 30,000 different things for sale now. Yeltsin then said – did I get the number correctly? Does my interpreter misheard the seller?”. So he was really in a shock look at his face and on a manager’s face. The Lev, guy who was with him, says that Yeltsin before never was in a Western store.
This is the moment that ended the Soviet Union
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russians are salty that this happened and they call Yeltsin a CIA stooge and this whole thing was propaganda
stupid commies
commies are retarded.
This just makes me feel bad for all the people who suffered under communism.
And now we are BLACKED and ZOG'D. Were the precious pudding pops worth it?
>Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese and Bacon?!
Wow, fourteen different kinds of popsicles in exchange for our spirit and soul. Nice trade
> mfw no vodka
Soviet Union collapsed because of an oil glut which caused oil prices to collapse
it you think the Soviet Union didn't stores to buy food stuffs and the like and was nothing more than bread lines for the entirety of its existence I'm afraid you drank too much zog capitalist propaganda
also Yeltsin was a drunkard embarrassment
>ywn never be so enthralled by frozen kids' treats.
Capitalism has ruined us.
Yeltzin was a drunk sack of shit who betrayed his country for microwavable white castle burgers
would be hilarious if he just went on a bender eating as many different types of waffles and toppings and types of beer as he could get his hands on. waving a little american flag and crying the whole time
>Queue to first McDonalds in Moscow in 1990
come on commie sympathizers show us the pics of REAL Moscow markets.
They found him drunk in his underwear trying to get a taxi to a pizza place at 3 AM in D.C. during a visit.
>in exchange for our spirit and soul.
you can't have those things if you're poor, starving and retarded either.
Is there a video of him smiling and waving his hands while looking at all the merchandise? Sounds kind of cute.
lol based yeltsin
>it you think the Soviet Union didn't stores to buy food stuffs and the like and was nothing more than bread lines for the entirety of its existence I'm afraid you drank too much zog capitalist propaganda
Are you really saying you also wouldn’t betray the USSR for White Castle?
>Former Russian president Boris Yeltsin got so drunk during a visit to Washington that he was found standing outside the White House in his underpants trying to hail a cab to go and buy a pizza.
>The following night he was mistaken for a drunken intruder when he was discovered stumbling around the basement of his guest house by secret service agents.
>meme flag
>reddit spacing
checks out
Soviet economy was committee managed and market independent. theoretically, no food shortages could be possible disregarding market oil prices, since both agriculture and oil production was not market dependent. food shortages and bread lines formed because of chronic mismanagement, drunkedness, bribe culture and overall apathy which is rampant in a country where nobody has an incentive to do their damn jobs
>inb4 without gorbachev CCCP would have lasted forever
yeah thanks for the video taken during the height of the collapse
>it's real
holy shit the absolute madman
Soviet economy depended on selling oil abroad at market rates for hard currency which they used to import grain to make up for domestic food production shortages
be gone kike, 6 million dead wasn't enough
most people would if they were hungry enough, soviet system was probably just effective enough to keep them barely fed and content.
it is very nice being able to go buy ridiculous amounts of food for next to nothing.
they also had shortages of common goods like bananas, apples, toilet paper, soap, etc.
The USSR was already collapsing then. Most of the shortages started in the mid-10s to 80s. Of course, the USSR was also starving prior to the mid-60s. This means that for exactly one decade (mid-60s to mid-70s) the USSR actually had food. Commies btfo.
>spirit and soul
because he was and literally everyone admitted it
>implying the USSR wouldn't be le 49% face by now
soviets guaranteed higher caloric intake than the united States for all of its citizens from 1945 to 1985
entire american cities degraded into poverty, race riots, and mass drug use and crime from 1965 to 1990 while Soviet cities were safe and prosperous
>domestic food production shortages
>domestic food production shortages
>domestic food production shortages
for a country encompassing 70% of entire Euriasia, including Ukraine and Moldova which are huge and have extremely fertile soil
come on, summergoy, this is an above 70 IQ board and you clearly can't qualify
I was being facetious because I like White Castle
Russian people were waiting on lines all day for simple shit like toilet paper. So are you a leaf or a commie, either way you are still a faggot.
>just devote your entire economy to agricultural autarky instead of selling oil abroad to rob the capitalists of their hard currency which you can then use to buy food on the cheap thanks to all of the massive food subsidies the western capitalist fascists dump into their agricultural industry
what is realpolitik? I thought jews were smart.
from the river to the sea Palestine will be free, kike
have you seen the lines at Costco and Walmart? people wait in line to buy toilet paper in the West too
>wait in line to buy toilet paper in the West too
Except they're buying more than just toilet paper
Yeah but if Costco closes before you can buy the toilet paper, you can just come back tomorrow and they will still have plenty
>one is forced
>other is choice
you is retard
>This is the moment that ended the Soviet Union
it was already over when this happened you uneducated american idiot
I know it's hard for you amerifats to believe this but toilet wasn't exactly chronically in shortage all of the time, when it came to the simple stuff the Soviet Union provided the basics for her citizens the overwhelming majority of the time except for towards the end when it collapsed
>"betray" your country by telling the truth and solving the hunger crisis
Bullshit the market was opened because the zionist were able to beat the marxist.
spotted the salty lying commie.
