Daily song:youtu.be/04854XqcfCY
>Reminder that this is the thread that shills want to slide
>Reminder that the midterms are arguably MORE IMPORTANT than the 2016 election, because there is more power in Congress than in the Presidency
>Reminder that The Left is absolutely bloodthirsty for their Blue Wave and will stop at nothing to crush you and have their revenge for what happened in 2016

The purpose of this thread is to provide Jow Forums a convenient guide to the 2018 midterms, spread awareness of how important it is to take part in the midterms, and provide a platform to take action to achieve specific objectives that will prevent any semblance of a “Blue Wave.”

>Partisan State-By-State Guide to the Midterms

>Extremely Comprehensive Non-Partisan Guide To The Midterms


>Important dates - for primaries, runoffs, etc
Previous thread :

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Other urls found in this thread:



1. Compile a collection of memes, infographics, and images pertaining to the midterms for the purpose of dissemination throughout the Internet.

2. Create and continuously update a comprehensive, state by state, district by district, reference guide for each race in 2018 --> redstorm2018.wordpress.com/

3. Brainstorm ideas for effective political action that anyone can do over the Internet (we'll let the GOP and other groups handle the boots on the ground work), and execute those ideas with ruthless efficiency.

4. Lay the foundations for an online network of right wing political organization that will later supersede what the left has.

Remember, the left has been much more powerful in terms of political presence on the Internet for years now. That's starting to change because of Jow Forums and events like GamerGate, but if we want the right-wing to succeed, we'll have to accelerate that change.

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Here is a Quick Rundown on Michigan for the midterms for anyone who might not be aware

Like Pennsylvania, it went red for HW in 1988 but was comfortably blue until 2016. We’re going to want to keep it red if we want to save the country.


Take a look at those red counties. Republicans need to get turnout in those areas as high as possible, especially because the Democrats’ Get Out The Vote machine has been refined for efficiency quite a bit in the past few years.

>Senate: Debbie Stabenow (D) vs John James (GOP, probable candidate)

>Debbie Stabenow is a three term Senator who first won in 2000 with 49.5% of the vote, won in 2006 with 57% of the vote, and won in 2012 with 59% of the vote…much has changed since 2012, however

>voted for Obamacare and did her best to kill any attempts to reform it.


>voted against tax cuts


>John James is a black combat veteran who is ideologically sound on all the important issues

>I know some of you will make “hurr stop shilling for based black men you dumb magapede” but face it, he’s better for you than Stabenow


Volunteer, donate, meme !

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bump, lots of slide out there

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Amen to this project, brother.
Right-wing Americans need to organize our democratic influence.
We need to start influencing local candidates.
We need to start running for office and recognizing one another.
It's important to note that here in Oklahoma it costs less than $2,000 to run for Governor.

PS: State Flag geolocators are a must for the betterment of America on this board.

Here is a Quick Rundown on Virginia for the midterms for anyone who might not be aware
Was red for years and years before turning blue for Obama in 2008. Government workers living in DC suburbs turned blued it up. However, it is still possible to take back the state !

>Senate: Tim Kaine (D) vs Corey Stewart

>Tim Kaine: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Kaine

>Hillary’s sidekick in 2016, got destroyed by Pence at the primaries, became governor of Virginia and later Senator despite looking and acting like a cross between child molester and teacher’s pet

>relies on government workers from Northern Virginia, felons, and illegal immigrants to win

>Corey Stewart: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corey_Stewart_(politician)
>smeared as being “alt-right” (which means he’s almost certainly /ourguy/)

>smeared for his praise for Paul “can’t hide my power level” Nehlen when he was challenging Paul Ryan; denounced him after he revealed his power level

>hard worker, travels all around Virginia to campaign and speak to people directly and answer their questions

>Republican Party hasn’t won statewide in Virginia since 2009, though they’ve always ran establishment cucks. For 2018, we are trying something DIFFERENT

>strong on immigration and all the important issues



Corey must get turnout in those red counties as high as possible. If Tim Kaine gets mediocre turnout from Hillary 2016 voters and Stewart gets super high turnout from Trump 2016 voters, WE CAN WIN THIS



Volunteer, meme, donate

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I cringe at your thread my dude
>inb4 shill

Here is a Quick Rundown on Pennsylvania for the midterms for anyone who might not be aware

>State went red for Trump for the first time since 1988, albeit at a slim margin of 0.72% (44,292 votes)


>Tom Wolf (D) vs Scott Wagner (GOP)

>Tom Wolf: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Wolf#Tenure

>Appointed PA Supreme Court Justices that changed the House district lines in favor of the Democrats

>announced SJW infested “It’s On Us” campaign to combat muh rape culture and “sexual assault” on campus

>Scott Wagner: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Wagner

>In 2017, Wagner referred to billionaire businessman George Soros (a U.S. citizen since 1961) as a "Hungarian Jew" who has a "hatred for America”


>Bob Casey (D) vs Lou Barletta (GOP)

>Bob Casey: 2nd term senator who first won in 2006 with 59% of the vote, and in 2012 with 53.7% of the vote

> mcall.com/health/mc-casey-defends-obamacare-20170106-story.html
He defends Obamacare. Now, health care is a popular issue among Democrat voters, but there are many people who are disgruntled with the financial repercussions of Obamacare, and those can be swayed to vote against him.


