Is she going to be okay?

Is she going to be okay?

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Who cares?

this bitch is fucking insane

I hope whatever nig she is fucking breaks her neck

same. plz donate money 2 me

Who the fuck is this and why should I care?
>Beat like crazy, thrown down stairs, two cracked ribs, bullet to the brai--

literally who

Either a) attention whoring or (unlikely) b) genuinely in a fucked up situation and telling the truth.

Can any anons give a quick rundown? I don’t know much about this Trump cheerleader other than she makes YouTube videos with a low cut white t-shirt.

Did she show photos or is that one of those donation-scammers?

That’s why they make women’s shelters, sweetie.
Lemme guess the next tweet has a link to a gofundme.

thot status: removed

This is your opportunity to be captain save-a-hoe OP. You can do it!

She has threatened to commit suicide countless times, just look at her crazy eyes

has anyone called a mental hospital for this girl?

Lying for attention.

Go to the police if it's real, DV cases are way easier if the victim actually testifies and has evidence like cracked ribs


what race is her boyfriend?

Black bf?

Your first mistake was believing something that a woman posts on social media... Your cuckness is showing.

Have you watched her videos lol she definitely belongs here. She's a weird, funny, loyal autist.

Exactly! Attention whore, just go to the police and get it sorted instead of proclaiming it all on social media for all her buddies to respond to.

She's a fucking idiot if its real or not

She's autistic, and she was picked on throughout highschool. While in school she was also raped, her classmates discovered this, and bullied her so much she dropped out. Since then she has made dumb decisions with relationships, going out with guys who would beat her, etc. I think that her parents are abusive, but I don't know to what degree. No clue what this latest thing is about, but her mental health obviously isn't very good, and by now she's probably destined to make bad decisions for the rest of her life.

Find out where she lives and call the local cops for her.

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Who is she and why is she posted on a politics board

She'll be fine. She loves it.

She's nuts dude.

She has live streamed herself threatening to commit suicide before.

The rumor is she was pumped and dumped by PJW and never got a job at Infowars that she was promised.

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Jow Forums - e-celebs and r/t_d

pjw is gay, he is the one that gets pumped and dumped.

Is she the underage retard that that one autist travelled to fuck?

Wtf is going on


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>hurr Durr my Chad beat me

Fuckoff thot

I'd genuinely pity you if you were beaten by ANTIFAGS but you're just your average slut that like abusive cock.
Newsflash sweetie, if you like rough sex doesn't mean that you won't roughed up when clothes
50 shades of grey is a fantasy

I guess this is THE redpill experience for her.

It`s also said that she fucked Paul Joseph Watson after he promised her a job at Infowars. She made a fool of herself on probation week, so PJW dumped her. Since then she has been depressive, making streams crying and threatening suicide at least once a week. She is not in good mental shape.
FFS, she believes PJW is her boyfriend while it`s pretty obvious that he just used her as aa cum dumpster.
She is an e-celeb who made very low tier "Conservative" videos. Nothing of her is remarkable and her arguments were always very bad and a copy-paste of PJW`s.
Most of her fanbase just like her for her looks.



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This pjw is clearly a poof. Looks and acts feminine

>oh my god, women are so oppressed in western society! thread #4854094535435
She is not telling the whole story.

she an alt-lite magapede.

She's in an abusive situation because she is an idiot.
These women seek out these men
Most guys would house her for free/sex

She was dropped by infowars because she was deemed to crazy.

She looks like the K*Mart Lauren Southern

>plz help by donating to my patreon, suckers



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user, were you here last week? She made the exact same tweet, deleted it afterwards and went on a rant about CNN like nothing had happened. I`m not saying that she is lying this time, but she has a record of talking about suicide to make people pity her. She needs help, not internet attention.

Seems ok to log on Twitter n tell us

>domestic violence isnt real
ok incel