Hello, reddit
That’s nice but I like 2-ply
It sure would, 49% dead by starvation face
Uh, there were huge lines to get toilet paper and bread. Then people were shoved into drab commieblocs.
Soviet people could watch Finnish TV in northern Estonia and Karelia. Commies had hard time to explain simple things like commercials of super markets. Their propaganda painted that as CIA propaganda. Pic related was the most notorious CIA bandit for them, guy was a shop manager that ended up on commercials of the chain.
People at Walmart usually don't queue to get products, that happens only when there is some really good discount on some product.
Also, you could claim that Cubans are provided for too. The bare minimum is what they get.
communists aren't people, so it's okay to kill them
Theirs polish people that post on pol in their early 40's that remember waiting in communist bread lines for bread and sausage rations.
well the honest truth about Cuba is they are about on par with the rest of the Caribbean if not much better in certain metrics like health care and child mortality and literacy rates
makes you think eh?
Moldova huge huh?
Chopped up firewood was worth more then Russian money in 1989
Motley crues manager had to use shipments of firewood to buy things since large amounts of Russian money was worthless.
Is there any moment in Russian history that wasn't a miserable tragedy?
>spreading antique KGB propaganda like he actually believes it
>uncle Joe's useful idiots are still around
That spirit and soul will carry you to the breadline every day comrade.
Disco and Atomic War (on Amazon Video) shows that the first TV tower in Helsinki was funded by the CIA and intentionally had a reflector lobe aimed at open sea in the direction of Tallinn and many Finns were arrested bringing smuggled microchips so Estonians could build "Finn Boxes" for their TV after Finnish TV turned colorized.
but internet communist say everything was great in the soviet union and everybody was well fed and rich
Bernie Sanders spent his honeymoon in the u.s.s.r watching people starve in the breadlines.
>pro-American stooge acts like a stooge
>everyone was on the brink of starvation in the Soviet Union for the entirety of its existence until capitalism "saved" everyone
friendo do you ever stop to think that maybe you're the victim of propaganda and not i?
>can buy burgers
>entire economy goes to Jewish oligarchs
More like: was Russia ever not enslaved by Jewish tyrants?
Aren't they ruled by tyrants? I wouldn't believe them soviet union tier bullshit
this happened years before Yeltsin became president of the Russian SSR. Unless you're saying the Soviets were doomed from the start, which would be true.
Fuck commies but Journo's lie man
1 picture with his hands up and for all we know the rest was completely made up for propaganda purposes
Holy fuck
And that's the country Americans are afraid off.
>This is the moment that ended the Soviet Union
The last famine was in 1947. That's almost 40 years with food.
the average state in the Caribbean is a narco tyrant shithole with the a low standard of living and mass poverty
kek probably ruined his day
That was actually post-soviet.
One got to consider that soviet food was much, much healthier that US food because it contained no corn, onions, palm oil... other additives that make the food cheap to product and last long.
You realize they are going to do the same shit to you.
> but toilet paper wasn't exactly chronically in shortage all of the time
Gee, it's okay guise because it was only chronically in shortage some of the time.
>ignorance: the post
Jesus fucking Christ
It's like with Cubans allowing private property now. You can fight the CIA, the US army and your own population. But you can't beat the burger-shilling clown.
Sounds like Yeltsin alright
For the passed 600 years Europeans have been starting or funding wars against Russia...
fucking hell lol
did you guys have american TV and commercials?
what made mcdonalds so fucking attractive to try?
Nice meme
>More like: was Russia ever not enslaved by Jewish tyrants?
Well, there was a time they were enslaved by Mongolian tyrants.
Shit like this makes me sad as fuck. My parents from Hungary mention seeing shit like this often when traveling to Russia especially in Poland at one point.
>Jews wonder how they can make more money
>Realise there's an entire untapped (((market))) called the (((Soviet Union)))
>(((Soviet Union))) magically (((collapses))) over night
>Suddenly the old (((Soviet Union))) is inundated with (((businesses))) and (((companies)))
>More than half of the old countries (((magically))) join the (((EU)))
If you could colour me anything it would be (((surprised))).
Are you retarded? Reddit is very anti-communist.
I totally agree with you bro. US after the WW2 till before Trump era has been most manipulated Nation ever. It sad what small clique of ugly people done to our brothers and sister there (i'm talking about White people)
Oh God thank you for the laugh
you can't survive by eating spirit and soul
Its nice seeing a fellow user who fully understands the extent of our (((problems)))
It was before that when the u.s. government realised no one really ran the u.s.s.r.
Doc McGhee put on a Moscow peace festival he realised their was no way to get official permits for anything the Russians would just use a rubber stamp on everything and laugh
Soviet union didn't exist in a vacuum. It depended on exports to capitalist markets.
It was foreign and exotic.
>this is an above 70 IQ board
This thread tells otherwise
How the fuck was a top Russian politician this naive about the rest of the world.
I'm not buying this shit.
Truth. But it would be funny to watch the furry anarchists dragged off by comrade tyrone and comrade cleetus for execution in their suits. I would actually pay to watch that!
what is Aleppo?
Where are teh burger?