Take a look at the map here. Scott Wagner and Lou Barletta are going to have to do their damndest to get turnout extremely high in those red counties. We’re going to want to get the Amish to turnout like they did in 2016.


Donate, volunteer, meme

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You are a shill. Calling a purely political thred cringey is pure shill behavior. Now bump this thread defending yourself.

>You are a shill.
now the real question is whether you actually unironically believe that
I need the answer to assess the level of your stupidity

*hits you in the head with a bike lock*

My stupidity aside, please explain your distaste for this thread.

The Left is meme a blue wave and now the right has a Red storm? God damn we are entering late 90s memes. we're almost back to our current time line guys!

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>My stupidity aside, please explain your distaste for this thread.
that's simple
it's too long
and I didn't read it
now back to topic at hand

>I don't read long things
>Let's talk 'bout how you dumb
Alright then, I support State Rights.
How about you?

do you think I'm a shill or not?

Yes. I think you are being paid to come on this board. I think you're goal is to divide us through demoralization and distraction.

Fearless leader called it a Red Wave and I won't move from the basedboy sound of that for something that sounds like a Mountain Dew flavor

>t. retard
get dabbed on my job is done here

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You clearly are one you faggot shut the fuck up.

This. OP is truly gay and of the cringe.

>my job
Okay so you are a shill. I suppose your told to recoil whenever you're named.
Anons, please note that all threads pertaining to an organized, right-wing, democratic effort is shilled and slid.

And why is that?


Thank you! I was looking forward to this general.

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oh how low the Jow Forums I knew and loved has fallen
shit, I should be gone

>get dabbed on


It's not cringe if it's ironic tbdesu

Being ironically retarded is still being retarded

there is literally nothing wrong with being retarded

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OP I think you should rename this to MIDTERMS GENERAL, or something like that, nobody knows what Red Storm is.

Here is a Quick Rundown on Montana for the midterms for anyone who might not be aware

Montana is a state that actually ALMOST went for Obama in 2008, but then went comfortably for Romney in 2012 and even more for Trump in 2016

Democratic strength is concentrated in the few small cities it has, everywhere else is deep red: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election_in_Montana,_2016

>Senate: Jon Tester (D) vs Matt Rosendale (GOP)

>Tester: First elected in 2006 with 49.2% of the vote, reelected in 2012 with 48.6% of the vote. Tester supported the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, voting for it in December 2009.

>got under fire from Trump for smearing his Veterans Affairs pick: thehill.com/homenews/administration/385310-trump-dem-allegations-surrounding-va-nominee-proving-false

> breitbart.com/big-government/2018/06/12/build-wall-montana-gop-senate-nominee-rosendale-hammers-amnesty-backing-democrat-tester-opening-ad/

>Rosendale: rancher and businessman, majority leader in the Montana State Senate

>ideologically sound on all the important issues: mattformontana.com/defend-our-nation



Volunteer, donate, meme !

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I already put Jow Forumsrsg into my bookmarks

This thread is the Jow Forums we've loved and lost. It is effective. Nu/Pol/, which is your Jow Forums, is what has been holding us back since the beginning. You have done nothing but hold us back with your half-assed ridicule, but on the internet no one can hear your laugh track. America will redeem herself, Colombia will rise again, and Freedom will drive away our fear of you.

Nobody cares about you retard

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>if they reply, i win

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I'm very involved with Michigan GOP politics. If any of you see on TV/receive in the mail attack ads, check their source. This is especially true for local and state level primaries. Energy companies and leftist donors are supporting bad candidates through extremely new non profits that are essentially pacs. They usually claim to be for "protecting energy security" which is in fact just protecting Consumer's and DTE's energy monopoly from deregulation in the renewable energy market. Don't fall for their lies. They protect corrupt, crony candidates.

>*if they reply they care
stop moving the goalpost friend
I'm replying to you because I care about you

The (((shill)))
Cries, "(((shill)))"
As he (((shill)))s


Don't forget kids, Putin will take your guns

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I'm replying to you because I don't care about you

Went canvassing with Republicans today. 100% totally white neighborhoods. Had lunch in a local restaurant staffed and patronized only by whites. Only nigger I saw was even a veteran with a beautiful house, car and family.

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Putin will taken your guns

Fight back

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Hey meme flag shill, you don't have to post a name. Try harder next time.

That's it, keep your head up your ads, stay in the bubble

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How did the canvassing go? Are a lot of people voting in Midterms and is it for Republicans or Democraps?

The Trump election showed the individual American patriot's populist nature. We began with a loose alliance of like-minded internationals, our next step is to organize locally within our townships, then expand to State government. Soon we will all be united against this atomized Satanic societ of yours.

pic related
For R's. Most people were at work or out of course but the people I met were enthusiastic. You never know what you'll run into and every person you remind to vote counts. One lady had all the morals and values in place but didn't know what the second amendment or phrase "right to life" was. Informed her who the conservative candidate was and secured a vote.

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Are you so stupid you think Putin is christian?

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Nice work, I'm jealous, where I live its the opposite

Oh, I forgot.
Here's the link for any of you guys to figure out if you're already registered. You can't register online in MI, but don't let that stop you. Just go to the secretary of state. If you don't, you're letting the likes of Whitner, Thanedar, and that towelhead win.


I've been sent to some crazy neighborhoods too user. In one some nogs were following me so I ubered out and Corey Stewart's clone came and picked me up and we had based bantz. Another time a German on vacation ubered me and he started talking about Jews for some reason. I tried to redpill him on the JQ but the ride ended kek.

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This will not be won in red or bluemstates but in battleground states

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I would suggest whoever you have writing California's stretch be told to hold back on the hyperbole. Californian doesn't have six billion votes for Little to swallow up, and America as a whole doesn't constitute anywhere close to 14 billion.

Everyone should vote regardless

100% republican in every state and ones that support Trump preferably

>so stupid you think Putin is christian

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That's why you have to vote, user. Bring your whole family. Rent a van if you have to. We can't afford to lose ground.

100% cuck to the russians

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>being this tsundre
well I'm going to bed
keep the thread alive for me

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This threrad is unnecessary. Trump is going up in the polls, the Dems are tearing themselves apart. The red wave will happen whatever anyone says or does.


[ ] use a disposable email and sign up for The Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, and any other online leftist space you feel like; start racking up posts masquerading as a leftist (shouldn’t be hard, just rant about Russian bots, mimic their quirks like “yet another scared little white male afraid of losing power”); become a reputable poster so that you can set things up for later psy-ops

[ ] make a fake leftist Twitter account, follow a bunch of leftists and masquerade as a basedboy / SJW harpy by writing up a bunch of leftist sounding tweets

[ ] make a list of all Trump supporting / right-leaning people you know on social media, Steam, forums, etc; pm them to ask if they’re voting in the primaries and this November in the midterms; keep track of them every once in a while to ensure that they do

[ ] compile a folder of memes and a word document of copypastas to make certain things more efficient

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So ignorant of women you named your movement after a menstrual cycle

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[ ] register to vote; register for the Republican Party if it’s required to vote in the primaries in your state; mark the date for the primaries for your state on your calendar; mark November 6 on your calendar)

[ ] research the primary candidates and incumbents in your area for the House, Senate, and Governor races; decide who you want to support, and keep track of them;

[ ] make a list of people you know in real life who support Trump

[ ] make a list of people you know in real life who lean right (but aren’t really in support of Trump, e.g. NeverTrumpers)

I will

I feel like I'm being crushed every day, voting is like a life or death situation

That is very irrelevant, my second meme-flag friend. Whether or not Putin and Trump are friends, or whether or not either are Christian, has no bearing on the ideal that is Trump or the symbolism of electing him.

I can't wait to see Kanye do his thing leading up to the midterms.

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We need to keep the pressure on 100%, we need as many votes as we can get no matter what

I wouldn't bother even voting, Trump is a god emperor and literally unstoppable.

Yeah ok now you're just being an obvious shill.

All of us will vote Republican 100% no matter what and there's nothing you can do to stop us.

You're doing God's work. I went knocking doors this week as well. It's the surest way to get votes. Very few people are persuaded by ads enough to go out and vote, but when an actual person takes the time to talk with them, they might.

To the rest of you:
>Go to your county GOP meeting
>Donate time and/or money
>Educate yourself on primary candidates
>Vote in the primary
>Vote in the general election
>Celebrate saving our country

Please note the fact that this thread is being shilled, and consider the reasons why.

One other thing I noticed is that it helps you find some prime real estate and nice neighborhoods for you own purposes. Since the Republican's computer algorithms highlight places you're most likely to secure votes and remind people to go out, this translates to white areas.

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Democrats are tearing themselves apart. You have sjws identity progressives and then the blue dog conservative pro working class democrats. If the dems were smart they would kick out the sjw and send then to their own third party (DSA) and star running blue collar working class conservative democrats (conor lamb for example). Republublicans need to take advantage of this and keep driving wedges between different types of democrats

Use D&C tactics when you larp as leftists
Say demoralizing shit like:
>emperor cheeto and his Russian goons are going to hack the election anyway so why bother

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What would you say to forming a new party?
Thinking long-run here.

Blue Dogs basically don't exist anymore. Way up north in New England, yes, but the rest of the conservative whites have been totally swallowed by the GOP.
>American National Socialist Worker's Party
One can dream

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Yep. Nice neighborhoods for sure. Out where I live, I go into the hick a lot as well. The state senate seat I'm helping out with has a large rural population though.

I believe Patrick Little is on this trend. The reactionary-right should infiltrate the Democratic party while it's weak, and use it to critsize the softness of Republicans.

All we need is a new name
>Southern Agrians

Have a Thump bump

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It's nice to see you're still at it, Red Storm user. I remember chatting with you awhile back about R vs D voter registration numbers in Florida. Have a bump, a thanks, and a (You).

God, the media is so fucking stupid. I hope they just act they way they do because the CIA will kill them for not #ResistingTrump

Sinve conor lambs victory in pennsylvania there are only 19 conservative democrats in the government.If your in a blue state run as a democrat on blue collar pro working class platform

I think they are true believers, they have to go any way.

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I would only be on board with that if the country was already in complete collapse. I do want to change how the GOP operates, but that can be done within the party as was demonstrated in the 2016 election. Right now, a new conservative/right party would be as disastrous for our beliefs as the 1860 election split was for democrats.
Unless the Dems split first, a new party in the right would doom the right.

I am not red storm user I am Mick jagger


This. The GOP is particularly prone to ever more right-leaning coups. Remember the libertarian-fascist pipeline.

>Tea Party hijacks party from RINO's circa 2012
>ultra Civic Nationalists hijack again party from RINO's in 2016 and 2018
>Trump reveals his power level after 2020
>GOP already has effective one-party rule by this point
>fashy goys hijack the GOP again and finish off the RINO's for good

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Yes. The party has changed a lot. The GOP is a big ideological tent. We don't control our candidates the same way Democrats do. We can't allow our party to be split up by relatively minor differences in opinion that will always exist. If we do, we lose everything that we stand for.

Here's the updated list of U.S. Senate candidates /rsg/ has endorsed, last updated on June 3, 2018:
AZ: Kelli Ward
CT: Matthew Corey
DE: Chuck Boyce
FL: Rick Scott
IN: Mike Braun*
MA: V.A. Shiva (I)
ME: Eric Brakey
MI: John James
MO: Josh Hawley
MN: Robert Barnheiser
MN Special: Karin Housley
MS: Roger Wicker
MS Special: Chris McDaniel
MT: Matt Rosendale
ND: Kevin Cramer
NM: Mick Rich
OH: Jim Renacci*
PA: Lou Barletta*
TN: Marsha Blackburn
TX: Ted Cruz*
VA: Corey Stewart
WI: Kevin Nicholson
WV: Patrick Morrisey*
WY: Dave Dodson
NJ:Bob Hugin
NY:Chele Farley
Here is a list of candidates for Governor we're getting behind in each and every state that comes up in 2018:
AK: Mike Dunleavy
AL: Kay Ivey
AR: Asa Hutchinson
AZ: Doug Ducey
CA: John Cox
CO: Walker Stapleton
CT: Tim Herbst
FL: Ron DeSantis
GA: Brian Kemp
HI: Andria Tupola
IA: Kim Reynolds
ID: Raúl Labrador
IL: Bruce Rauner*
KS: Kris Kobach
MA: Charlie Baker
MD: Larry Hogan
ME: Mary Mayhew
MI: Bill Schuette
MN: Tim Pawlenty
NE: Pete Ricketts
NH: Chris Sununu
NM: Steve Pearce
NV: Adam Laxalt
NY: Marc Molinaro
OH: Mike DeWine
OK: Dan Fisher
OR: Greg Wooldridge
PA: Scott Wagner*
RI: Allan Fung
SC: Henry McMaster
SD: Kristi Noem
TN: Diane Black
TX: Greg Abbott
VT: Keith Stern
WI: Scott Walker
WY: Mark Gordon

*signifies candidate has already won the primary in their state






What’s the OH-12 race looking like? I live in the district but I honestly haven’t seen a lot of focus on it locally. Pence is coming here Monday, will probably go see him.

That's great also make a fake leftist account on something like the daily kos or something

The best part is that you dumbass alt-rightists will fall for all the trolling in a thread and more, then will blow off anybody who objects to you as a paid shill from the JIDF, bluewave, CTR, shareblue, or any other organization meant to spread liberal beliefs.


Because big tent ideological groups always work! It sure worked for the alt-right!